Hello my children, you all are lucky to have me among you. To give you an idea of \u200b\u200beverything wonderful that I can be in any subject, I have decided to leave you hanging here the first part of a documentary that deals with my life and work. Superstar Martinez, a documentary produced by a highly qualified person for this: myself. And in glorious 16:9, disffrutadlo if you have time.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Thursday, March 27, 2008
What Makes You Throw Up?
I Martínez Superstar, Mr Wolsey: They call

My name is Simon Templar, and Mr. Wolsey is just one of my many aliases. The only real reason I am part of this proyecto es porque sé que con mi sóla presencia el éxito está asegurado y, también, para evitar que este blog naufragie por las profundas aguas de la incertidumbre (cosa que ocurriría si yo no estuviera). Respecto a mi labor...doy el visto bueno, aporto las mejores ideas y censuro si hace falta.
Tres, al igual que nuestro "partner" Juan Jesuli, son las razones que me han llevado a ser miembro integrante de "Mareando la Perdiz":
1) Porque yo lo valgo
2) Porque sin mi este blog está Perdido. ejem.
3) Because it all started in a Francachella where I was. (Sometimes I soften cronyism)
And that, I've gone the wrong drink to introduce myself. Now it's up to the next.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
My Brother With Prostate Cancer Tattoos
Invisible Transition
Before the interesting and promising to flood our web content and give him a more or less vital at the same time detrimental to the intentions and background of such lofty project, we are obliged to inform you that we awakening passions beyond what is convenient.
no less (not more) of two people or individuals of questionable caliber have shown interest in being part of this adventure audiovisual. The three founding members have been obliged to consider their applications for membership in society, with hints of admitting ONLY ONE OF THEM, as a fellow worker benefits or compensations of any kind.
Without further ado, here I present to the candidates:
- Monxa , aka Marathon Man emerged from nowhere and there is back. La Mancha hosted its infancy, and the University of Valencia met its visual trickery. Unfazed graduating with honors scholarship combining his role in this production with menial jobs in a local chain of third row (Channel 9). In addition, he has taken to running. No, not a Renaissance man, is a normal person, even vulgar, disgusting. A wreck.
- Milton , the Great. The dawn of the new era that bathed the fields Criptana saw him born, and welcomed him with songs of goldfinch and the murmur of the streams in bloom. Milton had been born for something, and soon demonstrated. Worked hard in the University of St. Sylvester Winery, where Christ lost his hat. Their gear taster preceded him until a famous film critic and last name Boyero advised to convert their skills to the seventh art, as it gives more money, prestige and social position of flipao desahogao. Milton, eager to follow his advice, he met the powers of Internet skills as a speaker sizes and found his own corner in the renowned Asobinaos blog, where he gained a name and reputation have taken him from head to this one place of creativity and inanities.
Well, this is said and done what's done is just announced and will take out the selection process:
After submitting their requests for formal, sealed, secured and pasteurized, both candidates should appear before the Court of Founding Fathers of the Partridge, disguised as thrush (thrush I said, no hawk or dove), and an unlit torch in his hand. Should be able to light them with nothing but their own saliva, and then turn on the scalp of the competitor, or one of the judges alike. Which happens to be living quarters, and then we'll see. Also convene a survey national or Atlantic, that is the public itself to decide his fate, much to the reality.
Two weeks after all that the Founding Fathers decide what they please.
will we see the Republic Day.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Wedding Tree Centrepieces
by Juan Fernando Perdomo *
by Juan Fernando Perdomo *
Tourism has a key role in economic development lasnaciones. Recent figures tell us that in 2006 traveled more than 900millones people, with an outlay of 735.000 billion (WTO).
Countries like Spain capture 51 billion dollars and receive a 60 millonesde visitors than its population number, which is 44 million dehabitantes.
Part of the tourism boom is due to the role played by the English propiogobierno operating since 1926 in the reign of Alfonso XIII, losfamosos PARADORES SPANISH born for. "Depocos assist regions economic resources.) And the System transport, which includes not sóloal subway and bus, but the RENFE works since 1941, with sufamosísimo AVE (1992) that gives the option of air bridges or in rutascomo: Madrid to Seville Segovia. and for some days at Barcelona; asícomo ALARIS, Avant, etc.
Tourism Other successful examples of what they represent, by far, several paísesde Europe (54% of world tourism), the rediscovered Asia (20%) and the American continent (16%).
Mexico has great attractions ranging from the historic culturasOlmeca, Maya, Aztec. The foundation of the capital city; yconstrucciones Colonial Conquest, at beaches, landscape and natural sites.
of gastronomy: The variety of dishes, from the pre-Hispanic, to which the English and Cuban influences, which in one estadopueden change, and in Veracruz, which shows the diversity of northern, central, and southern coast.
The challenge of a country to achieve success in tourism is, first, knowing the global trends and the interests of turistasinternacionales and national and their own culture and tourism training delhabitante the country to find the services you offer lospotenciales demanding tourists.
asked a while ago on the Internet, through a special program desocialization What can you do in Veracruz? And the answers not surpass, the topic of the beaches, coffee or portals, and so-called clubs.
If we are not convinced what we have, unless we know what we have, if we can not sell what we have, what can we promote tourism? Esla What strategy? Towards where we're going?
The fact of having a volcano or ecological reserves is not necessarily enough to attract tourists, but if sirvenpara the purpose of travel dressing.
People worldwide travel, primarily for leisure or vacation (50%), followed by health reasons (26%) and businesses (16%), and used primarily on aircraft (45%) and road (43%). Thus there quereconocer the pillars of tourism competitiveness are infrastructure, human resources, cultural and natural.
few years ago, participating as Secretary of Economic Development deVeracruz, then covering the areas of Industry, Commerce and Tourism, NosDa that the state was known as a beach destination of difícilacceso by plane or car, but many of Veracruz, including the tourist pocosoperadores even at that time, we find in Veracruz laoportunidad Alternative Tourism. Business
began investing in infrastructure to provide serviciosde rafting, hiking, climbing, rappelling, ecology, history yconvenciones.
And, although we have called the "State Room" or the "State Havit everything "- and we believe those who live here, we must position ourselves inthe potential visitor since no one can want to be good at everything! ... Ynadie can believe! So you have to define How we can compete? inwhichthe are we different?
Well, for starters, we should notice the positive differences materiahotelera, food, transportation, roads,. and even losservicios cost. It is useless to give a cheap service. if it's bad!
No have to go far to analyze what happened in Veracruz-Boca Delrío with success: The area exploded thanks to the governor's vision DanteDelgado when improved local infrastructure, promoted deCórdoba highway to Veracruz, drove the football, yConvenciones Exhibition Centre (now WTC), hotels and shopping malls as well as nuevasavenidas.
Indeed: There was a strategy. Tourism is a strategy that not only involved inthe IP, the Government or citizens, if not all, concurrently, with the knowledge, training and emotion.
knowing and spreading the strategy, with a specific plan, unique and shared by all, we will succeed in big business DELTUR.
Other areas and attractions flourish under losturistas-start arriving now from only 5% of foreign-and estemospreparados to receive them.
For everything, absolutely everything can be an attraction in our granestado, but have to know to sell!
* Juan Fernando Perdomo is a graduate of Tec de Monterrey.
public servant, businessman and politician ( jperdomo@infosel.net.mx ) www.perdomo-blog.blogspot.com
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