Around one hundred and fifty people gathered at noon inthe town of Coria Caceres to show their revulsion at the crueltradición the "Bull of Coria." From throughout the English territory, the protesters reached the Plaza of Spain the town, escorted by members of the Guardia Civil. During the tour, varioscientos of caurienses have surrounded, insulted and jeered at personasconcentradas in the same place within a few days will be executed bulls maltratadosy protagonists of this bloody feast.
The act was carried out with the steps of the plaza filled deciudadanos that expressed their dissatisfaction, crying and showing suagresividad before the demonstrators chanted slogans such as Stop! Or torture is not art or culture! However, although the tone rejection generalfuera the protesters, some caurienses sudisconformidad reflected in this festival to their own neighbors.
Located in the center, participants-Pacman (AntitaurinoContra Party Animal Abuse), ecologists of Extremadura, Libera! Add it (National Association Animals Rights and Freedom) and CACMA (ColectivoAndaluz Against Animal Abuse) have increased variosmanifiestos reading. Among them has been especially touching the porTony Moore made a tribute to his wife, British activist Vicky Moore, gored by the bull "Argentino" in 1995 and died in this town en2000 as a result of injuries resulting from such seizure.
Vicky Moore's story began as that of a tourist any quevenía to Spain in search of sun, however, encountered a different realidadbien: the horrible conditions of the animals in our país.Desde then, Moore was devoted to record celebrations chelates popular animals were their sad protagonists dying DeSUS defense rights. The British founded the association FAACE (Fight Against AnimalCruelty in Europe) that currently runs his partner, Tony Moore.
hide behind the holiday tradition in honor of San Juan, 23 June al29 in Coria two bulls are slaughtered each day.
For all the thousands of animals that are slaughtered in English festivals are now ready to show our revulsion at the idea they have of "party" in some towns of the English state. If a fire on the horns of the bulls with spears through them, surround them with ropes and pull them up emaciated or peppering his body with soplillos (made until recently by some sweet nuns) is what fills the lives of some villagers say that this country can not progress or raw never have it. Tomorrow we will concentrate on people Coria arrival of Asturias, Madrid, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bBasque Country, Valladolid, Galicia, Andalusia and of course, Extremadura's own, to say enough to show anachronistic and cruel, to leave the bull as a pincushion, chase through the streets, harass, terrorize and nail flags to finally kill with one stone (if it dies instantly, which we doubt). The end of "party" is finished in fall on him to tear the testicles, tails or go you know. And there's more, this show may be viewed by children, and the city will spend a large sum of money to buy some animals to be converted into a mass of bloody flesh to the delight of some of his illustrious fellow citizens and to revert to vote in the next legislature. Years ago, an activist for the rights of animals called Vicky Moore, left his life in trying to record this shame Coria I wanted to show the world. Vicky was gored countless times and after spending a year in coma, she recovered quickly and eventually died. Before he died, said he bore no negative sentiment the bull that lunged. Teammate Tony Moore
will come from England to be present at this first tribute to more than 10 years after his death. It may be the first time that animals remember Vicky officially, but the truth is that many of us have always been at heart. It seems incredible that everything seems to stay the same in this country (zambomba and operetta) in relation to animal rights. The task of re-educating the people to banish these savage traditions is not that we express, or even those who are left living at it. It is a moral obligation of all political forces. If you are not interested in animals, have to hear at least the cry of those who are willing to many things to end animal abuse in Spain.
Source: http://www.liberaong.org/
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