Monday, January 28, 2008

Pokemon Red Online Game Book

By Juan Fernando Perdomo *

For many of us it is impossible to believe that interest rates to boost small businesses in Mexico are the 120%, but this is what an investigation by Geri Smith, BusinessWeek magazine, he discovered and expressed in his article, the ugly side of micro credit.

According to Wikipedia (Encyclopedia open on the website): "Micro loans are small loans made to borrowers too poor to give them a loan at a traditional bank. The micro credits possible ... that many people without resources to finance industrial projects on their own income reverse them. "

Worldwide the average interest paid by a micro credit is the order of 31% per annum, when in Mexico is 81% and the bank Compartamos, originally nonprofit, takes up to 5% per month.

And people with low incomes, and often little preparation, does not understand interest rates, but how much I can pay a week? That is, if you have the ability to pay 100 pesos a week, so, although the annual interest rate exceeding 100%.

For example: A person who buys a TV or stereo to two years, considering that you can pay the weekly amount in the ad, does not look at it will end up paying up to twice the value of the equipment purchased. And that companies are required to disclose their total annual costs (TAC) but people think that no one cares.

When I had the opportunity to serve Veracruz as Secretary of Economic Development (Industry, Trade and Tourism), we had three funds for this purpose, the amount of resources to be managed, at least, back then, not be justified three different structures. So we decided to create the CEDIM (Comprehensive Center for Microenterprise Development), merging the operation of all funds and becoming more cost efficient.

funds had different intentions and credit policies. Some of them required collateral, but others were credit to the word. But the loans, which in those days ranged from 5 to 10 thousand pesos, average, were usually covered by employers timeliness of those companies that were born or entered the expansion phase.

To broaden the vision of CEDIM, I should mention that it was this body that was responsible for training and micro finance and thus qualified to participate in the EXPO VERACRUZ PRODUCE WHAT WE CONSUME. Recently the newspaper

REFORM (Ma Dolores Ortega) published a critique of administrative duplication of programs Federal Government support for small businesses, under the title "Merman resources to SMEs." There

, Ortega reveals annual expenditures on personnel administration development programs which are: FONAES ($ 200 million pesos), Ministry of Finance ($ 1.224 Mdp Through FOMMUR, Global SME and Pronafim) PROMUSAG ($ 382 million pesos) Fomagro ($ 3.193 million pesos), and there are more than 113 federal programs that are attended for directions and different personnel. Not to mention the more than 500 government programs that generally are uncoordinated with the Federation.

Y refers to that in the United States, the Small Business Agency (SBA) concentrates more than 70 federal and independence.

But back to cost. The rates of micro-credit institutions, non-profit are similar to bank rates, or even at the rates American banks give their clients with a history debtor. This has enabled the Bank to transform itself from an institution SHARE nonprofit to a commercial bank in 2006, says Geri.

But the fact is that lack financial education in Mexico. Well, I could argue, is needed EDUCATION! Since the average country in our study is only 7 years.

even with all the controversy that is Banamex, for sale to Citigroup, through the foundation material information Banamex performed as comic or cartoon, videos and brochures to publicize financial terms in the language to make it accessible to the public.

For his part, President Calderón said that his goal is to reach 1.5 million micro-credit in 2009 and three million in 2012, the last year of his administration.

"The engine of an economy that creates jobs, are Mexican men and women who decide to work, to undertake, to open a business," said the man who has promised to become the president of employment, at a ceremony in presidential residence in the capital, where the president signed an agreement establishing a Mexican commission of micro, small and medium enterprises, to coordinate everything having to do with these credits.

National President of the Chamber of Commerce Small (CANACOPE), Javier Leal, said in an interview: "One of the things we're trying to push now ..., is financial support, call loans by the authorities. That itself will help us because we are going to strengthen, to increase our inventory and buy at better prices and be more competitive. "

This Leal said in 2002, 6 years ago!
I guess it changed things. How do you see?

* Juan Fernando Perdomo is a graduate of Tec de Monterrey.
public servant, businessman and politician ( )

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Used Outdoor Playsets

Two Cortao

Today We visited Miss creativity, and to brainstorm appropriate partnership, is known to have reached the happy conclusion that we have an equally happy project.
be called "Two chocolates and a cut." We shall consider coloquializarlo to "Cortao" which sells for more humor. We have placed locations Cafés Valiente (the real and original), and we have some gags prepared with condensed milk. As an original radically, we will give great importance to the waiter. Sources of Inspiration: Three Men and a Baby and The Three Caballeros. At the end of solving a puzzle and you get mad. Recyclable pilot episode manners and boring movie. Presumably cheaper, if needed we could do without special effects. Who gives more.

Image Hosted by

Oh, and I warn you now: product registration, or touch.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Blood For Money In South Florida


By Juan Fernando Perdomo *

begin to pay off the actions of business organizations and political parties who reject the integrity of the reforms made to the Federal Code of Electoral Institutions and Procedures (COFIPE). Mexico

Media reports: "For the first time organized around the business is covered against a new law, which gives life to the recently adopted electoral reform.

He continues: "We saw something unprecedented: the seven agencies with voice and vote of the Business Coordinating Council (Mexican Council of Businessmen, Coparmex, Concamin, Concanaco, Association of Banks in Mexico, Mexican Association of Insurance Institutions and the National Agricultural Council), ... announced disagree with the electoral reform on the grounds that threaten freedom of expression of the business. "

In a bulletin recently issued by the National COPARMEX reads:

"With the passage of electoral reform, COPARMEX was ready to defend - through the legal instrument of protection - not only freedom of expression and the right to information, but the principles of non-discrimination, freedom of association and equality before the law, all rights violated and limited for such reform.

"To date, the appeal brought by the Centers of Coparmex against electoral reform, and have been admitted in the first instance, now number 14, which is a clear indication of the strength of our arguments, have caused the different criteria exist in the judiciary in this regard, since we are in full right to defend the Constitution guarantees.

"The demands accepted by the District Courts are promoted by the Centers of: Ciudad Victoria and Matamoros in Tamaulipas, Tijuana and Ensenada in Baja California, Valle del Fuerte, Sinaloa, Cancun, Quintana Roo, Puebla, Aguascalientes , Veracruz, Durango and Zacatecas four more brought by partners in the business center.

"The exercise of a free and informed vote necessarily requires that citizens know the ideology of the party and candidate eligibility, as well as strengths and weaknesses of it, so you can evaluate and make an informed and aware.

"We live in democracy and a free regime should not be limited. The
Democracy is strengthened by the free expression of ideas and proposals by citizens through all means available. His interests are above the interests of political parties. "

The national CANACINTRA said: "We filed suit for injunction against Article 41 of the electoral reform, in relation to the ban on employing radio and television time to any person or entity, considering that it is a precept that violates freedom of expression to all Mexicans are entitled. "

addition, the industrial chamber "believes that constitutional reforms should aim at strengthening fundamental democratic electoral processes by means of the participation of all citizens in shaping the country we need to build, and not by mechanisms which explicitly prohibits views of Mexicans on the political proposals or aspiring to lead the country into any State or municipality, through the mass media, which is a serious setback in the path of democratic consolidation that we have come. " Canacintra

joins the Business Coordinating Council, Coparmex, and Concanaco Concamin as employer organizations that reject the inability to recruit electoral propaganda in electronic media.

Within political parties, the president of the National Executive Committee of Convergence, Luis Maldonado Venegas, along with the party's parliamentary coordinators the House of Representatives and Senate, Dip. Alejandro Burguete and Sen Chanona. Dante Delgado Rannauro, delivered in the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation a constitutional challenge against the Electoral Reform.

The Convergence enforcement action sets a precedent in our country. Is based on the fact that the activity of the reforming power violated fundamental legal and political decisions, as well as supreme values \u200b\u200bof the social-democratic state established by the Constituent Assembly of 1917. Convergence

Electoral Reform reiterates that violates the rights of citizens to include in Article 116 of the Constitution's exclusive political parties to register candidates for elected office. It thus violates the right of citizens to vote and be voted, as contained in Article 35 of the Constitution and is an act that threatens the country's democratic life.

The lawsuit by Convergence also notes that the constitutional amendment on electoral matters in violation of article 28, because it creates a monopoly by concentrating on a state agency procurement and distribution of the mass media.

is remarkable to see this work of citizen participation in matters of general interest to the public.

Why take a citizen the freedom to launch his candidacy without a party, as a citizen?

Why limit an entity's distribution of mass media?

We work for justice, so as citizens or political parties we believe we have by rights. It is a good way to participate! We will see that it ...

* Juan Fernando Perdomo is a graduate of Tec de Monterrey.
public servant, businessman and politician (

Physics Of Continuous Matter, B Lautrup Pdf

chocolates and I just need to collect

Well, well, well. I'm John Jesuli, screenwriter, producer and official test this arid blog. I join in this call MareandoLaPerdiz pantomime productions, with three main motivations:

1) Make and keep wealth in an optimal manner and admirable.

2) Get and devote a high social status (and admirable as well.)

3) Find the love of my life and light of my life.

If all else fails, I will criticize, to destroy and sow shit.

said this would urge you to continue visiting this window full of creativity and humor. I say "you" referring to potential customers this blog because I know that real customers do not exist. Sad thing is, and you have to admit: we must earn the name for bread.
By the way, I say goodbye with a paper chart that illustrates the moment I signed the contract that linked me to this promising network of intellectual exploitation.

all started on a debauch.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Slow Costumes For Sale

The Art of Wanting Opening

Harnessing the creative drive of this great opening day, there remains for posterity a clear representation of what we are, what we want, and what we offer as well as our formal professionalism. Welcome everyone.


Jimmy's Coleslaw Dressing Recipe

Ladies and Gentlemen, reading this post attended the second official opening of this blog.

We do not want (or can) crearles false expectations, or even want to believe that someone reads, but having someone there must know first that bet for us is a success it will bring the best of fortunes: the intellectual stimulation. It could also bring other fortunes, more tangible and quantifiable, but that will have you scratching your pocket, all are open and demand is very sad.

Once established needs and care of our beloved public, we can only remember that we are sympathetic businessmen audiovisual and art, and we will use this space to present our most valuable productions, if any.

And if not, we will post videos of Youtube.

Do not go yet, which is the best.