This photo was published in March 2003. Interestingly, along with the report, disappeared shortly after the website of the magazine "Interviu".
In 2003 I witnessed one case, with the end result of a family destroyed. Now, seven years later, new cases come from Badajoz and Toledo. Girls captured by sectarian proselytism, back of his parents, from 13 or 14. At 18 (technically adults) leave their families and enter the novitiate that the fraternity has in Oropesa (Toledo). Isolated from the world, throw overboard a life that no longer have time to live.
. Deputy some documentation.
. ***
information appears in the magazine "ECOS" Number 408 (TOLEDO, FEBRUARY 28 TO MARCH 6, 2003).
"Secular Europe" talks about slavery in the convent
In a letter to ECOS, the state association "Secular Europe" criticizes the living conditions in the novices in the convent of Oropesa and calls for investigation into the alleged "slavery."
at the state association "Secular Europe", which includes 62 people whose board is based in Talavera, has requested, through a letter sent to this magazine by its president, Juan Francisco Gonzalez, who will perform urgent investigation inside the convent of Reconstructive Fellowship at Oropesa, considering that they are serious "evidence of abuse, of mortification with hair shirts and scourges and inhumane living conditions" that are subject to novices . A situation that, according to Gonzalez, "in the case of any organization other than of the Catholic Church had untouchable led to a serious and thorough investigation by state authorities. "
President" secular Europe "understands that the arguments that the Church has offered through the public statement made by the archbishop, Antonio Cañizares, and Auxiliary Bishop of Toledo and secretary of the Episcopal Conference, Jalan Jose Asenjo, "is that the novices are old." And with this understanding that, firstly, "the recruitment of girls began, according to their family, at 13 or 14 years, using techniques of proselytism that are fully embedded in the definition of harmful sects "and, secondly," if an adult want to surrender to a life of hardship, mortification and humiliation is certainly free to do so. It is not a crime to establish a sadomasochistic relationship of slavery, whether sexual or sublimated into "sacred." What does not seem as legitimate is that the state will become the champion of this type of contract. Slavery is clearly condemned by the Constitution. "
information appears in the magazine "ECOS" Number 408 (TOLEDO, FEBRUARY 28 TO MARCH 6, 2003).
"Secular Europe" talks about slavery in the convent
In a letter to ECOS, the state association "Secular Europe" criticizes the living conditions in the novices in the convent of Oropesa and calls for investigation into the alleged "slavery."
at the state association "Secular Europe", which includes 62 people whose board is based in Talavera, has requested, through a letter sent to this magazine by its president, Juan Francisco Gonzalez, who will perform urgent investigation inside the convent of Reconstructive Fellowship at Oropesa, considering that they are serious "evidence of abuse, of mortification with hair shirts and scourges and inhumane living conditions" that are subject to novices . A situation that, according to Gonzalez, "in the case of any organization other than of the Catholic Church had untouchable led to a serious and thorough investigation by state authorities. "
President" secular Europe "understands that the arguments that the Church has offered through the public statement made by the archbishop, Antonio Cañizares, and Auxiliary Bishop of Toledo and secretary of the Episcopal Conference, Jalan Jose Asenjo, "is that the novices are old." And with this understanding that, firstly, "the recruitment of girls began, according to their family, at 13 or 14 years, using techniques of proselytism that are fully embedded in the definition of harmful sects "and, secondly," if an adult want to surrender to a life of hardship, mortification and humiliation is certainly free to do so. It is not a crime to establish a sadomasochistic relationship of slavery, whether sexual or sublimated into "sacred." What does not seem as legitimate is that the state will become the champion of this type of contract. Slavery is clearly condemned by the Constitution. "
Hence they have decided to appear publicly in the coming days with the intention of" getting to a spotlight the proselytizing activities of groups involved, requiring power public a thorough investigation, in terms identical to the procedures followed in cases of harmful sects and here, inexplicably, not only tolerated but political power from areas devoid of scruples. "
and believers" in good faith I ask a reflection on what kind of Heavenly Father (although I do not share that belief) can indulge in unnecessary degradation of their own creatures. Mortification and humiliation that reparations imposed on her novices can only give others an image that does nothing to help their own faith. "
Cesar del Rio.
The Sisters of Reparation of Oropesa.
Hence they have decided to appear publicly in the coming days with the intention of" getting to a spotlight the proselytizing activities of groups involved, requiring power public a thorough investigation, in terms identical to the procedures followed in cases of harmful sects and here, inexplicably, not only tolerated but political power from areas devoid of scruples. "
and believers" in good faith I ask a reflection on what kind of Heavenly Father (although I do not share that belief) can indulge in unnecessary degradation of their own creatures. Mortification and humiliation that reparations imposed on her novices can only give others an image that does nothing to help their own faith. "
Cesar del Rio.
The Sisters of Reparation of Oropesa.
On 27 October, celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Apostolic Reconstructive Fellowship Oropesa (Toledo), with a solemn Eucharistic celebration presided by Cardinal Marcelo González Martín, archbishop emeritus of Toledo. Other celebrants were the Bishop of Guadix, Juan García Santacruz, Toledo home, and the Jesuit Luis Mendizabal, founder of the Institute of Consecrated Life.
December 13, the President of the Diputación de Toledo, Miguel Angel Ruiz-Ayúcar, accompanied by the Mayor, Maria del Carmen Goicoechea, visited the convent of the Sisters of the Fraternity Reconstructive becoming inescapable, and providing photo full support the religious to the information furnished by the media. According
eldia-digital.com, "Ruiz-Ayúcar transmitted to the superior personal conviction about transparency at all times has been dispensed to women candidates to enter religious life, decision-makers voluntarily and responsibly. Beside Oropesa Mayor stressed the need to respect the decision of young people choosing to pursue a life of sacrifice and generosity, geared to the disadvantaged and employed only to provide social assistance and benefit. "
The visit was immediately challenged in a press release by Emilio Sales Coordinator Left United in Talavera de la Reina. Local assembly of this political contest that the President of the Provincial their religious beliefs makes official a question.
And is that signs of abuse, of mortification with hair shirts and scourges, inhumane living conditions imposed on the novices have already reasoned, the case of any organization other than the Catholic Church untouchable, a serious and thorough investigation by public authorities.
The attitude of the civil authorities is another, however, and this clears all the distances between PP and PSOE: this year, the Regional Government awarded the gold medal of Castilla - La Mancha to Marcelo González Martín, now Cardinal Emeritus of Toledo, known for its fundamentalist path, which is just as likely sites advocating democracy and human rights as the Francisco Franco. It must be said that Mr. González Martín, Doctor Honoris Causa by the University of Castilla - La Mancha (another public institution that promotes the retrograde attitudes), has among its many merits to mentor Reconstructive Apostolic Fellowship, founded by the Jesuit Luis Mendizabal.
Well, the scandals caused by the Sisters of the Fraternity Reconstructive and jumped into the open shortly after the founding of the institute of consecrated life and its installation in the province of Toledo (they seem to about 30 monasteries scattered throughout the English territory).
The first public alarm the news that I have given "La Voz del Tajo" in their headlines of September 29, 1984:
"Under the tutelage of the nuns" Reparation "mortified Bargas girls with hair shirts."
After his hasty departure
Bargas, following complaints by relatives of the victims, all minors, and now installed in Oropesa, manifest disregard for human rights to physical and moral integrity of people have jumped again to light thanks mainly to the ECOS magazine and other media.
December 13, the President of the Diputación de Toledo, Miguel Angel Ruiz-Ayúcar, accompanied by the Mayor, Maria del Carmen Goicoechea, visited the convent of the Sisters of the Fraternity Reconstructive becoming inescapable, and providing photo full support the religious to the information furnished by the media. According
eldia-digital.com, "Ruiz-Ayúcar transmitted to the superior personal conviction about transparency at all times has been dispensed to women candidates to enter religious life, decision-makers voluntarily and responsibly. Beside Oropesa Mayor stressed the need to respect the decision of young people choosing to pursue a life of sacrifice and generosity, geared to the disadvantaged and employed only to provide social assistance and benefit. "
The visit was immediately challenged in a press release by Emilio Sales Coordinator Left United in Talavera de la Reina. Local assembly of this political contest that the President of the Provincial their religious beliefs makes official a question.
And is that signs of abuse, of mortification with hair shirts and scourges, inhumane living conditions imposed on the novices have already reasoned, the case of any organization other than the Catholic Church untouchable, a serious and thorough investigation by public authorities.
The attitude of the civil authorities is another, however, and this clears all the distances between PP and PSOE: this year, the Regional Government awarded the gold medal of Castilla - La Mancha to Marcelo González Martín, now Cardinal Emeritus of Toledo, known for its fundamentalist path, which is just as likely sites advocating democracy and human rights as the Francisco Franco. It must be said that Mr. González Martín, Doctor Honoris Causa by the University of Castilla - La Mancha (another public institution that promotes the retrograde attitudes), has among its many merits to mentor Reconstructive Apostolic Fellowship, founded by the Jesuit Luis Mendizabal.
Well, the scandals caused by the Sisters of the Fraternity Reconstructive and jumped into the open shortly after the founding of the institute of consecrated life and its installation in the province of Toledo (they seem to about 30 monasteries scattered throughout the English territory).
The first public alarm the news that I have given "La Voz del Tajo" in their headlines of September 29, 1984:
"Under the tutelage of the nuns" Reparation "mortified Bargas girls with hair shirts."
After his hasty departure
Bargas, following complaints by relatives of the victims, all minors, and now installed in Oropesa, manifest disregard for human rights to physical and moral integrity of people have jumped again to light thanks mainly to the ECOS magazine and other media.
The argument put forward to from the archdiocese and from complicity in mistreatment and humiliation is that novices are older. In response, the association "Secular Europe" calls on all progressives and human rights defenders based on the following considerations:
-uptake starts at 13 or 14 years, according to testimony from relatives of the novices , using techniques of proselytism that are fully embedded in the definition of harmful sects. The victims entered the convent of the Carmelites repaired or "the Mother Wonders "as they turn 18. It is an inescapable duty of public authorities to ensure the protection of minors.
-uptake starts at 13 or 14 years, according to testimony from relatives of the novices , using techniques of proselytism that are fully embedded in the definition of harmful sects. The victims entered the convent of the Carmelites repaired or "the Mother Wonders "as they turn 18. It is an inescapable duty of public authorities to ensure the protection of minors.
" If an adult wants to surrender to a life of hardship, mortification and humiliation is certainly free to do so. It is not a crime to establish a sadomasochistic relationship of slavery, whether sexual or sublimated into "sacred". What does not seem as legitimate is that the State becomes a supporter of this type of contract. Slavery is clearly condemned by the Constitution.
-A Catholic believers in good faith I ask a reflection on what kind of heavenly father (although I do not share that belief) can indulge useless in the degradation of their own creatures. Mortification and humiliation imposed on the repairs to their novices can only give others an image that does nothing to help their own faith.
"It is our intention, as soon as possible and with other organizations, convened a press conference to take aa light the proselytizing activities of groups involved, requiring a thorough investigation authorities, in terms identical to the procedures followed in cases of harmful sects and here, inexplicably, not only tolerated but political power from areas devoid of scruples.
Juan Francisco Gonzalez Baron, president of the Association
"Secular Europe."
Talavera de la Reina, February 26, 2003.
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-A Catholic believers in good faith I ask a reflection on what kind of heavenly father (although I do not share that belief) can indulge useless in the degradation of their own creatures. Mortification and humiliation imposed on the repairs to their novices can only give others an image that does nothing to help their own faith.
"It is our intention, as soon as possible and with other organizations, convened a press conference to take aa light the proselytizing activities of groups involved, requiring a thorough investigation authorities, in terms identical to the procedures followed in cases of harmful sects and here, inexplicably, not only tolerated but political power from areas devoid of scruples.
Juan Francisco Gonzalez Baron, president of the Association
"Secular Europe."
Talavera de la Reina, February 26, 2003.
= = = = = = = = = =
can also consult the paper by José Luis Andrino Martin in Albacete (July 2003):
http://www.europalaica.com/colaboraciones/ anteriores/jlandrino2.htm