Monday, July 28, 2008

Tips To Be A Better Restaurant Dishwasher


By Juan Fernando Perdomo *

I can hardly know with certainty what will happen with the much hyped oil reform. To begin with, because it is not true as ENERGY REFORM has been given for calling. Second, because one thing is what should be and another, which have planned the strategy that the party leadership, Legislators and the Executive.

is no doubt that the opposition also had a very strong strategy that will, from the taking of the stands to DEBATE demand, until the public consultation that although did not want lawmakers to legalize through amendments to the constitution exists ENDORSEMENT, plebiscites and popular initiatives, which exists in certain states and, for reasons of democracy, is a fundamental tool is still lacking in Mexico.

really, it's easy to compare ourselves with other countries in what we need, but when considering the rights of citizens in so-called democratic countries, we see that we are not willing to make those changes.

Well, what should follow is a real analysis of the contributions of participants in the Senate debate, by the Senate Energy Committee. From there, return the most relevant and matched to help enrich and modify the proposal of the Executive. Subsequently, a consensus within the Energy Committee, take the initiative to the full Senate.

In full of the 128 Senators, who will reserve items and this will generate a debate, until it comes time to vote, by simple majority (half plus one, at least), it is considered that Constitutional changes are, since if this were the case, it should be for 66% of the legislators, to be later voted by state legislatures also by majority vote. But for the moment, no changes in the Constitution, although secondary laws that may affect the Constitution.

If the Reformation is not appropriate in the full Senate, returns to the Energy Commission. If approved, the reform initiative is transferred to the Energy Committee of the House of Representatives and passed through a similar procedure in the full House of Representatives.

Also in the full lower house call can be reserved and items to be discussed and, over time, we have the vote.

If the House of Representatives make amendments to the initiative, it must return to the Senate to evaluate and possibly accept those changes, of no change, reform will be completed and given that it is intended that no further change Constitution, the Executive shall publish in the Official Journal of the Federation.

Well, this is the way that seems appropriate, although it should be noted:

1. The PRI, just a few hours of the completion of discussions, presented his proposal for reform. My view is that respect should have been in the leadership of this party, and thoroughly review the proposals of over 160 technical and policy experts in discussions. So, for the PRI, the debates were useless.

2. The executive said, the voice of the Secretary of Energy, PRI's proposal is very similar to that of the President, who see with good eyes, though he says he "does not solve the fundamental problems." Wow!
But beyond all, the proposal makes Beltrones (PRI) as the Savior of REFORM!

3. The expected PRD analysis of the consultation held this July 27 to reinforce their ideas and present their proposal that 84% of voters voted against it of the proposal. There is also a rift within the party that can create difficulties in the proposal. Indeed, while FAP Consulting is not covered by Mexican law, if it shows public participation it wants to be heard.

4. Other parties, such as the PVEM and convergence have insisted that the reform presented is not ENERGY OIL and therefore requires a deeper analysis of fiscal issues, fundamental to this reform and the promotion of alternative energies, essentially renewable.

5. There are issues that did not elaborate as the Labor, monopolies within the monopoly, the actions can be made without reform, etc ...

My conclusion to the events described, is that the PRI and the PAN will draw Reform "light" very poor, who undertake heritage and Energy Sovereignty of Mexico, which result in a lack of control over this natural wealth, and that will not solve the problem that this reform was required, which is a real Economic and Social Development.

same thing happened with "tax reform" that does not solve Mexico's problems, and if it generates the closing of businesses. Or the case of electoral reform that is damaging freedom of expression of citizens and closing the doors to the consolidation of emerging political parties.

Pity Much Ado About Nothing ... to get worse.

* Juan Fernando Perdomo is a graduate of Tec de Monterrey.

public servant, businessman and politician ( )