For Juan Fernando Perdomo
In both hear and see on television the phrase "López Obrador: A Danger paraMéxico" there are people that, without establishing, I think. I think they are those, however, will not vote for him because the people I meet inthe tours in clear majority is in favor of real change andis willing to give confidence to the nickname Tabasqueño with fish.
In January, traveling for work I met a friend veracruzanoque, in my perception, interest would vote against AMLO. HOWEVER, came to greet me and told me that this time will vote porLópez Obrador.
I stayed a bit as surprised! In fact I did not think about him depolítica as I imagined it would be an argument without end, peroante this statement had no choice but to listen. I persisted: - "Solome you need to tell me why I should vote for Mr. Smith." The truth nosabía where was the "play." Then I said: - "I know one of losasesores the" Peje "in economic matters for several years. Fueconsejero for a long time, a company multinacional en la que laboré yeso me da confianza".
Como yo no conocía de quien me hablaba, me dediqué algunos días a preguntary, efectivamente apareció Ramírez de la O como una persona con granconocimiento en materia económica y experiencia en la vida de las empresas. A las pocas semanas, López Obrador lo "destaparía" como miembro de sugabinete al llegar a la presidencia de México. Por eso, cuando estuve en elForo de Políticas públicas organizado, en el club de Industriales del DF porun grupo de empresarios simpatizantes del Peje, puse mucha atención y meparecieron acertados los comentarios de Ramírez de la O.
Recientemente empecé a escuchar otro nombre: Gerardo Esquivel Hernandez, a specialist in economic matters will be visiting the downtown area of \u200b\u200bState deVeracruz 15 and June 16, giving several lectures yasistiendo to local media. Ruedasde surely give you some news. Gerardo has
PhD in economics from Harvard in areas such as Econometrics, Macroeconomics and urban and regional economics thesis on "Essays on Convergence, growth and migration." In addition. Dr. Esquivel, has a Masters in Economics from the COLLEGE OF MEXICO (COLMEX) with the thesis "Trade policy under imperfect competition" and is a graduate of the BA in Economics from UNAM, with honors, with the thesis "INTRA-INDUSTRY TRADE-MEXICO." He is a member of the NATIONAL DEINVESTIGADORES and Research Professor at the Center for Economic Studies COLMEX and, finally, is advice on economic of the Coalition "For the Good of All".
If you are a danger to Mexico, then what reason would there be for AMLOmencione in his speeches that will build on and support entrepreneurs losempresarios with public policies that benefit economic development? What reason would
to tell us that there will be less bureaucracy ytramitología and simplicity give tax payments? What reason
would have to tell us that the BANK OF MEXICO, susfunciones well in controlling the macroeconomy, which engage in economic lareactivación incorporating their governor in the Cabinet económicodel Federal Government?
What reason would have to tell us to generate DESARROLLOREGIONAL BANKS to give loans to small businesses, farmers and laagroindustria?
What reason would there be for us to ensure the autonomous management of PEMEX and CFE: the creation of three refineries for gasoline import no longer; eimpulsar alternative energy sources.?
FEAR strategy might work in people que NO razona, pero ¿Eneste caso? La razón del miedo es que todo este desarrollo que AMLO proponeserá ÚTIL A TODOS LOS MEXICANOS, empezando por los grupos vulnerables. Hayque recordar que el candidato que más habló de superación de la pobreza ycreación de empleos en el DEBATE fue el "Peje" (Fuente: Televisa PrimeroNoticias). Y el único que hizo mención puntual de los grupos indígenas y delos discapacitados.
¿Qué razón habría para proponer todo esto y tener esos asesores? Me pareceque los únicos que no quieren que gane AMLO son los que todo tienen y no venlo que a muchísimos les hace falta. Aquellos que con "prebendas" ynegociaciones turbias gozan de privilegios y otros, have not esosprivilegios, beg or are in jail.
Do you think we are well on economic and social? Does your company enjoys the same privileges models other companies in the country? Do you think seguridadsocial and justice are fair to all? Why do not you ask? What reason would there be?
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