several weeks ago, the subject occupied much of the headlines of every newspaper. Now, with calmer spirits (but without finding a solution) time to remember that essentially has not changed in recent years. On the occasion of my responsibility as president of an association so secular, I was twice obliged to rule on a question not easy to solve:
Statement on the acceptance or rejection of that the students wear the hijab Islamic families in English schools supported with public funds.
Juan Francisco González Barón,
President of the association "secular Europe."
February 22, 2002
Concerning the case of Fatima, which has been on the front page of every media for many days, has repeatedly requested, from within and outside of our partnership, "Secular Europe" issued a statement expressing their position. Well, since the notion of secularism we stand for and that is reflected in our menu program, the case of Fatima, as all that will happen in avalanche from now, no completely satisfactory solution ...
Those who argue strongly that "should take off her hijab" to be allowed entry into a public school, because that is a sign of female submission that violates their dignity, is unconstitutional and is also a unacceptable religious expression in a secular school, have, of course, right. Only that reason you miss more than half of reality:
What the education system provides publicly funded, on the one hand, a number of private schools, the vast majority of Catholics, a Catholic ideology , which selects teachers based on their submission to the Church and where, therefore, children are indoctrinated into this religion even in math class. There, however, the "secular" the English ships in the first instance to a Muslim girl.
Moreover, in public schools, where the girl is sent in the second instance, we find a scenario not much better. Thanks to our Concordat, sometimes a layman, or lay-appointed by the bishop (in colleges, where salaries are higher, often a priest in a cassock or clerical collar or a nun with "hijab") is a full member right of the Senate, with all the consequences of active proselytizing and indoctrination that implies to the entire student body. Moreover, many public schools and classrooms have chapel presided over by Catholic icons. There is criminalized in infamous videos and manipulative women who have abortions in cases recognized in our law, vilifying single mothers, civil marriages, the divorced, the homosexuals, unmarried couples, who use a condom ... Anyone, in short, which do not share the morals of the Catholic Church. And that, apparently, does not violate the dignity of women, or human dignity, or against the Constitution. Thus, consistent with the school "secular", claimed the father of Fatima to remove the hijab to her daughter.
A requirement that a truly secular school would be entirely reasonable reveals unsustainable (unless you want to create unfairness that leads to the clash of cultures and religions) in our current education system, there are voices from the progressive left asking sharply to respect the beliefs and culture immigrants, without going into nuances.
Whether immigrant or native, would not need to disentangle what are personal beliefs and culture of relations of power and submission that adhere to them and / or up? It happens that from the progressive left, although beginning to hear some bold statements that our association has continued to congratulate, secularism, the full development of freedom of conscience, yet address a very timid, limited to revisions and touches. With such absolute statements, which leave the individual at the mercy of their "tribe" (ethnicity, faith, etc.), Without clear boundary as human rights, Why not also allow the chador, which only reveals the face and hands of women, and put into it, why not the burqa, a traveling cage sturdy cloth with a slit for the eyes? If we do not set clear boundaries and are valid for everyone, how tomorrow criterion curb sexual mutilation or stoning of adulterous immigrant from Nigeria? At the end of the day, missing a serious analysis that distinguishes the cultural and political, they are also manifestations of "diversity."
The association "Secular Europe" just begs to argue emphatically that "Fatima should remove the veil" or "Fatima must go to school with the veil "a forthright look at our reality. Only a public space common to all (and, as privileged, secular education universal repository of culture) may pose the requirement that each of us find with our fellow men as free and equal citizens, able to book their personal beliefs and their specific cultural identity for private spaces.
= = = = = = = = = =
Statement on the acceptance or rejection of that the students wear the hijab Islamic families in English schools supported with public funds.
Juan Francisco González Barón,
President of the association "secular Europe."
February 22, 2002
Concerning the case of Fatima, which has been on the front page of every media for many days, has repeatedly requested, from within and outside of our partnership, "Secular Europe" issued a statement expressing their position. Well, since the notion of secularism we stand for and that is reflected in our menu program, the case of Fatima, as all that will happen in avalanche from now, no completely satisfactory solution ...
Those who argue strongly that "should take off her hijab" to be allowed entry into a public school, because that is a sign of female submission that violates their dignity, is unconstitutional and is also a unacceptable religious expression in a secular school, have, of course, right. Only that reason you miss more than half of reality:
What the education system provides publicly funded, on the one hand, a number of private schools, the vast majority of Catholics, a Catholic ideology , which selects teachers based on their submission to the Church and where, therefore, children are indoctrinated into this religion even in math class. There, however, the "secular" the English ships in the first instance to a Muslim girl.
Moreover, in public schools, where the girl is sent in the second instance, we find a scenario not much better. Thanks to our Concordat, sometimes a layman, or lay-appointed by the bishop (in colleges, where salaries are higher, often a priest in a cassock or clerical collar or a nun with "hijab") is a full member right of the Senate, with all the consequences of active proselytizing and indoctrination that implies to the entire student body. Moreover, many public schools and classrooms have chapel presided over by Catholic icons. There is criminalized in infamous videos and manipulative women who have abortions in cases recognized in our law, vilifying single mothers, civil marriages, the divorced, the homosexuals, unmarried couples, who use a condom ... Anyone, in short, which do not share the morals of the Catholic Church. And that, apparently, does not violate the dignity of women, or human dignity, or against the Constitution. Thus, consistent with the school "secular", claimed the father of Fatima to remove the hijab to her daughter.
A requirement that a truly secular school would be entirely reasonable reveals unsustainable (unless you want to create unfairness that leads to the clash of cultures and religions) in our current education system, there are voices from the progressive left asking sharply to respect the beliefs and culture immigrants, without going into nuances.
Whether immigrant or native, would not need to disentangle what are personal beliefs and culture of relations of power and submission that adhere to them and / or up? It happens that from the progressive left, although beginning to hear some bold statements that our association has continued to congratulate, secularism, the full development of freedom of conscience, yet address a very timid, limited to revisions and touches. With such absolute statements, which leave the individual at the mercy of their "tribe" (ethnicity, faith, etc.), Without clear boundary as human rights, Why not also allow the chador, which only reveals the face and hands of women, and put into it, why not the burqa, a traveling cage sturdy cloth with a slit for the eyes? If we do not set clear boundaries and are valid for everyone, how tomorrow criterion curb sexual mutilation or stoning of adulterous immigrant from Nigeria? At the end of the day, missing a serious analysis that distinguishes the cultural and political, they are also manifestations of "diversity."
The association "Secular Europe" just begs to argue emphatically that "Fatima should remove the veil" or "Fatima must go to school with the veil "a forthright look at our reality. Only a public space common to all (and, as privileged, secular education universal repository of culture) may pose the requirement that each of us find with our fellow men as free and equal citizens, able to book their personal beliefs and their specific cultural identity for private spaces.
= = = = = = = = = =
Juan Francisco González Barón
December 2003.
The position recommended by the Stasi report and adopted by Chirac, President of the Republic French, causes among those who defend secularism a spontaneous reaction of joy. Say no to segregation on religious grounds, saying no to segregation which overlaps with that produced on the basis of ethnicity and gender, is determined to open a gap for the recovery of democratic values. Only when we stop to think for a moment the high price paid by the Republic by the Stasi report and the consequences of an extrapolation of the opinion in the case of Spain expressed the need for unhurried reflection ...
Stasi not only advises the ban religious symbols in public schools and the strengthening of secularism in all the public services. There is a strong counterpart, the inclusion of "religious fact" in the French educational system and in their official itineraries. Taking these approaches attempt to automatically apply in the English case could lead to the development diametrically opposed notions of liberty and equality espoused by secularism:
Juan Francisco González Barón
December 2003.
The position recommended by the Stasi report and adopted by Chirac, President of the Republic French, causes among those who defend secularism a spontaneous reaction of joy. Say no to segregation on religious grounds, saying no to segregation which overlaps with that produced on the basis of ethnicity and gender, is determined to open a gap for the recovery of democratic values. Only when we stop to think for a moment the high price paid by the Republic by the Stasi report and the consequences of an extrapolation of the opinion in the case of Spain expressed the need for unhurried reflection ...
Stasi not only advises the ban religious symbols in public schools and the strengthening of secularism in all the public services. There is a strong counterpart, the inclusion of "religious fact" in the French educational system and in their official itineraries. Taking these approaches attempt to automatically apply in the English case could lead to the development diametrically opposed notions of liberty and equality espoused by secularism:
the French Republic to prohibit the headscarf, of a secular school that is excluded from the Christian religious indoctrination and where it is banned, likewise, ostentatious signs of belonging to this religious tradition. France will also have to explain to their Muslim citizens and residents of the survival of the Concordat of 1801 and the current educational status in the three departments of Alsace and Moselle. Otherwise, the members of any community other than the Catholic religion will be in possession of irrefutable evidence to report discriminatory treatment.
The inclusion of "religious fact" provides the most convenient pretext, Spain, advocates of a mandatory religion class for all students.
the French Republic to prohibit the headscarf, of a secular school that is excluded from the Christian religious indoctrination and where it is banned, likewise, ostentatious signs of belonging to this religious tradition. France will also have to explain to their Muslim citizens and residents of the survival of the Concordat of 1801 and the current educational status in the three departments of Alsace and Moselle. Otherwise, the members of any community other than the Catholic religion will be in possession of irrefutable evidence to report discriminatory treatment.
The inclusion of "religious fact" provides the most convenient pretext, Spain, advocates of a mandatory religion class for all students.
The association "Secular Europe" will not join any campaign to demand the banning of Islamic headscarves in school as long as the situation Date
-A public school (private and publicly funded) that houses a parafuncionariado of approximately 27,000 catechists appointed by the bishops.
-An education system that degrades public education and believes in the private schools, the vast majority of Catholics, a Catholic ideology, they select teachers based on their submission to the Church and where, therefore, the Children are indoctrinated into this religion even in math class.
Under these conditions, demand of our Muslim citizens and residents of the resignation, in the field of public institutions, for signs of identity religious and ethnic groups would be more than a move towards secularism, an overwhelming attack on the basic principles underlying democracy.
Again, the secular public school and is the starting element indispensable for the implementation of measures to desegregate religious, ethnic and gender.