By Juan Fernando Perdomo *
is no doubt that the priority is the economy in Mexico.
employment, income, and immediately, security and justice.
We have already stated that the figures are consistent: A less developed, more crime.
But one sector of the population claiming political system settings, but we must reiterate that already have submitted more than 5 Policy Reforms in recent years, these have been as fiscal reform, energy reform etc ... incomplete and insubstantial.
It requires a broader political reform and no gimmicks, because they have been lately, seek to benefit traditional parties and create a bipartisan, far closer to what Mexico needs, expectations of a move away injured people , manipulated and disappointed.
last week presented the proposal of the PRD, PT and Convergence. This week is expected of the PRI. As we know, the PAN's Calderon introduced, but the PAN itself wants to make adjustments.
What constitutes the proposal of political reform?
most important thing to note is that they want a participatory democracy. Ie: Power to the people. It enriches the Mexican state regime to be understood as a democratic, representative, participatory, secular and federal levels.
tools given to citizens are:
referendum. For popular ratification of constitutional amendments or repeal existing laws, at the request of 1.5% of the citizens of the voters list;
Plebiscite. For the adoption of policies or public works and other government actions, at the request of 1% of the citizens of the voters list;
Citizens' Initiative. Which shall be signed by the equivalent of 0.1% of those included in the voters list, same as always deserve preferential legislative process;
Revocation of mandate. Voters may be removed by direct vote, and citizens' proposal, the President, the governors, the head of the Federal District, the Municipal Presidents and Delegates, once they have served one third of its mandate and before half, the application must be marked at least the equivalent of 30% of the votes he secured the winning candidate in the election.
Citizen Candidacy. Figure is incorporated of independent candidates in federal elections under conditions of fairness to the parties, the allocation of powers campaign, access to media and advertising regulation.
Another element is the balance of power, which is reinforced by:
Ratification of Staff. It empowers the Senate to elect the Attorney General's Office without executive intervention. You will be empowered to ratify the secretaries of Foreign Affairs, Defence and Marine. For its part, the Chamber of Deputies ratified the secretary and the employees of Finance and other office clerks. Preferred
Initiative. May present an initiative in that capacity the President of the Republic and the parliamentary groups at the beginning of each regular session. Citizen initiatives will always be preferred. Such initiatives should be dictated, discussed and voted on by both chambers in the same period.
Autonomy of Public Prosecutions. It gives the Attorney General of the Republic of constitutional autonomy, disassociating the exercise of his functions he exercises authority over the Federal Executive.
Strengthening Federal Superior Audit. Is converted to the Audit an organ of State with independent, gives you the power to exercise criminal action, with the help of the Public Ministry will remove the restrictions posed on annual payments and subsequently in the control of expenses, and creates a new college of management. Jurisdiction
constitutional declaration of origin. In compliance with the principle of presumption of innocence, allowing public servants to be prosecuted in freedom and without removal from office, and who is himself the judge who handed down the sentence, which at that time prompted outrage in the House of Deputies, which will have only ten working days to resolve. The impeachment of the President of the Republic is bicameral, with twice the period.
Impeachment. It provides a summary procedure that will last at most 30 working days and will run in both chambers. The resolutions in each chamber shall be taken by an absolute majority of its members. The request may be made by the fourth trial of one of the chambers, allowing more effective and serve as a mechanism of motion of censure.
is hereby established the Reform LEGISLATURE:
Senate and foreign policy. It gives the Senate the power ratification of the Secretary of Foreign Affairs. It also provides for legislative approval of international treaties concluded by the executive through a process involving both houses of Congress.
Adoption of the National Development Plan. Ordering the adoption of the Plan by the Chamber of Deputies, on the proposal of the Executive, and strengthening the participation of citizens in its development.
Budget and renewal budget. It makes explicit the possibility of a presidential veto of the decree of the Expenditure Budget through a flexible mechanism that overcomes the problem of the pocket veto. Members may trace the veto by a simple majority and, if the government did not promulgate the decree in 5 days, will the president of the Chamber of Deputies. On the other hand, if the budget is not approved as of January 1 of year to be applied, the previous decree regain force, becoming strictly necessary adjustments.
Inquiries. Its creation will require only a quarter of the members of either House. These committees have the power to investigate any matter and may for that purpose summon any person to appear, in order to provide relevant information or material. They may also require the assistance of the ASF for development research. Integration
House. The House of Representatives shall be composed of 400 deputies elected by proportional representation and 100 more elected on a national list, under the same principle. The Senate shall be composed of 128 Senators elected by proportional representation, three for each state and 32 more national list.
Finally, on government propaganda propaganda is proposed that all public bodies to transmit radio and television time must be used exclusively for the State.
Once all the proposals up to the camera high, this is the home and go to committee, hoping to be able to vote in this legislative period, which then passes the reviewing chamber, the House of Representatives, which will surely make your adjustments.
comment here on the final decision. We hope soon to be given to continue the discussions that we all matter.
* Juan Fernando Perdomo is a graduate of Tec de Monterrey.
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