The Red Mafiosa Science and Universidad Argentina
The Red Mafiosa in Science and Universidad Argentina by Eduardo R. Saguier CONICET Independent Researcher Email: Table I. - Introduction II .- The Agency and the complicity of their Area Coordinators III .- The CONICET and complicity of its Advisory Committees IV .- The National Universities and the complicity of its Boards and Departments of Science and Technology V. - Conclusions I. - Introduction The origin of the National Agency for Scientific and Technological Promotion, part of the Secretariat Science and Technology of Argentina, allegedly due to the need to create a financing system independent science institution benefited and CONICET step of stripping the funds that subsidize their own career researchers, on the pretext that it could not be judge and interested party in the distribution of subsidies. But over a single decade, what started as a goal of independence and academic balance ended paradoxically in a generalized symbolic violence, which has undermined the freedoms of thought and of teaching, and has polluted the political and academic positions (Directors ) inducing their candidates to run for the sole purpose to be promoted in scientific careers (promotions at CONICET) and making the budget box extra-university scientists (Agency, CIC, etc.).. In fact the Agency, the CONICET, the Ministries of Science and Technology and the Boards of Directors of National Universities, CONEAU and University Policies Secretariat of the Ministry of Education have distorted their original principles and illegally intimate merging their mutual interests. Area Coordinators of the Agency, whose responsibility arbitration is indirect, consisting of assessors assign each research project (identity confidential), are appointed by the Board of the Agency. These Area Coordinators, precede, accompany or subsidies befall themselves, which clearly set illicit collusion of interests. Moreover, the Agency subsidizes certain specific CONICET researchers and in return the Board of CONICET designates in its many committees and through its own Board of ratings the amounts in scientific careers. This reciprocity, which are symbolic violence would not have been possible without the marriage of many authorities, among which are found all the staff of the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Nation and all officials of the Ministries of Science and Technology and Boards of Directors of various national universities, which have been using the categorizations of Incentives denominated intrinsic part of that symbolic violence. In turn, these reciprocity have been the product of codes, unwritten privileges and prerogatives, through which has been included to potential allies, has been used to truly prestigious to infiltrate the unscrupulous and mediocre, and has been excluded with punitive measures (rejection of reports and projects, freezing of promotions, etc.). the disaffected or those items considered hazardous because they may have come to undermine the plan mobster. With these codes there is no way to repent, or never report their colleagues. The complaint as equivalent to ninguneo denunciation and punishment. In numbers, in a principle (1997), the ANPCYT budget was 53 million pesos, and arrived in 2006 to the sum of 211 million throughout the decade totaling the sum of 876 million pesos, or a whopping $ 300 million, at 30 million dollars per year, distributed among 500 researchers average, or U $ S 60,000 each. More specifically, between 2002 and 2005 the total reached 600 million pesos or $ 200 million, which were distributed to about two thousand researchers, the average rate of $ S100.000 each. The amount of individual grants began in 1997 with five-digit figures, and more then reached six figures. On the other hand, initially the number of subjects was reasonable but with the passage of time were multiplying rapidly. The merger of these institutions of science and technology and the gestation of many niche academic power then reached its ecstasy and its fruit has been completed by splitting the ranks of scientists and induce a kind of peace of the graveyard. All this moral decay began stepwise first with the 80 competitions chair, followed later in the 90's and thanks to the Olivos Pact (1994) with the so-called incentives for research, and ended more then with subsidies and the creation of the Agency (1997). Himself incentive mechanism was initiated in a comprehensive manner, and gradually was restricted first to the teachers who had dedicated, as may be after the regular professors, and so on to reduce the number of beneficiaries to an increasingly Cenacle reduced. But the most serious of all is the list of those who benefited, but the kind of knowledge that have legitimized as knowledge of excellence. These staff members of a sort of "network or chain of happiness" would find fifty Area Coordinator of the Scientific-Technical Agency (ANPCYT), seventy (70) members of the Advisory Committees to the CONICET and a half hundred Secretaries of Science and Technology of National Colleges and Universities, because they would have provided subsidies to themselves or others that are related by friendship or kinship incurring negotiations incompatible with the exercise of public function, in the enjoyment of office assets ; in illicit enrichment, and / or participants in a conspiracy or illegal network of co-option or empowerment fraudulent decision-making structures of universities (Rector, Deans and Departments of Research), and academic institutions (CIN CONEAU, CONICET, ANPCYT). These complaints would reach the same partners of silence that are those who thrive on sharing grants and projects (acts described in articles 248, 256, 260, 261 and 210 of the Penal Code) because the obligation of academic staff is providing subsidies to those who request and not engage in giving clear incompatibilities themselves or their partners or friends. Indeed, for the investigation of the existence of a conspiracy was more fully accredited should be required information on the carnal and political relationships that any federal tax is known inside the country, for demographic reasons-a reality more intense and palpable than in the capital of the republic. We noted that this research could be done thanks to the insistence on the Discussion List Pol-hundred for hidden information is displayed on the website of the SECyT, which is short of full transparency and concealment which seems to be done on purpose. The crossings between the different lists were performed by hand without any software and using only human memory, so it is very likely to have escaped many other correlations, especially those who carry patronymics (Perez, Rodriguez, Gonzalez, Fernández, etc.) II .- The Agency and the complicity of their Area Coordinators The National Agency for Scientific and Technological Promotion, under the Ministry of Science and Technology of Argentina (SECYT), chaired by Dr. Lino Barañao Area Coordinators Jorrat Jorge, Marcelo Cabada, Eduardo Arzt, and Jaime Cerda, would have awarded two separate grants themselves. Indeed, the Call-2004, the Coordinator of Human and Social Sciences Dr. Jorge Jorrat received the sum of $ 209,000, and the Call-2003, the Coordinator of Medical Sciences Dr. Eduardo Arzt received the sum of $ 210,000, the Coordinator of Biological Sciences Dr. Marcelo Cabada received the sum of $ 210,000, and the Coordinator of Chemical Technology, Dr. Jaime Cerda also the sum of $ 210,000. And in the Call-2002, a shady operation they were awarded the same amount the following year were the Coordinators of the Areas of Information Technology Dr. Marcelo Frias, Food Technology Maria Cristina Anon, and Dr Law and Economics . Luis Beccaria. Also, members of the Board of CONICET Siñeriz Faustino, Carlos Rapela and Dr. Naomi Girbal for Blacha were assigned to each of the Call-2002 the sum of $ 210,000, and Dr. Girbal in the Call-2005 would have been granted an indefinite amount 32,396 under the Code. And the Advisor of the Ministry of Science and Technology Office and Director of the Science and Technology Dr. Mario Albornoz was awarded in the Convocation-2003 the amount of $ 128,000, and in the Call-2005 an undetermined sum 33,851 under the Code. The Area Coordinators, who have been reported at the beginning of this paper, we add the following coordinators: 1) Call-2005 would have been awarded grants by different amounts to the Area Coordinators Marcelo Cabada, Juan Jose Cazzulo, Eduardo Arzt, Alcira Batlle, Juan José Mighty, Horacio Corti, Alberto Vargas, Luis Gugliotta, and Ana María Antón. 2) In the Call-2004 they were awarded grants by different amounts to the Area Coordinators Eduardo Canepa, Mirta Quattrochi, Juan Pablo Paz, Rodolfo Sanchez, Damian Zanetti, Juan Jose Powerful, Amelia Rubiolo and Veronica Bucala. 3) In the Call-2003 they were awarded grants by different amounts to the Area Coordinators Carlos A. Balseiro, Juan Jose Cazzulo, Horacio Corti, Roberto Rossi, Carlos Lanusse, Isidoro Schalamuk, and Ricardo Carelli 4) In the Call-2002 they were awarded grants by different amounts to the Area Coordinators Gustavo Politis, Luis Alberto Beauge, Roberto Salvarezza, Astini Ricardo, Beatriz Chur Ceccatto Hermenegildo, Carlos Gigolo, Luis Mroginski, Maria Cristina Anon, Luis Beccaria and Marcelo Frias. 5) The Convocatoria-2000/2001 they were awarded various benefits different amounts to the Area Coordinators Eduardo Canepa, Juan Jose Cazzulo, Marcelo Cabada, Rodolfo Sánchez, Damián Ravetto, Gustavo Corach, Juan Pablo Paz, Juan José Powerful, Alcira Batlle, Beatriz Chur, Walter Helbling, Ana María Parma, Alberto Escande, Amelia Rubiolo, Alberto Vargas, Francisco Felipe Garces, and the current Chairman of the Agency Barañao Lino. Indeed, the Call-2005, would have been awarded to the Co-Area Life Sciences Marcelo Cabada the sum of $ 280,000 and Juan José Cazzulo amount of $ 279,000, to the Medical Sciences Eduardo Arzt $ 280,000, and Juan José Powerful $ 277,000 Batlle Alcira and an undetermined number under the ticker 32,642; the Chemical Sciences Horacio Corti amount of $ 279,000, the Energy Technology Alberto Vargas an undetermined number with the code 32,438, the Chemical Technology Luis Gugliotta an undetermined number with the code 38,158, and the Biological Sciences Ana María Antón agencies indefinite amount under code 34,901. In the Call-2004, was awarded the Coordinator of the Area of \u200b\u200bBiological Sciences Dr. Eduardo Canepa a grant for $ 280,000, that of Earth Science Mirta Quattrochi $ 223,000, to those of physical and mathematical sciences Juan Pablo Paz $ 271,000, Rodolfo Sanchez $ 200,000 , and Damien Zanetti $ 202,000, the Science Juan José Powerful Medical $ 279,000; the Earth Science Rodolfo Sanchez $ 78,802, the Amelia Food Technology Rubiolo $ 280,000; and Chemical Technology Veronica Bucala $ 248,000. In the Call-2003, was awarded the Area Coordinator Carlos A. Mathematical Sciences Balseiro $ 210,000, the Biological Sciences Juan José Cazzulo $ 210,000, to the Chemical Sciences Horacio Corti $ 209,000 and Roberto Rossi $ 210,000, the Technology Livestock Carlos Lanusse $ 210,000, the Energy Technology Isidoro Schalamuk $ 206,000, and Information Technology Richard Carelli $ 256,000. Incidentally, the Coordinator Roberto Rossi, here mentioned, would be the same as in The Nation on Friday, 1 December as having received the Bernardo Houssay Prize-Sadoski. In the Call-2002, was awarded the Coordinator of Human Sciences Gustavo Politis $ 200,000, the Medical Sciences Luis Alberto Beauge $ 210,000; the Chemical Sciences Roberto Salvarezza $ 193,000, to those of Earth Sciences Ricardo Astini $ 210,000 and Beatriz Chur $ 204,000; the Mathematical and Physical Sciences Hermenegildo Ceccatto $ 200,000, the Chemical Technology Carlos Gigolo $ 85,000, the Agricultural Technology Luis Mroginski $ 163,000, to the Food Technology $ 209,000 Maria Cristina Anon, the Economics and Law Luis Beccaria $ 121,000, and Marcelo Frias Information Technology $ 206,000. In the Convocatoria-2000/2001, was awarded to the Co-Area Life Sciences Eduardo Canepa $ 130,000, Juan José Cazzulo $ 140,000, and Marcelo Cabada $ 90,000; to Agricultural Technology Rodolfo Sanchez $ 84,000 and Damian Ravetto $ 140,000 (the latter collaborator Mr. Victor Kopp, Director of the Technical Management Grant), to those of Physics and Mathematics Gustavo Corach $ 105,000 and Juan Pablo Paz $ 90,000; the Medical Sciences Juan José Powerful $ 105,000, to the Chemical Sciences Alcira Batlle $ 150,000, the Earth Sciences Chur Beatriz $ 120,000, the Biological Sciences Organizations Walter Helbling $ 130,000, the Technology Livestock Ana María Parma $ 100,000, the Agricultural Technology Alberto Escande $ 105,000, the Food Technology Amelia Rubiolo $ 150,000, and Energy Technology Alberto Vargas $ 84,000 and Francisco Felipe Garces $ 72,000. In this latest Call 2000/2001 was awarded to Prof. Lino Barañao the sum of $ 140,000, the former Chairman of CONICET and current Director General of FONCYT Armando Bertranou $ 75,000, the Deans Alberto Boveris $ 140,000 and $ 280,000 in 2005 and the Dean Hector Trinchero $ 170,000. In the Call-2005 records his appearance on former Secretary of Science and Technology Menem's Juan Carlos del Bello the sum of $ 138,000, and the Ministry of Education of the Province of Buenos Aires Adriana Puiggrós amount of $ 204,000. It also records a grant the newly promoted to the top of the CONICET Superior Researcher Martin Isturiz with a sum of $ 279,000 III .- The CONICET and the complicity of its Advisory Committees The presence of members of the Board of CONICET Siñeriz Faustino, Carlos Rapela and Blacha Noemí Girbal from among the members of the Chain of Happiness Argentina Science has confirmed the suspicion of the existence of an intimate reciprocity between the Agency and the CONICET. Crossing the current list of members of the Advisory Committees to the CONICET for the year 2006, with lists of the beneficiaries of the Agency-SEPCyT during the last five years has resulted in nearly a hundred of correlations, which eventually reveal the identity of the members of this false Parnassus which has become Chain of Happiness here reported. Among the members of the Advisory Commission of Medical Sciences, who received grants in the year 2000/2001 were Aldo Mottino the sum of $ 105,000, Carlos Jose Pirola with the sum of $ 120,000; Oscar Bottasso with a total of $ 92,000, and Hector Targovink with the amount of $ 105,000, in 2002 Patricia Elizalde was the sum of $ 210,000, Ana María Franchi the sum of $ 210,000, and Alicia Belgorosky the sum of $ 210,000, in 2003, Hugo Daniel Lujan received the sum of $ 210,000, and Osvaldo Uchitel the sum of $ 200,000, in 2004 which received were Rodolfo Campos the sum of $ 279,000; Jorge Geffner the sum of $ 174,000, Maria Angela Lazzari the sum of $ 280,000; Alicia Mattiazzi the sum of $ 251,000, Hector Targovnik again received another amount of $ 252,000, and Mario G. Murer amount of $ 195,000. In the latter case, be clarified that Dr. Murer had already received in the year 2002 the amount of $ 110,334. And in 2005, which were Claudia Capurro received a sum of $ 279,000, Osvaldo Podhajcer amount of $ 278,000; Osvaldo Uchitel and again the sum of $ 244,000. Among the members of the Committee on Biology Alfredo Juan Castro Vazquez received in 2002 the amount of $ 147,000, and in 2005, Miguel Angel Sosa Escudero had received a sum indefinitely under the code 33,383, and Marta Dolores Mudry a total stranger under the ticker 38,001 . Among the members of the Committee on Chemistry in the year 2000/2001 Maria Rita Michelle Hoyos de Rossi received a total of $ 140,000; Manuel López Teijelo the sum of $ 94,000, and Carlos Previtali a total of $ 105,000, in 2002 the Coordinator Gerardo Burton received the sum of $ 202,000, in 2004 which were received Edgardo Durantini the sum of $ 203,000; Luis Dante Martínez, the amount of $ 160,000, and José Carmelo Stony the sum of $ 267,000. And in 2005, Carlos M. Previtali again received $ 257,000 and $ 280,000 Hoyos de Rossi. Among the members of the Committee on Biochemistry in 2004, the Coordinator Beatriz Caputto received the sum of $ 280,000, Jose Luis Bocco received $ 279,000; Horacio Garda received the sum of $ 270,000; Fernando Goldbaum the amount of $ 280,000, and Maria Isabel Colombo received the sum of $ 276,000. In the latter case, be clarified that Dr. Colombo had already received in 2002 totaling $ 196,771. Among the members of the Commission on Mathematics Computer and Juan Santos received in 2002 the amount of $ 205,000, and Graciela Boente Boente received in 2004 the sum of $ 177,000. Among the members of the Committee on Physical, Ricardo Piegaio received in 2002 the amount of $ 171,249, and in 2005 had received a sum Jorge Fernandez Niello indefinite 32,757 under the code, and Patricia Levstein other amount of $ 279,000. Among the members of the Committee on Astronomy, the Coordinator Paul J. Mauas received in 2005 a total of $ 269,000. Among the members of the Committee on Natural Sciences Gerardo Perillo who plays in turn the position of Coordinator of the Committee on Earth Sciences, received in 2004 the sum of $ 272,000. Among Members of the Committee of Agricultural Sciences, in 2002 Roberto Lecuona received the sum of $ 175,000, and in 2003 Sofia Chulze received a total of $ 210,000. Among the members of the Veterinary Committee in 2000/2001 Osvaldo Rossetti received the sum of $ 75,000, and in 2002 Henry Portianski received a total of $ 197,000. Among the members of the Committee on Earth Science, Water and Atmosphere, in 2000/2001 Analía Artabe received $ 75,000; Sergio Matheos the sum of $ 85,000, and Alejandro Tosselli the sum of $ 150,000, in 2002 Carlos Cingolani received the sum of $ 188,167, in 2004 Susan Bischoff received a total of $ 220,000, and in 2005 those who would Analía Artabe were again received an amount under code 32,323, and Alicia Ronco under the code amount 38,350. Among the members of the Advisory Commission on Civil Engineering, Mechanical and Electrical Engineer William Kaufman would have received in 2005 under the code adds 38,168. Among the members of the Advisory Committee and Process Engineering and Biotechnology in 2000/2001 José Bandoni received the sum of $ 120,000. Among the members of the Commission of Human Sciences, Maria Isabel Santa Cruz received in 2005 the sum of $ 182,000. Among the members of the Commission for Architecture in 2000/2001 Beatriz Cuenya received the sum of $ 60,000. Between members of the Committee on History and Anthropology in 2000/2001 Cristina Bellelli received the sum of $ 92,000. Also have benefited from subsidies, the members of the Advisory Commissions Penchaszadeh Pablo, Alfredo Guillermo Mengoni Bolsi and Goñalons. Also recorded this phenomenon: the University of Cordoba with Dora Researchers Tcach Celton and Cesar, the University of Cuyo with biologist Alfredo Castro Vazquez, and the Universidad Nacional del Sur with José Alberto Bandoni chemical technologist, who integrates Advisory Committee Process Engineering and Biotechnology. Among the members of the Advisory Commission Special Interdisciplinary Ad-Hoc Committee of the Large Area of \u200b\u200bAgricultural Sciences, Naomi Walsoe of RecA received in 2005 the sum of $ 279,000, and in the Biological Sciences Stella Gonzalez Cappa received a total of $ 203,000, Ricardo Farias $ 210,000 in 2003, and Rodolfo Ugalde that in turn holds the position of Coordinator of the Veterinary Commission and was Director of the Council for Scientific Research (CIC) of Buenos Aires Province consecutively received $ 210,000 in 2003 and $ 275,000 in 2004. Among the members of the Advisory Committee Core Scientific Journals them was awarded to Alfred Bolsi $ 30,000 in 2000/01, Dora Barrancos $ 208,000 in 2004 to $ 135,000 in Alejandro Rofman 2004, Marcelo Cavarozzi $ 204,000 in 2004 and an undetermined number González Cappa Stella. Among the members of the Ad-Hoc-Resources for Social Sciences was awarded to Ana Maria Lorandi in 2003 the sum of $ 72,969 and Victor Tau Anzoategui $ 50,000 in 2000/2001 and a total of $ 95,000 in 2003. Among the members of the Ad-Hoc Committee Materials, Roberto Salvarezza received in 2002 the sum of $ 193,000. And finally, between members of the National Committee on Ethics in Science and Technology SECYT Stella M. González Cappa, Alberto R. Kornblihtt, Armando Parodi and Otilia Vainstok paid handsome subsidies. Dr. González Cappa has accumulated since 1998 three different allowances of six digits each. Are your members Roberto Fernanez Prini, Samuel Finkielman, Noah Jitrik, Ernesto E. Maqueda, Fernando O. Aida Ulloa and Kemelmajer de Carlucci will have something to say about the Chain of Happiness recently discovered under his nose? Do any of these scientific experts on issues of ethics suspected any abnormality? IV .- The National Universities and the complicity of its Boards and Departments of Science and Technology Coordinators We found that the Agency-elected by the Board to select the evaluators of each project - also were simultaneous or deferred beneficiaries subsidies. Later on we found that the agency subsidizes certain specific CONICET researchers and in return the Board of CONICET designates in its various committees and through its own ratings board of the amounts in scientific careers. And today we come to discover that this sort of conspiracy would not have been possible without the society either of the Ministries of Science and Technology and the Boards of Directors of the different Faculties and / or national universities, which have been thanks to the banks of Assessors of the Secretariat of University Policies and CONEAU - that establish if they were together categorization and rating scores for individual and institutional - party intrinsic symbolic violence and eventual conspiracy as well as their criminal referrals, regarding fraudulent seizure, lease of office assets and unjust enrichment. The functions and responsibilities of the Secretaries of Science and Technology Faculty and / or national universities, the third leg of the tripod bureaucracy which would be mounted on the network that dominates scientific knowledge production in Argentina is that of track Research Projects funded by national, provincial and / or university, as well as manage the rendering of accounts of expenses charged by the Responsible Projects financed. As the controller of this administration, the National Universities have practiced alternative approaches for implementing the audit function, with various degrees of rigor and transparency, as it is known today have not discovered any cases of fraudulent seizure and / or illicit enrichment. Some universities have this responsibility in a unified or centralized agency Secretariat and others have diversified into many Ministries and faculties exist in their charts. For that matter, we need the National University of Tucumán has for some time at the head of its Department of Science and Technology, the historian Daniel Campi, the same whom Agency funded in 2002 with a grant of $ 135,938. At the National University of Cordoba, the Ministry of Science and Technology was covered by Alberto Edel Leon who received two separate grants in 2003 and 2005 the amount of $ 275,000, and now appears at the head chemist Hector Rubinstein, which was funded in the period from 2005 with a grant of $ 277,000. At the same university, the Academic Secretary of Exact Sonia Colantonio in 2002 was $ 97,821, and the Director of the Doctoral Program in Engineering Oscar A. Annunziata received a PICT in 2003. At the National University of Rosario, the Secretary of Science and Technology, Faculty of Sciences Roberto Aquilano benefited in 2005 with a grant of undetermined amount. In the same university, the Secretary of Science and Technology, Faculty of Medicine Bottasso Oscar received in 2004 with a grant of $ 213,125. At the National University of Cordoba, Dean of Chemistry Gerardo Fidelio received in 2001 the sum of $ 134,000 and in 2005 a total of $ 273,000. And at the Universidad Nacional del Litoral, the Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy Bolzon Yolanda Lombardo would have benefited in 2005 with another grant under the code indefinite amount 38,157. In the province of Buenos Aires, also questioned acts were scarce. At the Universidad Nacional del Sur, the current Secretary of Science and Technology Osvaldo Agamennoni received in 2003 the sum of $ 147,727. At the National University of Mar del Plata, Dean of Sciences and Secretary Gustavo Daleo Research Manzini Virginia in 2005 would have received sums of undetermined amount paths under 34,878 and 32,345 codes. At the Universidad Nacional de San Martin, the Director of the School of Policy Cavarozzi Marcelo received in 2004 with a grant of $ 204,529, and the Secretary of Diego Hurtado de Mendoza Research was funded in 2004 with a grant of $ 71,279. And at the National University of Quilmes have the case of a Director Department biologist Paul Ghiringhelli, who won in 2005 a grant from the Agency for an indefinite amount of pesos performing currently the Area Coordinator, and a biologist Mario R. Ermacora, which was subsidized repeated in two consecutive periods, the 2004 and 2005 with $ 280,000. In the case of UBA, we have some half-dozen members of Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) - whose function is to advise on the assessment tasks of the various activities of the Ministry of Science and Technical UBA - would also hypothetically necessary part of the network reported. Among the beneficiaries of subsidies has not disclosed figures, divided by the Agency in 2005, researchers found the following: the member of the CTA No. 1, Science Humana Health Rodolfo Rothlin, the member of the CTA No. 3 Engineering, Environmental Science and Habitat Juan Manuel Borthagaray (who in turn adds another grant in 2002 of $ 210,000), the members of the CTA No.4, Science Basic Biological and Alicia Godeas (PICT-2003 from $ 208,980) and Juan Pablo Rossi (who in turn adds another grant in 2002 of $ 206,250) CTA members No.5, Engineering, Environmental Science and Habitat Guillermo Artana would received in 2005 the sum of $ 279,000, and Jorge Alberto Sarquis an undetermined amount under code 38,291, and the members of the CTA No.6 of Agricultural Sciences and Animal Health: Ana Pilosof, Jorge Casal, Alejandro Mentaberry, Angel Chiesa (adds another 2002 grant of $ 203,708) and Alicia Fernández Cirelli, former Minister of Science and Technology of the Rectory during the Shuberofismo. Finally, compare the lists of missing grantees with previous members of the same Technical Advisory Committee, which incidentally are not displayed on the web, probably written off for no trace of their repeated illegal. As to the Ministries of Science and Technology of each Faculty of the UBA, we must at the Faculty of Dentistry, the Secretary of Science and Technology Enri Santiago Borda-member CTA No.1-- won in 2005 another amount PICT unknown. In Pharmacy and Biochemistry & T Secretary Daniel Turyn won in 2004 a grant of $ 212,925 and in 2005 the sum of $ 279,000. And in Medicine, in the present Commission of Inquiry said Dr. Daniel Sordelli School won in 2002 a grant for $ 210,000. Also, the UBA found among those served by the Agency to the Dean of Arts Héctor Trinchero with $ 170,000, the Dean of Pharmacy Alberto Boveris with $ 140,000, the Vice-Dean of Pharmacy Graciela Ferraro a sum indeterminate, Vice Gelpi Ricardo Dean of Medicine with a grant of $ 161,812 in 2002, and a former Dean of Social Fortunato Mallimacci the record of $ 362,186 in 2004. Among the staff of the Ministry of Science and Technology of the nation we never run into the Hugo Levato remembered so well, the same as assured during the process and from USA how well they were relieved the researchers who then "disappeared." Indeed, in 2004 Hugo Levato raised in the Agency a grant in the amount of $ 231,422. And in the case of CONEAU, two members of the Board, the sociologist and former member of the National University of Quilmes Ernesto Villanueva, and sociologist Carlos Pedro Krotsch received from the Agency respectively in 2002 and 2005 the sum of $ 155,354 and $ 119,000. And as members of the Boards of Directors, we have an undetermined number of Councillors have been led to candidates with the fat to achieve 'effectiveness lead. " In the Faculty of Sciences were subsidized Directors Gerardo Burton in 2002 with $ 201,000, Graciela Boente Boente in 2004 with $ 177,000, Juan Pablo Paz in 2004 with $ 271,000, Marta Dolores Mudry an indefinite quantity under the code 38,001, and Leah Gerschenson in 2005 with an unknown number 38,239 under the code. Social Sciences, the Director Francisco Naishtat in 2004 with $ 167,708. Engineering, the Director Hugo Sirkin was funded in 2003 with $ 210,000. Veterinary Science Alicia Fernández Cirelli was funded with a total stranger. And in medicine, Ricardo Gelpi Directors in 2002 with $ 161,812 and Daniel Sordelli in 2002 with $ 210,000 and in 2005 the sum of $ 280,000. Missing cross Beneficiaries List Agency with the members of the Boards of Directors for prior periods as well as with members of the Board of Governors. But this intersection is impossible because the members listed above are not registered on the websites of each faculty. We also have the rare cases of those researchers listed funding doubled, ie subsidies to the same person and / or its namesake, in two projects in different academic units. This has been the case in the National University Research Centre Alberto Parma, who appears with a grant in 2005 in the Area of \u200b\u200bMedical Sciences, and the same in the same period in the Area of \u200b\u200bAnimal Technology. The Investigator's Jorge Calvo, University of Patagonia, and simultaneously a member of the Board of ratings CONICET, who appears subsidized in the same period in 2005 in two different projects, one in the area of \u200b\u200bEarth Sciences and other Area Life Sciences Organizations. And the Principal Investigator of the UBA Malchiodi Emilio, who figure subsidized Area Life Sciences and also in the area of \u200b\u200bMedical Sciences .. In the case of the Universidad Nacional de Rosario, we have the very particular example of a marriage whose members had both the happiness of that fund them ANPCYT two projects, both the husband, biochemist Richard Duffard, in 2005, as his wife, biochemistry and technology specialist environmental Ana María Evangelista de Duffard, with a total of $ 258,333 due in 2004, which combined both would in the family unit more than half a million dollars in a couple of years. Finally, the fourth leg of the table on which science is poorly served Argentina would be the Secretariat of University Policies and CONEAU, both under the Ministry of Education of the Nation, categorizing institutions for so-called researchers and certify teachers programs of institutions of higher education teaching. Both institutions have provided to date, through the alleged categorizations and scores, to all sorts of manipulations and conspiracies, which are exempt privileged who are university teachers or researchers in the private sphere. Ie, members of private colleges or universities are uniquely exempt from having to go through the Kafkaesque Caudine Forks and a vast state bureaucracy. V. - Conclusions To complete this investigation would fail to get the list of current Grant 2006 and grants across the List of Lists Agency Advisory Committees of the CONICET and the Councils of the Schools for the years 2000/2001, 2002, 2003 and 2004, so you can understand the picture of management of the network reported. Furthermore, this information would be to cross the Promotion Lists charged by the Board of ratings CONICET, and the lists of categorized for the incentives produced by the various national universities. It added that the methodology is the same that opened in the Bernardo Houssay Award, divided in 1987 and were reported in due course with names, and where one of its organizers integrates the current Board of ratings CONICET. In all these Listings draw more attention than twenty repetitions, such as those of Eduardo Canepa, Sofia Chulze, Rodolfo Sánchez, Daniel Sordelli, Juan José Powerful, Hector Targovnik, Mario G. Murer, Osvaldo Uchitel, Mario Albornoz, Victor Tau Anzoategui, Carlos M. Previtali, Analía Artabe, María Isabel Colombo, María Micaela Rita Hoyos de Rossi, Beatriz Chur, Mario R. Ermacora, Daniel Turyn, Gerardo Fidelio, Alberto Boveris and Rubiolo Amelia, who appear as beneficiaries on several Calls. The Almighty seems to be the most attractive as they also recorded a third grant in 2005 of $ 277,000. Contrasting the amount finally awarded in the Convocation-2005, we find that more than one-half of Researchers Officials whose presence in the Call-2005 would have violated a principle of incompatibility unavoidable, are the following: a) the member of the Board of CONICET Noemi Girbal (32 396), who had already received in 2002 the amount of $ 210,000, b) the Secretary of S & T Exact Sciences, UNR Roberto Aquilano (32,441) c) the Dean of Exact UNMdP Gustavo Daleo (34,878) d) the Secretary of Research, Virginia UNMdP Manzini (32,345) e) the Vice-Dean of Humanities and UBA Letters Graciela Ferraro (38,219) f) Advisory SECYT Mario Albornoz (33 851), whose project was declared incompatible by the sum of projects of a member of GR; g) the Minister of Exact Lia Gerschenson (38,239) h) Vice-Dean of Pharmacy at the UNL Bolzon Yolanda Lombardo (38,157) i) the member of the Technical Advisory Committee of the UBA No5 Jorge A. Sarquis (38,291) j) the members of the Committee on Earth Science, Water and Atmospheric Ana Lia Artabe CONICET (32,323) and Alicia Ronco (38,350) k) Area Coordinators ANPCYT Luis Gugliotta (38 158 ), Miguel Angel Sosa Escudero (33,383), Marta Mudry (38,001), Alberto Vargas (32 438) and Alcira Batlle (32,642), the latter two repeat it in 2001 had received the sum of $ 84,000 and $ 150,000 respectively. It was also excluded from the biochemist Richard Duffard Call (code 32221), husband de la bioquímica Ana María Evangelista, agraciada con un subsidio en el 2004.
Las preguntas que caben formularse son de orden jurídico y ético: ¿los actos académicos administrados por estos Coordinadores cuentan con validez moral y legal? ¿se está o no frente a un caso de maridaje criminal, y en tal eventualidad corresponde o no efectuar una denuncia judicial? ¿de tratarse de un delito los actos de los imputados deberían ser reconsiderados y en ese caso deberían o no restituir los dineros recibidos? ¿qué pasa con los numerosos proyectos que fueron rechazados y cuyos evaluadores fueron designados por los Coordinadores aquí denunciados? y ¿que responsabilidad les cabría en este entuerto a los Presidents and CONICET ANPCYT Barañao and Edward Lino and his direct superior Charreau Tulio Del Bono and Daniel Filmus?. All this research leads to the old Socratic enigma whether is it possible to democratize a mafia, to prevent abuses of power and intentional repetitions of the perks rationed, or else it is an impossible task. For now, you should consider the advantages and lower risks of failure to reward work accomplished on the proposed works to subsidize, for which any benefit must first be categorized by a contaminated state bureaucracy. Finally, we conclude that the fight against corruption and symbolic violence in the field of research science can only succeed from the political body, and that no hope can be encrypted in the prosecution of it. Then the policy is that - within the framework of democratic rights and guarantees, must produce moral sanitation and structural change. National Budget Document Source AC & T 2. Evolution of the National Budget in AC & T for the years 1997 to 2005 20T% 20Web% 20Cap% 202% 20 (97-06). Xls 2000-2004 Call-http:/ / / calls / Call-2005 foncyt_convocatorias_anteriores_pict.php The PICT 2005 list of projects funded by their respective amounts Projects Supported in 2004 No pict2004_no_admis.pdf Projects Supported in 2003 not cabotage