to do? If you see an animal abuse case, yet not be an accomplice
Podere SEE VIDEO OF THE camapaña: Against Animal Abuse
COPY (observe and Promote them please let people know what to do): STEPS TO FOLLOW WHEN CASE ANIMAL ABUSE: WHAT SHOULD I DO?
start shooting the animal in the situation you describe, if possible digital camera to record a succession of days. The second
Find out what are the ordinances on animal holdings in your ayuntamiento.Las consultations surely there must be an article that prohibits the possession of an animal under conditions describes.Una collated once the Ordinance and found the article violated, municipal records show, written by stating facts and accompanying photos. Had Green Patrol in your area call the phone and told them the facts.
The file will take a while, make a follow-up, and if you find that they do nothing, go to the criminal complaint by Civil Guard or Police describing facts, accompanying photos, and pointing to the mistreatment of animals, and if you say it is not criminal issue could you say that art. 337 of the Penal Code and animal abuse, and interpreted a judge if abuse or no.Ello serve to give a warning to the owner, although I can not hide the Criminal C. speaks of abuse with cruelty or unjustifiable, and maybe what you describe is not grounded on this, but not is more action and initiate criminal proceedings, but then I can archive, it will be declared the owner.
Seprona You can also call (Protection Service of the nature of the Guardia Civil).
In summary, administrative first, second or call Seprona Green Patrol, and third and if not leave you no choice, criminal, all documented with photos and if you later want to collaborate witnesses. EXAMPLE
DenunciaFormulada by Mr. / Ms .................................. conDNI ........ .................. .................... and directed against to (animal deprotection section of each region) for processing and posteriorresolución.Explicación of the facts that are reported: (in this paragraph debemosexponer in a clear and detailed actions that queremosdenunciar.Tendremos that include data, locations and dates of and most accurate modoexacto posilbe, recounting what happened to mayorfiabilidad and detail.) Attached to this report I refer: (photos, veterinary reports, posiblestestigos, local police records, municipal or SEPRONA I hope ....) that under (indicate as appropriate depending on the hechodenunciado): "The Animal Protection Act (the autonomous comuniddad where hayanproducido facts) .- Art. 337 (only from 4 octubree 2004, when it comes inforce reform) of Law 10/1995 of 23 November, CodigoPenal and / or art.631 (only from October 4 of 2004, when reform queentra into force) in point 2, this report serves to clarify the facts to reach anteriormenterelatados and / s representative / s to receive the sanction Lugar.Firma oportuna.Fecha and the complainant.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Brownie Badges In The 70s
Catalunya is a police station to address complaints of abuse pets. The office will have the rural police to check allegations and make transfers of pets: tel. 900 210 190
open a police station to address the complaints of mistreatment of pets.
The office will have the rural police to check allegations and make transfers of pets: tel. Free
900 210 190 Domestic animals, dogs and cats, especially, will have its own police station in which individuals can report abuse, dropouts or other situations of helplessness in which they are the macostas. The Minister Medi Ambient, Felip Puig, today announced the opening of this office, responding to a claim made for a coming time animal advocates.
The purpose of this station will respond to complaints brought by animal abuse, check the complaints made and, in general, monitor the enforcement of animal protection and serve as a guidance citizens. The Barcelona office will be responsible for four people who have a special vehicle to transport stray animals. They may also have the rangers, who will carry out various actions, as picking up stray animals or take them to a new point of care. Territorial delegations will also develop the same function. Candini Montserrat, Director General of the Environment, explained that in case of detecting an animal required to be received in a facility, the office will contact the shelters that are better able to carry out the task of host , and even may receive complaints for illegal endangered species protected by international convention (CITES). The office also helps coordinate the protective entities pets (21 million this year) and launch public awareness campaigns.
Your free phone is 900 210 190
few years ago, the regional government and launched an office like this, but his languid existence finally ended with its closure during the tenure of former Minister for Agriculture, Francesc X. Marimon.
The station is one of the measures agreed between the environment and animal advocates after it was discovered the cruel slaughter methods in the kennel Mataró. In this sense, is about to be approved the decree that regulates the 26 legally recognized methods to carry out the euthanasia of stray animals. Similarly, is underway the procedure for amending the law on protection of animals.
This review - which will come into the Parliament after the summer, "among other things, will aggravate the penalties for those who mistreat animals and that pets are allowed more time in the shelters prior to slaughter, so that owners will have more option to recover the lost animal.
the Environment has launched, in addition, the campaign "Still person. Not deixis" to prevent the abandonment of animals to the impending holiday season. Each year are abandoned in Catalonia perrros 30,000 cats and 18,000, according to the Environment. Montserrat
Candini explained For its part, the company that had the concession of the kennel Mataró (SACP) has been fined 2.5 million pesetas for a foul is considered very serious.
Travessera de Gracia, 56 6 º 08006 Barcelona
Tel: 932 090 777
Fax: 932 090 453
FREE PHONE: 900 210 190
Campaign Generalitat antiabandono:
www / mediamb / ctauler.htm
All changes from the Animal Protection Act of Catalunya:
If you find any injured wild animal, run over you can call or abandoned Guards Forest Monday to Sunday: 935,740,036
Written by Nuria Querol i Viñas
Tuesday, October 25, 2005 11:53
Source: Commis-abuse-of-animals-in-barcelona.html

Catalunya is a police station to address complaints of abuse pets. The office will have the rural police to check allegations and make transfers of pets: tel. 900 210 190
open a police station to address the complaints of mistreatment of pets.
The office will have the rural police to check allegations and make transfers of pets: tel. Free
900 210 190 Domestic animals, dogs and cats, especially, will have its own police station in which individuals can report abuse, dropouts or other situations of helplessness in which they are the macostas. The Minister Medi Ambient, Felip Puig, today announced the opening of this office, responding to a claim made for a coming time animal advocates.
The purpose of this station will respond to complaints brought by animal abuse, check the complaints made and, in general, monitor the enforcement of animal protection and serve as a guidance citizens. The Barcelona office will be responsible for four people who have a special vehicle to transport stray animals. They may also have the rangers, who will carry out various actions, as picking up stray animals or take them to a new point of care. Territorial delegations will also develop the same function. Candini Montserrat, Director General of the Environment, explained that in case of detecting an animal required to be received in a facility, the office will contact the shelters that are better able to carry out the task of host , and even may receive complaints for illegal endangered species protected by international convention (CITES). The office also helps coordinate the protective entities pets (21 million this year) and launch public awareness campaigns.
Your free phone is 900 210 190
few years ago, the regional government and launched an office like this, but his languid existence finally ended with its closure during the tenure of former Minister for Agriculture, Francesc X. Marimon.
The station is one of the measures agreed between the environment and animal advocates after it was discovered the cruel slaughter methods in the kennel Mataró. In this sense, is about to be approved the decree that regulates the 26 legally recognized methods to carry out the euthanasia of stray animals. Similarly, is underway the procedure for amending the law on protection of animals.
This review - which will come into the Parliament after the summer, "among other things, will aggravate the penalties for those who mistreat animals and that pets are allowed more time in the shelters prior to slaughter, so that owners will have more option to recover the lost animal.
the Environment has launched, in addition, the campaign "Still person. Not deixis" to prevent the abandonment of animals to the impending holiday season. Each year are abandoned in Catalonia perrros 30,000 cats and 18,000, according to the Environment. Montserrat
Candini explained For its part, the company that had the concession of the kennel Mataró (SACP) has been fined 2.5 million pesetas for a foul is considered very serious.
Travessera de Gracia, 56 6 º 08006 Barcelona
Tel: 932 090 777
Fax: 932 090 453
FREE PHONE: 900 210 190
Campaign Generalitat antiabandono:
www / mediamb / ctauler.htm
All changes from the Animal Protection Act of Catalunya:
If you find any injured wild animal, run over you can call or abandoned Guards Forest Monday to Sunday: 935,740,036
Written by Nuria Querol i Viñas
Tuesday, October 25, 2005 11:53
Source: Commis-abuse-of-animals-in-barcelona.html
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Robert Stanley Collections Ribbon
Around one hundred and fifty people gathered at noon inthe town of Coria Caceres to show their revulsion at the crueltradición the "Bull of Coria." From throughout the English territory, the protesters reached the Plaza of Spain the town, escorted by members of the Guardia Civil. During the tour, varioscientos of caurienses have surrounded, insulted and jeered at personasconcentradas in the same place within a few days will be executed bulls maltratadosy protagonists of this bloody feast.
The act was carried out with the steps of the plaza filled deciudadanos that expressed their dissatisfaction, crying and showing suagresividad before the demonstrators chanted slogans such as Stop! Or torture is not art or culture! However, although the tone rejection generalfuera the protesters, some caurienses sudisconformidad reflected in this festival to their own neighbors.
Located in the center, participants-Pacman (AntitaurinoContra Party Animal Abuse), ecologists of Extremadura, Libera! Add it (National Association Animals Rights and Freedom) and CACMA (ColectivoAndaluz Against Animal Abuse) have increased variosmanifiestos reading. Among them has been especially touching the porTony Moore made a tribute to his wife, British activist Vicky Moore, gored by the bull "Argentino" in 1995 and died in this town en2000 as a result of injuries resulting from such seizure.
Vicky Moore's story began as that of a tourist any quevenía to Spain in search of sun, however, encountered a different realidadbien: the horrible conditions of the animals in our país.Desde then, Moore was devoted to record celebrations chelates popular animals were their sad protagonists dying DeSUS defense rights. The British founded the association FAACE (Fight Against AnimalCruelty in Europe) that currently runs his partner, Tony Moore.
hide behind the holiday tradition in honor of San Juan, 23 June al29 in Coria two bulls are slaughtered each day.
For all the thousands of animals that are slaughtered in English festivals are now ready to show our revulsion at the idea they have of "party" in some towns of the English state. If a fire on the horns of the bulls with spears through them, surround them with ropes and pull them up emaciated or peppering his body with soplillos (made until recently by some sweet nuns) is what fills the lives of some villagers say that this country can not progress or raw never have it. Tomorrow we will concentrate on people Coria arrival of Asturias, Madrid, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bBasque Country, Valladolid, Galicia, Andalusia and of course, Extremadura's own, to say enough to show anachronistic and cruel, to leave the bull as a pincushion, chase through the streets, harass, terrorize and nail flags to finally kill with one stone (if it dies instantly, which we doubt). The end of "party" is finished in fall on him to tear the testicles, tails or go you know. And there's more, this show may be viewed by children, and the city will spend a large sum of money to buy some animals to be converted into a mass of bloody flesh to the delight of some of his illustrious fellow citizens and to revert to vote in the next legislature. Years ago, an activist for the rights of animals called Vicky Moore, left his life in trying to record this shame Coria I wanted to show the world. Vicky was gored countless times and after spending a year in coma, she recovered quickly and eventually died. Before he died, said he bore no negative sentiment the bull that lunged. Teammate Tony Moore
will come from England to be present at this first tribute to more than 10 years after his death. It may be the first time that animals remember Vicky officially, but the truth is that many of us have always been at heart. It seems incredible that everything seems to stay the same in this country (zambomba and operetta) in relation to animal rights. The task of re-educating the people to banish these savage traditions is not that we express, or even those who are left living at it. It is a moral obligation of all political forces. If you are not interested in animals, have to hear at least the cry of those who are willing to many things to end animal abuse in Spain.

Around one hundred and fifty people gathered at noon inthe town of Coria Caceres to show their revulsion at the crueltradición the "Bull of Coria." From throughout the English territory, the protesters reached the Plaza of Spain the town, escorted by members of the Guardia Civil. During the tour, varioscientos of caurienses have surrounded, insulted and jeered at personasconcentradas in the same place within a few days will be executed bulls maltratadosy protagonists of this bloody feast.
The act was carried out with the steps of the plaza filled deciudadanos that expressed their dissatisfaction, crying and showing suagresividad before the demonstrators chanted slogans such as Stop! Or torture is not art or culture! However, although the tone rejection generalfuera the protesters, some caurienses sudisconformidad reflected in this festival to their own neighbors.
Located in the center, participants-Pacman (AntitaurinoContra Party Animal Abuse), ecologists of Extremadura, Libera! Add it (National Association Animals Rights and Freedom) and CACMA (ColectivoAndaluz Against Animal Abuse) have increased variosmanifiestos reading. Among them has been especially touching the porTony Moore made a tribute to his wife, British activist Vicky Moore, gored by the bull "Argentino" in 1995 and died in this town en2000 as a result of injuries resulting from such seizure.
Vicky Moore's story began as that of a tourist any quevenía to Spain in search of sun, however, encountered a different realidadbien: the horrible conditions of the animals in our país.Desde then, Moore was devoted to record celebrations chelates popular animals were their sad protagonists dying DeSUS defense rights. The British founded the association FAACE (Fight Against AnimalCruelty in Europe) that currently runs his partner, Tony Moore.
hide behind the holiday tradition in honor of San Juan, 23 June al29 in Coria two bulls are slaughtered each day.
For all the thousands of animals that are slaughtered in English festivals are now ready to show our revulsion at the idea they have of "party" in some towns of the English state. If a fire on the horns of the bulls with spears through them, surround them with ropes and pull them up emaciated or peppering his body with soplillos (made until recently by some sweet nuns) is what fills the lives of some villagers say that this country can not progress or raw never have it. Tomorrow we will concentrate on people Coria arrival of Asturias, Madrid, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bBasque Country, Valladolid, Galicia, Andalusia and of course, Extremadura's own, to say enough to show anachronistic and cruel, to leave the bull as a pincushion, chase through the streets, harass, terrorize and nail flags to finally kill with one stone (if it dies instantly, which we doubt). The end of "party" is finished in fall on him to tear the testicles, tails or go you know. And there's more, this show may be viewed by children, and the city will spend a large sum of money to buy some animals to be converted into a mass of bloody flesh to the delight of some of his illustrious fellow citizens and to revert to vote in the next legislature. Years ago, an activist for the rights of animals called Vicky Moore, left his life in trying to record this shame Coria I wanted to show the world. Vicky was gored countless times and after spending a year in coma, she recovered quickly and eventually died. Before he died, said he bore no negative sentiment the bull that lunged. Teammate Tony Moore
will come from England to be present at this first tribute to more than 10 years after his death. It may be the first time that animals remember Vicky officially, but the truth is that many of us have always been at heart. It seems incredible that everything seems to stay the same in this country (zambomba and operetta) in relation to animal rights. The task of re-educating the people to banish these savage traditions is not that we express, or even those who are left living at it. It is a moral obligation of all political forces. If you are not interested in animals, have to hear at least the cry of those who are willing to many things to end animal abuse in Spain.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Is Mouth Cancer Affect From One Person To Another

seems to be a general consensus within the secular movement, the demand for a secular public school. This consensus is diluted as the role we intend to ask it.
In fact, the controversy (with the dichotomy training / education) goes back to the origins of their own public school and still lives on, without finding satisfactory solutions.
As is well known, the first ambitious, state-wide public school goes back to Condorcet in 1792 and, though never carried out accurately, contains the germ of what the late nineteenth century will be the public school in France, a process that is completed by the Law on the Separation of Church and State, 1905.
A similar process has never taken place in Spain, except for the brief years of the Second Republic.
In developing his writings on public education, Condorcet part of almost exclusive monopoly, until the French Revolution, the Catholic Church has on education, whether the university, colleges or religious schools. Not to mention the challenge posed by the fact that over eighty percent of the French population is in those moments, thanks to the absolute monarchy and the Church, completely illiterate. Condorcet
has no doubt: what free human beings, making them emancipated and free, is knowing.
"Parents, whatever their beliefs, whatever their views on the need of this or that religion, without reservations can then send their children to national schools. And the government will not have usurped all the rights of conscience under the pretext of light it and drive it. "
The controversy was already served. It is true that since then, many texts have been used as synonyms terms such as training, education, training, education ... But if we focus on the role of public school, with the dichotomy instruction / education that accompanies the various policy options are clearly distinct meanings:
In the words of Salvador López Arnal:
"The contrast between education and instruction usually points to the difference between conveying information, knowledge, skills, describe situations, explain or prove theorems laws, which would instruct (sometimes synonymous with teaching) and, on the other hand, form the individual, helping to build their personality, their moral, ethical values, aesthetic, social forms of behavior, the basis of their political perspective (no dogmatic indoctrination), ... all of which would educate or train. The contrast is sometimes presented in a exclusive or nearly exclusive, when instructed, taught and not educated, if education is not intended to instruct. "
The truth is that the controversy has never been raised thus excluding at least not in a frank and open. The Church has always tried to be (and has done and continues to dogmatic indoctrination), but could not exclude the teaching (the Jesuits and Opus Dei takes the cake as to religious universities in Spain is concerned). By using and abusing the term "training", many of the current pedagogical talk about "training the whole person" without the slightest blush tracing the old language of the Catholic Church.
Who, on the other hand, argue that the role of the school is educating (teaching), provide insights that facilitate the empowerment and emancipation of future adult citizens, not ignore that sound transmission and acquisition of knowledge are also included educational aspects.
Because education is, indeed, encultured, ie introduced into the culture, in the sense ethnological term. And this process of enculturation is produced, intentionally or not, in all areas of reality where you will find a child or adolescent. Public schools, even if politically assigned as part of statement, it remains an area of \u200b\u200benculturation and, therefore, education.
But this educational task is well defined by the scope of its own: the process of transmission and acquisition of knowledge, values, from our common sense and from the critical use of reason, are inherent to it.
The opposite, however, does not occur. When the decision policy is attributed to the school's role to educate in all areas of personality, knowledge is something that can be ignored, restricted or manipulated in terms of interests.
I refer to the words of Juan Antonio Planas Domingo, President of the Confederation of Counseling Psychology, Spain, in a Letter to the Editor published by "El Pais" on 17 January 2009:
"We must advise teachers in terms of previously unknown problems, such as disruptive students, motivation, attention deficit, hyperactivity, anorexia, bullying, or cyberaddiction. They also need training materials for topics such as diversity, flexible groups, new technologies applied to education, evaluation, improvement of mentoring, measures to improve relationships and so on. The future teachers need direct experiences and examples of the task of teaching, rather than knowledge of their own discipline which soon become obsolete. "
think more clearly could not express the intention of this army of" teachers "and "educational experts", manufactured and enlarged from the LOGSE, as mercenaries in the service of political decision (shared with different nuances, the government and opposition) to deprive the public school of their purpose and, therefore, to destroy it.
is true that mathematics or physics today, or a part thereof, will become obsolete in a hundred years. What therefore study math or physics today? If you also know that stupidity and ignorance will always be a day, especially if encouraged.
should also bear in mind that when it comes to public school is talking about all the pre-tertiary education, not just early childhood or elementary education. The brilliant solution of "Educators" is to infantilize adolescents and adults (students may stay in school until 18 in the SCS and to 20 in schools). Everything becomes a class unit, with the English teacher (and for what this teacher should know English, if a language in a thousand or two thousand years will have changed completely?) Treating anorexia in the classroom. In the future, young "educated" today will be eternal nursing toddlers, even in their graves.
The result is obvious: parents leaving public school, constantly tripping by the army of "teachers" mercenaries, and divert their children to private school, hoping to find in it a serious teaching. Such teaching, of course, is always accompanied by religious moral indoctrination, and that ninety percent of aided schools are denominational. In the community of Madrid, students enrolled in these centers and exceeds that of state schools, with the indulgent smile of Mrs. Esperanza Aguirre, who had never expected to find as faithful allies in the ranks of those who consider themselves "progressive."
Because there is also an aspect that seems to escape the attentions of those who in good faith, defended from the ranks of secularism that the essential role of the school is public education, leaving the teaching of knowledge in an anecdotal level, and even, as in the text of the "teacher" said, completely negligible. Education from the perspective of human rights (which supposedly defend), is something primarily attributable to the parents or legal guardians of minors. A conservative right gives it, therefore, all arguments against a public school "indoctrinating" to defend an indoctrination freely chosen private school and agreed: that of a religious nature. That's something that Mariano Rajoy has seized on them in their campaigns, because of the "education citizenship "with a cynical smile, satisfied that he deserves the applause to cunning, off the Pamphylia, ignorance or bad faith of both interested pseudoprogresista.
Indeed, if the function of schools is to educate, encultured, instilling values, it becomes or is liable to become an extension of the family and immediate social environment: that is, is doomed to privatization because morality is something familiar, tribal, ethnic, and, therefore, something belonging to the private sphere. And maintain a public education is meaningless, and, economically, it is much more expensive than simple school vouchers and the continuing trend towards privatization. There mommy and daddy can decide what is taught to their eternal suckers who teach and how they teach. For Prince of Wales, sixties and is still the Queen's son as the only profession known, the solution may be worth. What do parents know our children need to know math, language, history, languages \u200b\u200b... to become consenting adults? Do we fold it the religious indoctrination of the private school or let them waste their time with teachers who "do not need to know your discipline," but must treat anorexia or disruption in French class?
Fortunately, the public school situation is still not, but it is the path that leads inevitably to the new education.
In subsequent articles we will try to issues such as "corporatism" that seeks to blame the teachers who teach in addition to the personal disqualification and ad hominem attacks as a single argument, from the ranks of the mercenary pedagogy. Also concepts like "inclusive school" and "democratic school."
Until then.
In fact, the controversy (with the dichotomy training / education) goes back to the origins of their own public school and still lives on, without finding satisfactory solutions.
As is well known, the first ambitious, state-wide public school goes back to Condorcet in 1792 and, though never carried out accurately, contains the germ of what the late nineteenth century will be the public school in France, a process that is completed by the Law on the Separation of Church and State, 1905.
A similar process has never taken place in Spain, except for the brief years of the Second Republic.
In developing his writings on public education, Condorcet part of almost exclusive monopoly, until the French Revolution, the Catholic Church has on education, whether the university, colleges or religious schools. Not to mention the challenge posed by the fact that over eighty percent of the French population is in those moments, thanks to the absolute monarchy and the Church, completely illiterate. Condorcet
has no doubt: what free human beings, making them emancipated and free, is knowing.
"Parents, whatever their beliefs, whatever their views on the need of this or that religion, without reservations can then send their children to national schools. And the government will not have usurped all the rights of conscience under the pretext of light it and drive it. "
The controversy was already served. It is true that since then, many texts have been used as synonyms terms such as training, education, training, education ... But if we focus on the role of public school, with the dichotomy instruction / education that accompanies the various policy options are clearly distinct meanings:
In the words of Salvador López Arnal:
"The contrast between education and instruction usually points to the difference between conveying information, knowledge, skills, describe situations, explain or prove theorems laws, which would instruct (sometimes synonymous with teaching) and, on the other hand, form the individual, helping to build their personality, their moral, ethical values, aesthetic, social forms of behavior, the basis of their political perspective (no dogmatic indoctrination), ... all of which would educate or train. The contrast is sometimes presented in a exclusive or nearly exclusive, when instructed, taught and not educated, if education is not intended to instruct. "
The truth is that the controversy has never been raised thus excluding at least not in a frank and open. The Church has always tried to be (and has done and continues to dogmatic indoctrination), but could not exclude the teaching (the Jesuits and Opus Dei takes the cake as to religious universities in Spain is concerned). By using and abusing the term "training", many of the current pedagogical talk about "training the whole person" without the slightest blush tracing the old language of the Catholic Church.
Who, on the other hand, argue that the role of the school is educating (teaching), provide insights that facilitate the empowerment and emancipation of future adult citizens, not ignore that sound transmission and acquisition of knowledge are also included educational aspects.
Because education is, indeed, encultured, ie introduced into the culture, in the sense ethnological term. And this process of enculturation is produced, intentionally or not, in all areas of reality where you will find a child or adolescent. Public schools, even if politically assigned as part of statement, it remains an area of \u200b\u200benculturation and, therefore, education.
But this educational task is well defined by the scope of its own: the process of transmission and acquisition of knowledge, values, from our common sense and from the critical use of reason, are inherent to it.
The opposite, however, does not occur. When the decision policy is attributed to the school's role to educate in all areas of personality, knowledge is something that can be ignored, restricted or manipulated in terms of interests.
I refer to the words of Juan Antonio Planas Domingo, President of the Confederation of Counseling Psychology, Spain, in a Letter to the Editor published by "El Pais" on 17 January 2009:
"We must advise teachers in terms of previously unknown problems, such as disruptive students, motivation, attention deficit, hyperactivity, anorexia, bullying, or cyberaddiction. They also need training materials for topics such as diversity, flexible groups, new technologies applied to education, evaluation, improvement of mentoring, measures to improve relationships and so on. The future teachers need direct experiences and examples of the task of teaching, rather than knowledge of their own discipline which soon become obsolete. "
think more clearly could not express the intention of this army of" teachers "and "educational experts", manufactured and enlarged from the LOGSE, as mercenaries in the service of political decision (shared with different nuances, the government and opposition) to deprive the public school of their purpose and, therefore, to destroy it.
is true that mathematics or physics today, or a part thereof, will become obsolete in a hundred years. What therefore study math or physics today? If you also know that stupidity and ignorance will always be a day, especially if encouraged.
should also bear in mind that when it comes to public school is talking about all the pre-tertiary education, not just early childhood or elementary education. The brilliant solution of "Educators" is to infantilize adolescents and adults (students may stay in school until 18 in the SCS and to 20 in schools). Everything becomes a class unit, with the English teacher (and for what this teacher should know English, if a language in a thousand or two thousand years will have changed completely?) Treating anorexia in the classroom. In the future, young "educated" today will be eternal nursing toddlers, even in their graves.
The result is obvious: parents leaving public school, constantly tripping by the army of "teachers" mercenaries, and divert their children to private school, hoping to find in it a serious teaching. Such teaching, of course, is always accompanied by religious moral indoctrination, and that ninety percent of aided schools are denominational. In the community of Madrid, students enrolled in these centers and exceeds that of state schools, with the indulgent smile of Mrs. Esperanza Aguirre, who had never expected to find as faithful allies in the ranks of those who consider themselves "progressive."
Because there is also an aspect that seems to escape the attentions of those who in good faith, defended from the ranks of secularism that the essential role of the school is public education, leaving the teaching of knowledge in an anecdotal level, and even, as in the text of the "teacher" said, completely negligible. Education from the perspective of human rights (which supposedly defend), is something primarily attributable to the parents or legal guardians of minors. A conservative right gives it, therefore, all arguments against a public school "indoctrinating" to defend an indoctrination freely chosen private school and agreed: that of a religious nature. That's something that Mariano Rajoy has seized on them in their campaigns, because of the "education citizenship "with a cynical smile, satisfied that he deserves the applause to cunning, off the Pamphylia, ignorance or bad faith of both interested pseudoprogresista.
Indeed, if the function of schools is to educate, encultured, instilling values, it becomes or is liable to become an extension of the family and immediate social environment: that is, is doomed to privatization because morality is something familiar, tribal, ethnic, and, therefore, something belonging to the private sphere. And maintain a public education is meaningless, and, economically, it is much more expensive than simple school vouchers and the continuing trend towards privatization. There mommy and daddy can decide what is taught to their eternal suckers who teach and how they teach. For Prince of Wales, sixties and is still the Queen's son as the only profession known, the solution may be worth. What do parents know our children need to know math, language, history, languages \u200b\u200b... to become consenting adults? Do we fold it the religious indoctrination of the private school or let them waste their time with teachers who "do not need to know your discipline," but must treat anorexia or disruption in French class?
Fortunately, the public school situation is still not, but it is the path that leads inevitably to the new education.
In subsequent articles we will try to issues such as "corporatism" that seeks to blame the teachers who teach in addition to the personal disqualification and ad hominem attacks as a single argument, from the ranks of the mercenary pedagogy. Also concepts like "inclusive school" and "democratic school."
Until then.
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