reproduce an innocent story that started a couple of years in the web, recently, by chance, I recovered.
June 26, 2008.
. According
says the press a few weeks ago Mr. Blair was in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bwhere he claimed 300,000 euros for a talk about his friendship with God. I can assure you that lie. Not that I am a friend of God, but I have the pleasure of knowing him.
The God Father (the lifetime, of course) I found him one night outside a brothel in the Extremadura dual carriageway, and asked me to take him to the city. As we were in carnivals, I do not draw much attention this kind of coat or gown and scruffy beard. But once in the car I looked askance and said,
"Hey, buddy, I know you. I fall! The Enclopedia Alvarez and his pages on Sacred History. If you knew how many times I've screwed up on you, horn bastard!
"Listen, listen, a respect for the divine.
"Look me in my car blasphemous what I want. And for God we're all a bit precarious transportation, right?
"But I came into the carriage of Elijah, and the policeman wanted to stop the poor prophet for fear of forest fires. Had to go to the peeling.
"Very nice. What we do for the world, my good man?
"But in heaven, so Isabel la Católica, both Escriva and so Psalm bored me. I made a clone of myself and I sitting on a cloud to contemplate it. Or learn. Then I got into the body of an inmate at the Santa Margarita Cotolengo.
"Of course, the gown, the bearded and dirty toenails, the closest thing to you. Man, that from Abraham the costumes have changed a bit. Also, if you get bored in heaven is your damn fault, you got what you've created. First we puteas relentlessly throughout history and still, in the XXI century, your little friends Bush, Blair and Aznar launched a crusade to put us all on the edge of a global catastrophe. And cynicism have come here to get rid of boredom.
"Hey, that neither Bush nor Blair and Aznar are my friends. Only use. I need people to kill me. Each one earns a living as you can ...
- Do not explain yourself ...
. And I snapped
everything had always wanted to release him, something she had never done for not believing in its existence, modesty atheist.
As I was in my car did not dare to replicate until it stopped in front of Cotolengo. But whether he said with a menacing voice.
"Thanks for the trip. Once I get rid of this mortal body and regain my powers, date and registered in the list of condemned to hell.
"Hell is your heaven. Yourself or you cope, bullshit.
. That's how I met God, and therefore I can assure you that Tony Blair is not your friend, but one of his puppets.
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