The separation of church and state, formally expressed in the constitution of the USA, is also here, as elsewhere, poor Rush.
When the current president, George W. Bush began his term in January 2002, announced a national program of "faith-based initiative" that would mobilize churches to address social ills such as drugs or poverty. To accomplish this, the White House created the department "Faith-Based and Community Initiatives." Public money given to the fundamentalist allies of the President has served as a springboard for the arrival of Republican candidates to Congress and the Senate, while that after eight years of operation, supporters del programa no han podido probar que este funcionara mejor que los programas gubernamentales de carácter laico. La iniciativa desde la esfera de lo público para paliar la pobreza se entrega así a las comunidades religiosas, que la administran en forma de caridad y de adoctrinamiento.
Pues bien, el candidato Barack Obama, que ha centrado en la religión la mayor parte del peso de su campaña, ya ha declarado de manera reiterada que los servicios sociales basados en la fe serían el centro moral de su administración.
Por su parte, para no quedar a la zaga en política interior, su rival, John McCain, también ha declarado su pretensión de apoyar este tipo de programas de “iniciativas basadas in faith. "
reborn or survive, then, no matter who wins, the United States of God.
The separation of church and state, formally expressed in the constitution of the USA, is also here, as elsewhere, poor Rush.
When the current president, George W. Bush began his term in January 2002, announced a national program of "faith-based initiative" that would mobilize churches to address social ills such as drugs or poverty. To accomplish this, the White House created the department "Faith-Based and Community Initiatives." Public money given to the fundamentalist allies of the President has served as a springboard for the arrival of Republican candidates to Congress and the Senate, while that after eight years of operation, supporters del programa no han podido probar que este funcionara mejor que los programas gubernamentales de carácter laico. La iniciativa desde la esfera de lo público para paliar la pobreza se entrega así a las comunidades religiosas, que la administran en forma de caridad y de adoctrinamiento.
Pues bien, el candidato Barack Obama, que ha centrado en la religión la mayor parte del peso de su campaña, ya ha declarado de manera reiterada que los servicios sociales basados en la fe serían el centro moral de su administración.
Por su parte, para no quedar a la zaga en política interior, su rival, John McCain, también ha declarado su pretensión de apoyar este tipo de programas de “iniciativas basadas in faith. "
reborn or survive, then, no matter who wins, the United States of God.
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