Sunday, November 2, 2008

Catholic Confirmation Letter Ideas


The separation of church and state, formally expressed in the constitution of the USA, is also here, as elsewhere, poor Rush.

When the current president, George W. Bush began his term in January 2002, announced a national program of "faith-based initiative" that would mobilize churches to address social ills such as drugs or poverty. To accomplish this, the White House created the department "Faith-Based and Community Initiatives." Public money given to the fundamentalist allies of the President has served as a springboard for the arrival of Republican candidates to Congress and the Senate, while that after eight years of operation, supporters del programa no han podido probar que este funcionara mejor que los programas gubernamentales de carácter laico. La iniciativa desde la esfera de lo público para paliar la pobreza se entrega así a las comunidades religiosas, que la administran en forma de caridad y de adoctrinamiento.

Pues bien, el candidato Barack Obama, que ha centrado en la religión la mayor parte del peso de su campaña, ya ha declarado de manera reiterada que los servicios sociales basados en la fe serían el centro moral de su administración.

Por su parte, para no quedar a la zaga en política interior, su rival, John McCain, también ha declarado su pretensión de apoyar este tipo de programas de “iniciativas basadas in faith. "

reborn or survive, then, no matter who wins, the United States of God.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Schemas Chargeur Black & Decker

In an article published on the country last October 16 extract the following quote:
Cardinal Antonio Maria Rouco Varela, president of the English Episcopal Conference, has led to the synod of bishops of Rome a new awakening in the conscience of Christians to "light the Gospel in public life." The Church must be a leaven of modern culture, and participate in public and legislative debates, Rouco said to oppose secularism, that great source of historical dangers: "The Modern state, as radical secularist, resulted in the twentieth century totalitarian forms of Soviet Communism and National Socialism, "he said.
The images you see here are not, therefore, what appear.

Left, two secular disguise.

Here are many costumes.

No, that is not the Archbishop Coch.
of these secular hobby of impersonating churchmen. Luckily we have Mr. Rouco to restore historical truth.

Heck, if the bloody Franco in Spain also rose against the Republic with the help of secular guise of the Catholic hierarchy. It must have a custom of the time. And we will clarify the eminent Doctor Rouco Varela.

Monday, October 6, 2008

High Hemoglobinsleep Apnea

WILL THERE?, Is not there?,
WILL THERE?, Is not there? ...

By Juan Fernando Perdomo *

On Monday September 22 Senator McCain, Republican candidate for president of the United States said at 9 am, the U.S. economy was sound and that there was progress in economic policies President Bush. Two hours later, precisely at the 11th week, McCain agreed that if there was economic crisis.

But not only are "political campaigning" play with the theme:
The Secretary of Finance of Mexico, at the end of the ceremony commemorating the 198 anniversary of Independence, said the financial crisis living in the United States will not impact negatively to Mexico.

said that Mexico has sound public finances. He said: "There is concern, we are well ... yes, and Mexico has a strong economy."

However, when brought before the federal deputies, a few days later, did not hesitate to describe what happened in the U.S. financial system as "the worst crisis in half a century, combined with an emerging recession in European countries. He added that "undoubtedly have an effect on the performance of the Mexican economy."

Well, we are like before we said, there would be no inflation, prices would not rise, there would be no inflation, and then ... came the "streak"! without further justification that had been very difficult situation and although it was impossible to not be able to stop the outcome.

With what elements are so strong that these responses are then modified? Do not know yet, but should be more accountable to the state, especially when you have such a high level in national politics.

In September of this year, we learned that the jobs lost in the United States, ranging from 150 to 200 thousand, with an unemployment rate above 6% after 2007 with more than one million two hundred thousand jobs created.

This past week, the main stock of NY had one of the 3 largest falls in units of the history of the neighboring country.

Senator Biden, Democratic candidate for vice president said that the U.S. has concerns about the medicine applied, it must be taken into account that, under American economic policy, investors - to whom these measures should also protect- be treated as investors and, above all else. there to support the owner who lost their assets but, above all, take care that "there are people making money with this rescue plan." It refers, of course, speculators and corrupt displayed in this "troubled waters" and that, as in the FOBAPROA, "pull water to their mill."

That's right: The United States has accepted a mega rescue in the worst recession in 25 years due to excessive credit and debt, according to Sarah Palin, Republican vice presidential candidate, is due to "predatory lenders that granted loans beyond the purchasing power of citizens. "

What we are is more important in Mexico is how far will it?

Well Many Mexicans now living illegally there will have to return to Mexico, unemployed and perhaps without enough money to sustain himself, but worse still, without employment options. The remittances sent to Mexico, to that effect are already falling and will do more in the coming weeks.

Mexicans could get there, pressure will live as Americans require government work for them in positions that would no longer, because they considered unworthy, but this crisis will take them away.

Americans will import and therefore reduce their consumption, trying to increase exports, which will affect the Mexican market of foreign trade, whose main market is the United States.

Economic growth will reduce their expectations and, although not anticipated local recession, if there will be difficulties in obtaining credit, interest rates will rise and thus inflation, regardless of our difficulties even with prices food.

The oil prices continue to fluctuate, and may be reduced further as states Together consume 25% of world oil, and will not need it before the recession, experts say, may reach 12 months.

So: What is seen is a black picture, according to the National COPARMEX and threw his first negative balance at the 20,000 jobs lost in our country because of the U.S. crisis.

is required austerity measures, planning, discipline, effectiveness and efficiency of Mexican companies and, simultaneously, of a government to take ad hoc measures, and we do not want to believe that all is well, when water and we are getting fed up and some ... are are drowning!

· Juan Fernando Perdomo is a graduate of Tec de Monterrey.

public servant, businessman and politician ( )

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Menards Bathtub Doors

live auction concept

As promised, and that among other things we will put an end to the mystery that is in suspense to all our readers / viewers / victims.

In March a competition was held concession, administrative and licensing authoritative MareandolaPerdiz Productions. In particular, we gave a seat to be part of this great adventure audiovisual, after so many people ask us via application and prayer mode.

Finally, competition was introduced to human Messrs. Milton and Monxa, who already know .

Well, I am pleased to announce that the selection process has concluded. Following the introduction of merit and the referendum was abundantly clear who was the winner and who was to become an Partridge therefore more creativity in this corral.

Yes, black. And we were getting ready to launch our audiovisual and production equipment for a special series of documentaries about the figure of this new partner star, when we received a letter that we plunged into consternation.
"Hello. Hey, I can not go, and I will send something. Milton"
assume therefore that Mr. Cocochian had other issues that demanded, and we had to dip into the bucket garbage to find the phone the other candidate, much less prepared but also managed to a stitching. Two minutes after the call, Mr. Monxa was presented in our virtual production (known to run a lot), and willing to work, hey. Specifically came with his late Videopiso under his arm and with the idea of \u200b\u200ba new set of Internet bullshit. Anyway, the intention is what counts, they say. I told you, that it will be getting into other meals. Specifically ... CONTENT!
not lose eye.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Silver Nitratehazard Symbol

Gentlemen, we have returned.
We never were, never were, in fact. But here we are. Serve this re-foundation, notice, or shit on a stick. In any case, let's make a quick list of projects we have in mind, as Joint :

-disclosure amateur and professional future of the two candidates to join our lofty conspiracy: Milton Monxa Cocochian and Simon, the same shit are.

-publish something about a group of poor .

-celebrate with all our readers Eskimo Father's Day.

"I tell how close they are CONTENT this time, Hold on.

And many other concepts, not anything else, but that we are more than enough . Much, too.

already said Bauman

Monday, August 25, 2008

Corporal Punishment In Films


By Juan Fernando Perdomo *

If the early 90's had been generalized the concept of Business Incubators, many companies, who disappeared from 1995 to 1998 would live yet.

At that time, the Ministries of Economic Development states, did not have the backing of a strong impulse to the birth of companies, much less support resources to drive growth and consolidation, so , appeared in the overnight and, thus, also went.

this statement may seem extreme, but we must recognize that Mexican companies, the vast majority are born to die almost immediately. According to Sergio Gomez, of the magazine "Being an Entrepreneur", 10 companies are born, 7 die in less than a year. The reason? The lack of proper and adequate Planning: In its scope, its structure, its capital, its market, use of technology, ...

We got carried away by intuition, but that's nothing, to survive and consolidate, to grow in a global world in which competition is like in the jungle itself.

probably know many entrepreneurs who decide to bet on a project and start without an outline, a vision, a clear goal, but especially without solid analysis, based, of the likely success of the project and how to achieve it. Therefore
Business Incubator.
But what are the incubators of business?

Secretariat Economy of our country, defined as:
"A business incubator is a center where they can guide you to realize that a business idea, you would like to convert into business.

There are 3 types of incubators: Incubator
1 .- Traditional. Supports the creation of companies in traditional sectors whose requirements for physical and technological infrastructure and its operating mechanisms are essential. Its incubation period is usually 3 months.
2 .- Intermediate Technology Incubator. Supports the creation of companies whose requirements for physical and technological infrastructure and its operating mechanisms are semi-skilled and involve processes or semi-developed procedures, ie, they incorporate elements of innovation. The incubation time in these centers is approximately 12 months.
3 .- High Technology Incubator. Supports the creation of companies specialized or advanced sectors among which are the following: Information technology and communication (ICT), microelectronics, micro electromechanical systems (MEM's), biotechnology and pharmaceutical among others. Projects entering these centers can take up to 2 years.

At the center of incubation, the advisors will offer methodological tools for your idea, your project, start on the right foot. That is, with greater strength that allows you to achieve your goals.

Some of the benefits of lean in a business incubator are most likely to succeed in your project are receiving public assistance, learn and use the experiences of companies that have failed, to avoid making those mistakes, can access more effectively and quickly to venture capital, among others.

the state of Veracruz in most universities, public and private, have the Business Incubator service, but you must strengthen this ambitious project with the support of the three branches of government and private enterprise.

So this Friday August 22, Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Central de Veracruz, set up a business council to support the cooperation agreements signed with the municipalities of Cordoba, Orizaba, Xalapa Acayucan and support through the business incubation model of ITESM, A total of 60 business projects in developing your business plan and training, as well as growth of 20 micro and small enterprises.

The objective is to provide entrepreneurs in the region of incubation services and virtual (Internet) on the model of ITESM, consisting of counseling and training, loan offices with furniture in the boot process, computer equipment and communications, camera Gessel (market research), meeting rooms and training room.

In 2008, support to 80 entrepreneurs in the preincubation phase and 20 companies in the process of acceleration.

In 2009, with the inclusion of municipal program and Xalapa, Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz, will support up to 120 projects in preincubation, and 30 gazelles in the state.

The gazelles are those "... that in the last 4 years sales have increased steadily all the years, doubling, at least. They are innovative and dynamic companies. Asumen un mayor riesgo financiero y económico.”

Ahora, con los convenios con los ayuntamientos de Córdoba, Orizaba, Acayucan y Xalapa y, pronto, con los de Veracruz y Coatzacoalcos, el fortalecimiento del desarrollo económico regional a través de la creación y desarrollo de microempresas, el Campus Central de Veracruz del Tecnológico de Monterrey logra sumar esfuerzos para la operación de este tipo de programas.

Ojala más Universidades, Empresas, Municipios y emprendedores, se sumen a esta metodología que brinda la oportunidad de crear más y mejores empresas, impulsando el Desarrollo regional.

*Juan Fernando Perdomo es egresado del TEC DE MONTERREY.
Servidor groups, businessman and politician ( )

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Church Welcome Letters Template

"LEFT, RIGHT OR CENTER? Anything else?

By Juan Fernando Perdomo

times marked changes in the trends of political parties and political models themselves. Now we all want to look for ideology of the Centre.

This is not possible. Mean that the ideologies that were lost dieronrazón to be in this game, which makes it different for ciudadanosvoten for them.

really that ideology and trend should to be reflected in the basic principles involved in their manifesto.

In the talks I give on Politics, conducted an exercise: I chose a pair depárrafos platforms of each party on social issues. Laspuse on an overhead without pointing to what party they belong to and ask losasistentes to vote on which party or ideology are frases.Generalmente, the group "condemns" the exercise.

is not the fault of the citizen. The tendency of the party leadership Devender ideological image which believe not, but can serve paraatraer more votes and supporters. But also because ideologies are, at least, two dimensional.

For the reverse is a lie: The parties have no particular visionesdistintas. May be different in economic policies, but sympathize with the social. LIX

The Legislature, a company conducted a survey to all parties legisladoresde shows that although there claramenteidentificados games with a left or right, legislators seautodenominan center.

In that survey, for each position within ideológicatradicional dimensional geometry, legislators and self-identified, enporcentaje:

a) the PAN: Left 2%, 6% in Left Center; enCentro 35%, 44% in Central right and 6% in Derecha.b) The PRI: Left 3%, 44% in Left Center; enCentro 31%, 14% in Central and 1% Right Derecha.c) The PRD: 55% Left and 40% in Central Izquierda.d) Member of the Green Ecologist: 11 Left Center% and 89% in Centro.e) The Labour Party: 75% and 25% left center, and f) The convergence, with the total, ie 100% in center.

The results do not give 100% in all cases because there legisladoresque not answered. Maybe they did not know what they talked! This brings us at least to these conclusions:

1. Political parties - worldwide - looking to capture the supporters and show mayornúmero platforms "Attractive" to losvotantes;

2. Lawmakers call themselves a party of a trend, but do not go with the ideology of his party

3. Ideologies are not linear. They have depth two-dimensional stages or profiles that vary with the issue being addressed.

Of course, this is not widespread, but occurs in Mexico mayorfrecuencia barely 10 years ago. If this were not true, no políticose sit at the same table as another of a different ideology, under linear laperspectiva would have no common ground.

But When was the concept of left and right?

On the Web "the political compass" says: "The old clasificaciónunidimensional, Right" and "left" as defined in the National Assembly disposicionesde of 1789, by a vote under esexcesivamente simplistic to the current political landscape. " And question: "Who are the conservatives in Russia today? Is estalinismoinvolucionista or the reformers who have adopted the view deconservadores as Margaret Thatcher?"

and reinforces: "On the standard left-right scale," cómodistinguiría between leftists like Stalin and Gandhi? Essuficiente not to say that Stalin was simply more left queGandhi. There are fundamental political differences between the two, which may explain lavetusta classification itself "

How many friends of yours, the" right "look up to Gandhi, who is left, but do not accept the ideas of Stalin? If you tell me lasizquierdas differ from those characters, you will understand ageometría who think politics is not linear.

What he proposes "the political compass" is that there are 4 areas: Authoritarianism (at its end, Fascism), Liberalism (in its extreme , Anarchy), Left (at the end, communism) and right (at its end, Neoliberalism). The mixtures are: Authoritarianism, with left or right, and Liberalism with Left or Right. Of course, being axis existenposiciones from a minimum, to the extreme, to the moderate.

To strengthen and know yourself, the Web page author invitaa you do a test that will give you your position within the 4 axes. To ellovisita page:

By giving you your results, shows examples of well known figures of the mixtures decade. For example:

a) Stalin is an example of left-communist-fascist yautoritarismo;
b) Gandhi, a moderate left-Liberal-moderate
c) Thatcher, a right-neoliberal with authoritarianism-moderate
d) Milton Friedman a "neo-liberal right-to-moderate liberalism;
e) Hitler, and moderate right-fascist authoritarianism, and
f) Benedict XVI, according to the survey, is in equilibrium with unaIzquierda- moderate-moderate authoritarianism.

mean: There are more dimensions than the simplistic right, left or center, then at the bottom or the surface, we can all have some Liberal oAutoritario mixed with left or right, which opens the panoramapolítico.

* Juan Fernando Perdomo is a graduate of Tec de Monterrey. Public servant, businessman and politician ( )

Monday, July 28, 2008

Tips To Be A Better Restaurant Dishwasher


By Juan Fernando Perdomo *

I can hardly know with certainty what will happen with the much hyped oil reform. To begin with, because it is not true as ENERGY REFORM has been given for calling. Second, because one thing is what should be and another, which have planned the strategy that the party leadership, Legislators and the Executive.

is no doubt that the opposition also had a very strong strategy that will, from the taking of the stands to DEBATE demand, until the public consultation that although did not want lawmakers to legalize through amendments to the constitution exists ENDORSEMENT, plebiscites and popular initiatives, which exists in certain states and, for reasons of democracy, is a fundamental tool is still lacking in Mexico.

really, it's easy to compare ourselves with other countries in what we need, but when considering the rights of citizens in so-called democratic countries, we see that we are not willing to make those changes.

Well, what should follow is a real analysis of the contributions of participants in the Senate debate, by the Senate Energy Committee. From there, return the most relevant and matched to help enrich and modify the proposal of the Executive. Subsequently, a consensus within the Energy Committee, take the initiative to the full Senate.

In full of the 128 Senators, who will reserve items and this will generate a debate, until it comes time to vote, by simple majority (half plus one, at least), it is considered that Constitutional changes are, since if this were the case, it should be for 66% of the legislators, to be later voted by state legislatures also by majority vote. But for the moment, no changes in the Constitution, although secondary laws that may affect the Constitution.

If the Reformation is not appropriate in the full Senate, returns to the Energy Commission. If approved, the reform initiative is transferred to the Energy Committee of the House of Representatives and passed through a similar procedure in the full House of Representatives.

Also in the full lower house call can be reserved and items to be discussed and, over time, we have the vote.

If the House of Representatives make amendments to the initiative, it must return to the Senate to evaluate and possibly accept those changes, of no change, reform will be completed and given that it is intended that no further change Constitution, the Executive shall publish in the Official Journal of the Federation.

Well, this is the way that seems appropriate, although it should be noted:

1. The PRI, just a few hours of the completion of discussions, presented his proposal for reform. My view is that respect should have been in the leadership of this party, and thoroughly review the proposals of over 160 technical and policy experts in discussions. So, for the PRI, the debates were useless.

2. The executive said, the voice of the Secretary of Energy, PRI's proposal is very similar to that of the President, who see with good eyes, though he says he "does not solve the fundamental problems." Wow!
But beyond all, the proposal makes Beltrones (PRI) as the Savior of REFORM!

3. The expected PRD analysis of the consultation held this July 27 to reinforce their ideas and present their proposal that 84% of voters voted against it of the proposal. There is also a rift within the party that can create difficulties in the proposal. Indeed, while FAP Consulting is not covered by Mexican law, if it shows public participation it wants to be heard.

4. Other parties, such as the PVEM and convergence have insisted that the reform presented is not ENERGY OIL and therefore requires a deeper analysis of fiscal issues, fundamental to this reform and the promotion of alternative energies, essentially renewable.

5. There are issues that did not elaborate as the Labor, monopolies within the monopoly, the actions can be made without reform, etc ...

My conclusion to the events described, is that the PRI and the PAN will draw Reform "light" very poor, who undertake heritage and Energy Sovereignty of Mexico, which result in a lack of control over this natural wealth, and that will not solve the problem that this reform was required, which is a real Economic and Social Development.

same thing happened with "tax reform" that does not solve Mexico's problems, and if it generates the closing of businesses. Or the case of electoral reform that is damaging freedom of expression of citizens and closing the doors to the consolidation of emerging political parties.

Pity Much Ado About Nothing ... to get worse.

* Juan Fernando Perdomo is a graduate of Tec de Monterrey.

public servant, businessman and politician ( )

Monday, April 14, 2008

Examples Of Adidas Slogans


By Juan Fernando Perdomo *

Commercials on oil reform-Energy-NOT know about our federal government has referred, among others, Norway, fishermen unpaís became an oil power in the 70's décadade. Many years after the birth of PEMEX.

We like to compare to what we need to convince people follow successful models deque. And if course it's valid to deejemplo Norway, analyzing the culture and quality of life for its people!

Norway, but few know it is a very nationalistic country.
On issues such as oil as its postulates cover definitions:
1 .- The oil belongs to the nation.
2 .- The exploitation of resources should benefit all of society. 3 .- We
involve the whole nation in the making.
4 .- We must manage resources efficiently. 5 .-
priority is to promote and invest in technology.
6 .- Fostering competitiveness through: The education system; FocusN key activities and ongoing training, and encourage losjóvenes.
7. Transforming existing industries: Marine, Mining and Processing
8 .- Having balance between activities of the oil and Nopetrolero. 9 .-
supply industry to develop long-term vision. 10 .-
contractors Select suppliers in a transparent, sindiscriminación, ensuring your investment. 11 .-
and Technical Solutions contracts involving local industry. 12 .-
proactive information policy for local suppliers.
13 .- ZERO environmental damage.
14 .- Spend time with NGOs and fishermen.
15 .- To promote technologies that do not affect productive activities.

The most important company, which is part of the state, is called STATOIL conpresencia in 135 of the 434 municipalities with 44,000 employees and 250,000 deproveedores direct and indirect employees.

STRATEGIES Statoil to develop the domestic industry, are lassiguientes:
a) In advance of announcing the need for goods and services.
b) Involve companies RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT premises.
c) Support local businesses to develop as suppliers.
d) Assistance to local campaigns implementation of quality programs.
e) Agenda for development of local suppliers.
f) foster strategic alliances between suppliers yextranjeros.

In order to transparency and to encourage bids losproveedores establishing a program where he expressed the supplier, "Why did not win the contest?" But only those who want to know porqueperdieron award. There were not compared with others.

Currently, under the advocacy efforts of providers, 68% OF LOSPROVEEDORES ARE NATIONAL PETROLEUM

But look further as the world operating Oil: The Norwegian handefinido a Decalogue, which they call "THE TEN COMMANDMENTS OF OIL"


1. Ensure governance and national ownership of all activity in continental laplataforma (Norway)

2. Exploit the oil deposits so that Norway sudependencia minimize the import of crude oil.
3. Develop new businesses based in the oil sector.
4. The development of oil and gas industry patterns should be considered due to existing economic activities and respect her environment.
5. The venting of gas (gas burning) is not accepted on the continental shelf (except for short periods of test)
6. The oil from the continental shelf should be transported to Norway, unless social impact issues require alternatives.
7. The government should get involved at all appropriate levels paracontribuir the coordination of interests within laindustria Norway Norwegian oil and develop an environment petrolerointegrado, both national interests and international
8. It should establish a state-owned oil company paraasegurar government's economic interests and to have both positive unacooperación domestic and foreign interests.
9. Activity north of 62 degrees must meet the special condicionessociales related to this part of the country.
10. Future oil discoveries Norwegian laPolítica can expose new challenges outside Norway.

a result, clear priorities and having his administration, when unniño born, has a savings on the order of 210.000 crowns.

addition, they open embassies in countries with ocomplementarias activities affinity to their country.

And not only created an oil reform, if your project ENERGY: Statoil opened its first hydrogen refueling station in 2006 paraautos its network of stations whose emissions consist of pure water; Yplanean build the largest wind power broker in the world inthe West Coast.

Do you think that Mexico has the Government, Employers, politicians and citizens quepodamos build a culture similar? Or do you doubt? FDO JUAN PERDOMO

also hope you will be of some interest, the article by Mr. KnochenhauerPAPEL OF PETRÓLEOGuillermo Knochenhauer

Energy reform is necessary, but not for the reasons that the gobiernoy the PAN have said, but to change the role that oil has been inthe national development.

ago 30 years that oil revenues are used to finance nearly 40 percent of government current expenditure, which must be moderated and porotro hand, were financed with revenue verdaderareforma product of Inland Revenue. The oil revenue should not be cause for seguirdifiriendo the settlement of the country's fiscal structure, which is the querecauda lower taxes on business income among OECD members dela.

Energy reform is inseparable from a prosecutor. Losimpuestos have to join with the oil revenue, without which it will replace those, paraasignarlos a coherent destination allowed to leave the lag in development that Mexico is trapped.

Changing the role of oil revenues in national development, esutilizarla to increase the country's wealth, to distribute conequidad, keeping prices stable and to deepen libertadesdemocráticas.

hundred billion dollars annually, which is what will generate Pemexeste 2008, can do much to stop the progressive deficit countries, these four areas: the rate of GDP has been declining for 30 years, ladesigualdad corrupts social cohesion and coexistence, estabilidadmacroeconómica is held in foreign currency flows and lademocracia extraordinary, although it has freedoms which must be preserved, is muylejos to be the system of national life.

The discussion of energy reform has at least two levels: Elde private interests would achieve what they did with Pemex lastelecomunicaciones and banks. The problem is not the capital privadotenga to be rejected for being private, the problem is that you know enMéxico, how to increase profits is to participate in the tráficode influences the state controls, but for the benefit of those conautoridad.

The other plane involved in energy reform in the dilemma of development modelode: convert oil revenues into social welfare, comodice neoliberalism, making the country-its people, its laws and susinstituciones-be able to "attract and retain funds "... and social laderrama expect these benefits.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Masterbation Encourgament

He did not know it was the partridge

This week we have launched advertising campaigns in a different color and size, concentrated in the peaceful surroundings of the Faculty of Philology the Lecture V. We know that he has succeeded, we triumph and triumph. We must continue down this path.

And soon ... CONTENT!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Area Of Shaded Segment Circle


By Juan Fernando Perdomo *

With the participation of all types of national and local, farmers and industrialists of the agriculture sector, including: Coffee, Sugar, Corn, Barley, Agave, ... and rural financial intermediaries, held the Third Forum on Financing for Agricultural Development made by the Senate. There

, Senator Dante Delgado, Chairman of the Special Commission to determine the causes low funding for Development, said that if general funding for development is a heartfelt concern of the Senate, particularly the financing for agricultural development and agribusiness means a special concern.

This, he said, is due to the following reasons:

In rural and productive activities of the Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry, Fisheries and Agribusiness live more than 24 million Mexicans in the last 10 years have been marginalized from the benefits and access to credit.

From 1998 to 2005, the U.S. agricultural sector in North America our main trading partner, grew by 51% subsidies to reach 133.000 million dollars in Mexico grew by 24%, but only come to 7.300 million, ie U.S. grants 18.2 times more subsidies than Mexico.

The credit granted in general, the development and commercial banks fell from 61.6% of GDP in 1994, only 20.3% in 2007.
But Agriculture increased from 2.19% to 0.14%, and livestock was 1.31% to 0.13%.

All this, said Senator Dante Delgado, in an international environment in which food becomes not only scarce and thus expensive, if not strategic.

For his part, Senator Heladio Ramírez, President of the Rural Development Commission, said that for "25 years left field production processes and farmers, are in need of selling or leasing their land, before dying in poverty. "

organizations realize that the Bank is not profitable to the field so that the financing of commercial banks has fallen by half, the Development Bank for a quarter and suppliers are responsible for financing, unintentionally, to the field.

But, especially, the field has fallen, 2007, almost one eighth of funding, contrary to what was granted in 1998.

reflection of the audience is missing public policy for our country and, in particular, note that "without funding there can be no production and no funding in line with national priorities, there can be no growth for social, economic, technology, competitiveness and quality of life, which is manifestation in the progress and welfare. "

Peasants in the voice of Cruz Lopez de la CNC, regretted that the Development Bank has become a "banking risk" and only given to those who have the guarantees to support the payment.

For its part, the National Agricultural Council (CNA), through its President, Jaime Yesaki, said the field reacts more slowly than other sectors, thus requiring appropriate credits that could help reduce the technological gap.

But he also pointed to the disadvantage that exists in the payment of inputs from our business partners, the low level of production by size of land (60% of the land is divided in 2 hectares) and the lack of generation of value, to make the field profitable.

and noted that "public institutions building as a whole have not fully complied with the institutional goals that will determine their respective organic laws ", according to the Federal Superior Audit.

Therefore, the attendees were in favor of:

a) Increase Funding to Agriculture Sector;

b) Financial intermediaries with attractive rates;

c) Prevent the exodus from the countryside, creating jobs rural areas;

d) Consolidate Funds dedicated to the field and

e) The creation of a Rural Finance System.

and asked the Senate to mandate Federal Government that its proposals are not only heard, but are carried out.

* Juan Fernando Perdomo is a graduate of Tec de Monterrey.
public servant, businessman and politician ( )

Monday, March 31, 2008

2005 Puma Rks25 Floor Plan

Hello my children, you all are lucky to have me among you. To give you an idea of \u200b\u200beverything wonderful that I can be in any subject, I have decided to leave you hanging here the first part of a documentary that deals with my life and work. Superstar Martinez, a documentary produced by a highly qualified person for this: myself. And in glorious 16:9, disffrutadlo if you have time.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

What Makes You Throw Up?

I Martínez Superstar, Mr Wolsey: They call

My name is Simon Templar, and Mr. Wolsey is just one of my many aliases. The only real reason I am part of this proyecto es porque sé que con mi sóla presencia el éxito está asegurado y, también, para evitar que este blog naufragie por las profundas aguas de la incertidumbre (cosa que ocurriría si yo no estuviera). Respecto a mi labor...doy el visto bueno, aporto las mejores ideas y censuro si hace falta.

Tres, al igual que nuestro "partner" Juan Jesuli, son las razones que me han llevado a ser miembro integrante de "Mareando la Perdiz":

1) Porque yo lo valgo

2) Porque sin mi este blog está Perdido. ejem.

3) Because it all started in a Francachella where I was. (Sometimes I soften cronyism)

And that, I've gone the wrong drink to introduce myself. Now it's up to the next.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

My Brother With Prostate Cancer Tattoos

Invisible Transition

Before the interesting and promising to flood our web content and give him a more or less vital at the same time detrimental to the intentions and background of such lofty project, we are obliged to inform you that we awakening passions beyond what is convenient.

no less (not more) of two people or individuals of questionable caliber have shown interest in being part of this adventure audiovisual. The three founding members have been obliged to consider their applications for membership in society, with hints of admitting ONLY ONE OF THEM, as a fellow worker benefits or compensations of any kind.

Without further ado, here I present to the candidates:

- Monxa , aka Marathon Man emerged from nowhere and there is back. La Mancha hosted its infancy, and the University of Valencia met its visual trickery. Unfazed graduating with honors scholarship combining his role in this production with menial jobs in a local chain of third row (Channel 9). In addition, he has taken to running. No, not a Renaissance man, is a normal person, even vulgar, disgusting. A wreck.

- Milton , the Great. The dawn of the new era that bathed the fields Criptana saw him born, and welcomed him with songs of goldfinch and the murmur of the streams in bloom. Milton had been born for something, and soon demonstrated. Worked hard in the University of St. Sylvester Winery, where Christ lost his hat. Their gear taster preceded him until a famous film critic and last name Boyero advised to convert their skills to the seventh art, as it gives more money, prestige and social position of flipao desahogao. Milton, eager to follow his advice, he met the powers of Internet skills as a speaker sizes and found his own corner in the renowned Asobinaos blog, where he gained a name and reputation have taken him from head to this one place of creativity and inanities.

Well, this is said and done what's done is just announced and will take out the selection process:

After submitting their requests for formal, sealed, secured and pasteurized, both candidates should appear before the Court of Founding Fathers of the Partridge, disguised as thrush (thrush I said, no hawk or dove), and an unlit torch in his hand. Should be able to light them with nothing but their own saliva, and then turn on the scalp of the competitor, or one of the judges alike. Which happens to be living quarters, and then we'll see. Also convene a survey national or Atlantic, that is the public itself to decide his fate, much to the reality.

Two weeks after all that the Founding Fathers decide what they please.


will we see the Republic Day.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Wedding Tree Centrepieces


by Juan Fernando Perdomo *

Tourism has a key role in economic development lasnaciones. Recent figures tell us that in 2006 traveled more than 900millones people, with an outlay of 735.000 billion (WTO).

Countries like Spain capture 51 billion dollars and receive a 60 millonesde visitors than its population number, which is 44 million dehabitantes.

Part of the tourism boom is due to the role played by the English propiogobierno operating since 1926 in the reign of Alfonso XIII, losfamosos PARADORES SPANISH born for. "Depocos assist regions economic resources.) And the System transport, which includes not sóloal subway and bus, but the RENFE works since 1941, with sufamosísimo AVE (1992) that gives the option of air bridges or in rutascomo: Madrid to Seville Segovia. and for some days at Barcelona; asícomo ALARIS, Avant, etc.

Tourism Other successful examples of what they represent, by far, several paísesde Europe (54% of world tourism), the rediscovered Asia (20%) and the American continent (16%).

Mexico has great attractions ranging from the historic culturasOlmeca, Maya, Aztec. The foundation of the capital city; yconstrucciones Colonial Conquest, at beaches, landscape and natural sites.

of gastronomy: The variety of dishes, from the pre-Hispanic, to which the English and Cuban influences, which in one estadopueden change, and in Veracruz, which shows the diversity of northern, central, and southern coast.

The challenge of a country to achieve success in tourism is, first, knowing the global trends and the interests of turistasinternacionales and national and their own culture and tourism training delhabitante the country to find the services you offer lospotenciales demanding tourists.

asked a while ago on the Internet, through a special program desocialization What can you do in Veracruz? And the answers not surpass, the topic of the beaches, coffee or portals, and so-called clubs.

If we are not convinced what we have, unless we know what we have, if we can not sell what we have, what can we promote tourism? Esla What strategy? Towards where we're going?

The fact of having a volcano or ecological reserves is not necessarily enough to attract tourists, but if sirvenpara the purpose of travel dressing.

People worldwide travel, primarily for leisure or vacation (50%), followed by health reasons (26%) and businesses (16%), and used primarily on aircraft (45%) and road (43%). Thus there quereconocer the pillars of tourism competitiveness are infrastructure, human resources, cultural and natural.

few years ago, participating as Secretary of Economic Development deVeracruz, then covering the areas of Industry, Commerce and Tourism, NosDa that the state was known as a beach destination of difícilacceso by plane or car, but many of Veracruz, including the tourist pocosoperadores even at that time, we find in Veracruz laoportunidad Alternative Tourism. Business

began investing in infrastructure to provide serviciosde rafting, hiking, climbing, rappelling, ecology, history yconvenciones.

And, although we have called the "State Room" or the "State Havit everything "- and we believe those who live here, we must position ourselves inthe potential visitor since no one can want to be good at everything! ... Ynadie can believe! So you have to define How we can compete? inwhichthe are we different?

Well, for starters, we should notice the positive differences materiahotelera, food, transportation, roads,. and even losservicios cost. It is useless to give a cheap service. if it's bad!

No have to go far to analyze what happened in Veracruz-Boca Delrío with success: The area exploded thanks to the governor's vision DanteDelgado when improved local infrastructure, promoted deCórdoba highway to Veracruz, drove the football, yConvenciones Exhibition Centre (now WTC), hotels and shopping malls as well as nuevasavenidas.

Indeed: There was a strategy. Tourism is a strategy that not only involved inthe IP, the Government or citizens, if not all, concurrently, with the knowledge, training and emotion.

knowing and spreading the strategy, with a specific plan, unique and shared by all, we will succeed in big business DELTUR.

Other areas and attractions flourish under losturistas-start arriving now from only 5% of foreign-and estemospreparados to receive them.

For everything, absolutely everything can be an attraction in our granestado, but have to know to sell!

* Juan Fernando Perdomo is a graduate of Tec de Monterrey.
public servant, businessman and politician ( )

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Side Effecs Or Canne Lepto Vaccination


No doubt inspired by the foul effluvia of stresses several inhaled this afternoon in a hell called Aula 202, I decided the title of the first work present of this new production:
Transition Invisible (Invisible easily exportable to Transition)
And here I read, because I'm more of titles that become projects unfinished but promising forever.

Bonardelle Method, Phase Brainstorm: Comedy, peas, a magachín, the idea of \u200b\u200bdeath redeemed by sunlight, a mobile ladrillaco old type, a beret. And much axle hop, the more wrong it gets me the most.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Pokemon Red Online Game Book

By Juan Fernando Perdomo *

For many of us it is impossible to believe that interest rates to boost small businesses in Mexico are the 120%, but this is what an investigation by Geri Smith, BusinessWeek magazine, he discovered and expressed in his article, the ugly side of micro credit.

According to Wikipedia (Encyclopedia open on the website): "Micro loans are small loans made to borrowers too poor to give them a loan at a traditional bank. The micro credits possible ... that many people without resources to finance industrial projects on their own income reverse them. "

Worldwide the average interest paid by a micro credit is the order of 31% per annum, when in Mexico is 81% and the bank Compartamos, originally nonprofit, takes up to 5% per month.

And people with low incomes, and often little preparation, does not understand interest rates, but how much I can pay a week? That is, if you have the ability to pay 100 pesos a week, so, although the annual interest rate exceeding 100%.

For example: A person who buys a TV or stereo to two years, considering that you can pay the weekly amount in the ad, does not look at it will end up paying up to twice the value of the equipment purchased. And that companies are required to disclose their total annual costs (TAC) but people think that no one cares.

When I had the opportunity to serve Veracruz as Secretary of Economic Development (Industry, Trade and Tourism), we had three funds for this purpose, the amount of resources to be managed, at least, back then, not be justified three different structures. So we decided to create the CEDIM (Comprehensive Center for Microenterprise Development), merging the operation of all funds and becoming more cost efficient.

funds had different intentions and credit policies. Some of them required collateral, but others were credit to the word. But the loans, which in those days ranged from 5 to 10 thousand pesos, average, were usually covered by employers timeliness of those companies that were born or entered the expansion phase.

To broaden the vision of CEDIM, I should mention that it was this body that was responsible for training and micro finance and thus qualified to participate in the EXPO VERACRUZ PRODUCE WHAT WE CONSUME. Recently the newspaper

REFORM (Ma Dolores Ortega) published a critique of administrative duplication of programs Federal Government support for small businesses, under the title "Merman resources to SMEs." There

, Ortega reveals annual expenditures on personnel administration development programs which are: FONAES ($ 200 million pesos), Ministry of Finance ($ 1.224 Mdp Through FOMMUR, Global SME and Pronafim) PROMUSAG ($ 382 million pesos) Fomagro ($ 3.193 million pesos), and there are more than 113 federal programs that are attended for directions and different personnel. Not to mention the more than 500 government programs that generally are uncoordinated with the Federation.

Y refers to that in the United States, the Small Business Agency (SBA) concentrates more than 70 federal and independence.

But back to cost. The rates of micro-credit institutions, non-profit are similar to bank rates, or even at the rates American banks give their clients with a history debtor. This has enabled the Bank to transform itself from an institution SHARE nonprofit to a commercial bank in 2006, says Geri.

But the fact is that lack financial education in Mexico. Well, I could argue, is needed EDUCATION! Since the average country in our study is only 7 years.

even with all the controversy that is Banamex, for sale to Citigroup, through the foundation material information Banamex performed as comic or cartoon, videos and brochures to publicize financial terms in the language to make it accessible to the public.

For his part, President Calderón said that his goal is to reach 1.5 million micro-credit in 2009 and three million in 2012, the last year of his administration.

"The engine of an economy that creates jobs, are Mexican men and women who decide to work, to undertake, to open a business," said the man who has promised to become the president of employment, at a ceremony in presidential residence in the capital, where the president signed an agreement establishing a Mexican commission of micro, small and medium enterprises, to coordinate everything having to do with these credits.

National President of the Chamber of Commerce Small (CANACOPE), Javier Leal, said in an interview: "One of the things we're trying to push now ..., is financial support, call loans by the authorities. That itself will help us because we are going to strengthen, to increase our inventory and buy at better prices and be more competitive. "

This Leal said in 2002, 6 years ago!
I guess it changed things. How do you see?

* Juan Fernando Perdomo is a graduate of Tec de Monterrey.
public servant, businessman and politician ( )

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Used Outdoor Playsets

Two Cortao

Today We visited Miss creativity, and to brainstorm appropriate partnership, is known to have reached the happy conclusion that we have an equally happy project.
be called "Two chocolates and a cut." We shall consider coloquializarlo to "Cortao" which sells for more humor. We have placed locations Cafés Valiente (the real and original), and we have some gags prepared with condensed milk. As an original radically, we will give great importance to the waiter. Sources of Inspiration: Three Men and a Baby and The Three Caballeros. At the end of solving a puzzle and you get mad. Recyclable pilot episode manners and boring movie. Presumably cheaper, if needed we could do without special effects. Who gives more.

Image Hosted by

Oh, and I warn you now: product registration, or touch.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Blood For Money In South Florida


By Juan Fernando Perdomo *

begin to pay off the actions of business organizations and political parties who reject the integrity of the reforms made to the Federal Code of Electoral Institutions and Procedures (COFIPE). Mexico

Media reports: "For the first time organized around the business is covered against a new law, which gives life to the recently adopted electoral reform.

He continues: "We saw something unprecedented: the seven agencies with voice and vote of the Business Coordinating Council (Mexican Council of Businessmen, Coparmex, Concamin, Concanaco, Association of Banks in Mexico, Mexican Association of Insurance Institutions and the National Agricultural Council), ... announced disagree with the electoral reform on the grounds that threaten freedom of expression of the business. "

In a bulletin recently issued by the National COPARMEX reads:

"With the passage of electoral reform, COPARMEX was ready to defend - through the legal instrument of protection - not only freedom of expression and the right to information, but the principles of non-discrimination, freedom of association and equality before the law, all rights violated and limited for such reform.

"To date, the appeal brought by the Centers of Coparmex against electoral reform, and have been admitted in the first instance, now number 14, which is a clear indication of the strength of our arguments, have caused the different criteria exist in the judiciary in this regard, since we are in full right to defend the Constitution guarantees.

"The demands accepted by the District Courts are promoted by the Centers of: Ciudad Victoria and Matamoros in Tamaulipas, Tijuana and Ensenada in Baja California, Valle del Fuerte, Sinaloa, Cancun, Quintana Roo, Puebla, Aguascalientes , Veracruz, Durango and Zacatecas four more brought by partners in the business center.

"The exercise of a free and informed vote necessarily requires that citizens know the ideology of the party and candidate eligibility, as well as strengths and weaknesses of it, so you can evaluate and make an informed and aware.

"We live in democracy and a free regime should not be limited. The
Democracy is strengthened by the free expression of ideas and proposals by citizens through all means available. His interests are above the interests of political parties. "

The national CANACINTRA said: "We filed suit for injunction against Article 41 of the electoral reform, in relation to the ban on employing radio and television time to any person or entity, considering that it is a precept that violates freedom of expression to all Mexicans are entitled. "

addition, the industrial chamber "believes that constitutional reforms should aim at strengthening fundamental democratic electoral processes by means of the participation of all citizens in shaping the country we need to build, and not by mechanisms which explicitly prohibits views of Mexicans on the political proposals or aspiring to lead the country into any State or municipality, through the mass media, which is a serious setback in the path of democratic consolidation that we have come. " Canacintra

joins the Business Coordinating Council, Coparmex, and Concanaco Concamin as employer organizations that reject the inability to recruit electoral propaganda in electronic media.

Within political parties, the president of the National Executive Committee of Convergence, Luis Maldonado Venegas, along with the party's parliamentary coordinators the House of Representatives and Senate, Dip. Alejandro Burguete and Sen Chanona. Dante Delgado Rannauro, delivered in the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation a constitutional challenge against the Electoral Reform.

The Convergence enforcement action sets a precedent in our country. Is based on the fact that the activity of the reforming power violated fundamental legal and political decisions, as well as supreme values \u200b\u200bof the social-democratic state established by the Constituent Assembly of 1917. Convergence

Electoral Reform reiterates that violates the rights of citizens to include in Article 116 of the Constitution's exclusive political parties to register candidates for elected office. It thus violates the right of citizens to vote and be voted, as contained in Article 35 of the Constitution and is an act that threatens the country's democratic life.

The lawsuit by Convergence also notes that the constitutional amendment on electoral matters in violation of article 28, because it creates a monopoly by concentrating on a state agency procurement and distribution of the mass media.

is remarkable to see this work of citizen participation in matters of general interest to the public.

Why take a citizen the freedom to launch his candidacy without a party, as a citizen?

Why limit an entity's distribution of mass media?

We work for justice, so as citizens or political parties we believe we have by rights. It is a good way to participate! We will see that it ...

* Juan Fernando Perdomo is a graduate of Tec de Monterrey.
public servant, businessman and politician (

Physics Of Continuous Matter, B Lautrup Pdf

chocolates and I just need to collect

Well, well, well. I'm John Jesuli, screenwriter, producer and official test this arid blog. I join in this call MareandoLaPerdiz pantomime productions, with three main motivations:

1) Make and keep wealth in an optimal manner and admirable.

2) Get and devote a high social status (and admirable as well.)

3) Find the love of my life and light of my life.

If all else fails, I will criticize, to destroy and sow shit.

said this would urge you to continue visiting this window full of creativity and humor. I say "you" referring to potential customers this blog because I know that real customers do not exist. Sad thing is, and you have to admit: we must earn the name for bread.
By the way, I say goodbye with a paper chart that illustrates the moment I signed the contract that linked me to this promising network of intellectual exploitation.

all started on a debauch.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Slow Costumes For Sale

The Art of Wanting Opening

Harnessing the creative drive of this great opening day, there remains for posterity a clear representation of what we are, what we want, and what we offer as well as our formal professionalism. Welcome everyone.


Jimmy's Coleslaw Dressing Recipe

Ladies and Gentlemen, reading this post attended the second official opening of this blog.

We do not want (or can) crearles false expectations, or even want to believe that someone reads, but having someone there must know first that bet for us is a success it will bring the best of fortunes: the intellectual stimulation. It could also bring other fortunes, more tangible and quantifiable, but that will have you scratching your pocket, all are open and demand is very sad.

Once established needs and care of our beloved public, we can only remember that we are sympathetic businessmen audiovisual and art, and we will use this space to present our most valuable productions, if any.

And if not, we will post videos of Youtube.

Do not go yet, which is the best.