Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Menards Bathtub Doors

live auction concept

As promised, and that among other things we will put an end to the mystery that is in suspense to all our readers / viewers / victims.

In March a competition was held concession, administrative and licensing authoritative MareandolaPerdiz Productions. In particular, we gave a seat to be part of this great adventure audiovisual, after so many people ask us via application and prayer mode.

Finally, competition was introduced to human Messrs. Milton and Monxa, who already know .

Well, I am pleased to announce that the selection process has concluded. Following the introduction of merit and the referendum was abundantly clear who was the winner and who was to become an Partridge therefore more creativity in this corral.

Yes, black. And we were getting ready to launch our audiovisual and production equipment for a special series of documentaries about the figure of this new partner star, when we received a letter that we plunged into consternation.
"Hello. Hey, I can not go, and I will send something. Milton"
assume therefore that Mr. Cocochian had other issues that demanded, and we had to dip into the bucket garbage to find the phone the other candidate, much less prepared but also managed to a stitching. Two minutes after the call, Mr. Monxa was presented in our virtual production (known to run a lot), and willing to work, hey. Specifically came with his late Videopiso under his arm and with the idea of \u200b\u200ba new set of Internet bullshit. Anyway, the intention is what counts, they say. I told you, that it will be getting into other meals. Specifically ... CONTENT!
not lose eye.