Monday, April 14, 2008

Examples Of Adidas Slogans


By Juan Fernando Perdomo *

Commercials on oil reform-Energy-NOT know about our federal government has referred, among others, Norway, fishermen unpaís became an oil power in the 70's décadade. Many years after the birth of PEMEX.

We like to compare to what we need to convince people follow successful models deque. And if course it's valid to deejemplo Norway, analyzing the culture and quality of life for its people!

Norway, but few know it is a very nationalistic country.
On issues such as oil as its postulates cover definitions:
1 .- The oil belongs to the nation.
2 .- The exploitation of resources should benefit all of society. 3 .- We
involve the whole nation in the making.
4 .- We must manage resources efficiently. 5 .-
priority is to promote and invest in technology.
6 .- Fostering competitiveness through: The education system; FocusN key activities and ongoing training, and encourage losjóvenes.
7. Transforming existing industries: Marine, Mining and Processing
8 .- Having balance between activities of the oil and Nopetrolero. 9 .-
supply industry to develop long-term vision. 10 .-
contractors Select suppliers in a transparent, sindiscriminación, ensuring your investment. 11 .-
and Technical Solutions contracts involving local industry. 12 .-
proactive information policy for local suppliers.
13 .- ZERO environmental damage.
14 .- Spend time with NGOs and fishermen.
15 .- To promote technologies that do not affect productive activities.

The most important company, which is part of the state, is called STATOIL conpresencia in 135 of the 434 municipalities with 44,000 employees and 250,000 deproveedores direct and indirect employees.

STRATEGIES Statoil to develop the domestic industry, are lassiguientes:
a) In advance of announcing the need for goods and services.
b) Involve companies RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT premises.
c) Support local businesses to develop as suppliers.
d) Assistance to local campaigns implementation of quality programs.
e) Agenda for development of local suppliers.
f) foster strategic alliances between suppliers yextranjeros.

In order to transparency and to encourage bids losproveedores establishing a program where he expressed the supplier, "Why did not win the contest?" But only those who want to know porqueperdieron award. There were not compared with others.

Currently, under the advocacy efforts of providers, 68% OF LOSPROVEEDORES ARE NATIONAL PETROLEUM

But look further as the world operating Oil: The Norwegian handefinido a Decalogue, which they call "THE TEN COMMANDMENTS OF OIL"


1. Ensure governance and national ownership of all activity in continental laplataforma (Norway)

2. Exploit the oil deposits so that Norway sudependencia minimize the import of crude oil.
3. Develop new businesses based in the oil sector.
4. The development of oil and gas industry patterns should be considered due to existing economic activities and respect her environment.
5. The venting of gas (gas burning) is not accepted on the continental shelf (except for short periods of test)
6. The oil from the continental shelf should be transported to Norway, unless social impact issues require alternatives.
7. The government should get involved at all appropriate levels paracontribuir the coordination of interests within laindustria Norway Norwegian oil and develop an environment petrolerointegrado, both national interests and international
8. It should establish a state-owned oil company paraasegurar government's economic interests and to have both positive unacooperación domestic and foreign interests.
9. Activity north of 62 degrees must meet the special condicionessociales related to this part of the country.
10. Future oil discoveries Norwegian laPolítica can expose new challenges outside Norway.

a result, clear priorities and having his administration, when unniño born, has a savings on the order of 210.000 crowns.

addition, they open embassies in countries with ocomplementarias activities affinity to their country.

And not only created an oil reform, if your project ENERGY: Statoil opened its first hydrogen refueling station in 2006 paraautos its network of stations whose emissions consist of pure water; Yplanean build the largest wind power broker in the world inthe West Coast.

Do you think that Mexico has the Government, Employers, politicians and citizens quepodamos build a culture similar? Or do you doubt? FDO JUAN PERDOMO

also hope you will be of some interest, the article by Mr. KnochenhauerPAPEL OF PETRÓLEOGuillermo Knochenhauer

Energy reform is necessary, but not for the reasons that the gobiernoy the PAN have said, but to change the role that oil has been inthe national development.

ago 30 years that oil revenues are used to finance nearly 40 percent of government current expenditure, which must be moderated and porotro hand, were financed with revenue verdaderareforma product of Inland Revenue. The oil revenue should not be cause for seguirdifiriendo the settlement of the country's fiscal structure, which is the querecauda lower taxes on business income among OECD members dela.

Energy reform is inseparable from a prosecutor. Losimpuestos have to join with the oil revenue, without which it will replace those, paraasignarlos a coherent destination allowed to leave the lag in development that Mexico is trapped.

Changing the role of oil revenues in national development, esutilizarla to increase the country's wealth, to distribute conequidad, keeping prices stable and to deepen libertadesdemocráticas.

hundred billion dollars annually, which is what will generate Pemexeste 2008, can do much to stop the progressive deficit countries, these four areas: the rate of GDP has been declining for 30 years, ladesigualdad corrupts social cohesion and coexistence, estabilidadmacroeconómica is held in foreign currency flows and lademocracia extraordinary, although it has freedoms which must be preserved, is muylejos to be the system of national life.

The discussion of energy reform has at least two levels: Elde private interests would achieve what they did with Pemex lastelecomunicaciones and banks. The problem is not the capital privadotenga to be rejected for being private, the problem is that you know enMéxico, how to increase profits is to participate in the tráficode influences the state controls, but for the benefit of those conautoridad.

The other plane involved in energy reform in the dilemma of development modelode: convert oil revenues into social welfare, comodice neoliberalism, making the country-its people, its laws and susinstituciones-be able to "attract and retain funds "... and social laderrama expect these benefits.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Masterbation Encourgament

He did not know it was the partridge

This week we have launched advertising campaigns in a different color and size, concentrated in the peaceful surroundings of the Faculty of Philology the Lecture V. We know that he has succeeded, we triumph and triumph. We must continue down this path.

And soon ... CONTENT!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Area Of Shaded Segment Circle


By Juan Fernando Perdomo *

With the participation of all types of national and local, farmers and industrialists of the agriculture sector, including: Coffee, Sugar, Corn, Barley, Agave, ... and rural financial intermediaries, held the Third Forum on Financing for Agricultural Development made by the Senate. There

, Senator Dante Delgado, Chairman of the Special Commission to determine the causes low funding for Development, said that if general funding for development is a heartfelt concern of the Senate, particularly the financing for agricultural development and agribusiness means a special concern.

This, he said, is due to the following reasons:

In rural and productive activities of the Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry, Fisheries and Agribusiness live more than 24 million Mexicans in the last 10 years have been marginalized from the benefits and access to credit.

From 1998 to 2005, the U.S. agricultural sector in North America our main trading partner, grew by 51% subsidies to reach 133.000 million dollars in Mexico grew by 24%, but only come to 7.300 million, ie U.S. grants 18.2 times more subsidies than Mexico.

The credit granted in general, the development and commercial banks fell from 61.6% of GDP in 1994, only 20.3% in 2007.
But Agriculture increased from 2.19% to 0.14%, and livestock was 1.31% to 0.13%.

All this, said Senator Dante Delgado, in an international environment in which food becomes not only scarce and thus expensive, if not strategic.

For his part, Senator Heladio Ramírez, President of the Rural Development Commission, said that for "25 years left field production processes and farmers, are in need of selling or leasing their land, before dying in poverty. "

organizations realize that the Bank is not profitable to the field so that the financing of commercial banks has fallen by half, the Development Bank for a quarter and suppliers are responsible for financing, unintentionally, to the field.

But, especially, the field has fallen, 2007, almost one eighth of funding, contrary to what was granted in 1998.

reflection of the audience is missing public policy for our country and, in particular, note that "without funding there can be no production and no funding in line with national priorities, there can be no growth for social, economic, technology, competitiveness and quality of life, which is manifestation in the progress and welfare. "

Peasants in the voice of Cruz Lopez de la CNC, regretted that the Development Bank has become a "banking risk" and only given to those who have the guarantees to support the payment.

For its part, the National Agricultural Council (CNA), through its President, Jaime Yesaki, said the field reacts more slowly than other sectors, thus requiring appropriate credits that could help reduce the technological gap.

But he also pointed to the disadvantage that exists in the payment of inputs from our business partners, the low level of production by size of land (60% of the land is divided in 2 hectares) and the lack of generation of value, to make the field profitable.

and noted that "public institutions building as a whole have not fully complied with the institutional goals that will determine their respective organic laws ", according to the Federal Superior Audit.

Therefore, the attendees were in favor of:

a) Increase Funding to Agriculture Sector;

b) Financial intermediaries with attractive rates;

c) Prevent the exodus from the countryside, creating jobs rural areas;

d) Consolidate Funds dedicated to the field and

e) The creation of a Rural Finance System.

and asked the Senate to mandate Federal Government that its proposals are not only heard, but are carried out.

* Juan Fernando Perdomo is a graduate of Tec de Monterrey.
public servant, businessman and politician ( )