Sunday, May 22, 2011

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Our Lady of BEGOÑA BILBAO Patron

In a city, seven hundred year old, on the right side of the Nervión and
taking their feet a people until not long ago of blast furnaces, and
always high-flying when looking to the Virgin ... Sanctuary is an attractive Gothic
dedicated to the worship of BEGOÑA, wherever they lived smiths, farmers
and sailors in the past.
A city, Bilbao, built in the "botxo" (hole) but, when it raises its
Sanctuary Begoña view, it seems as if you are building your morning
in the same sky. This Villa, when looking at the Madre de Begoña, his face lights
silver with the same face of the Guggenheim Museum when he greets
the sun.
The image of the Virgin of Begoña was from the beginning of the fourteenth century
the small rural church that was to Begoña. Might be the Lord of Biscay, Don
Diego López de Haro, or some of his predecessors, who donated the image
Legend has it that the Virgin appeared in the hollow of an oak tree in the forest
Artagnan. According to another tradition, the pastor found on a thorn.
a tiny chapel erected there, but when later
wanted to find a more suitable place
for worship and the site were to transfer the image of
the Virgin was rooted to the ground, while a voice spoke the words: Begooña!, meaning foot Quiet!.
the Town Charter (June 15, 1300) is the first document that mentions
Begoña. A mere geographical reference we find in 1162.
The maximum height is 0.93 meters, linden wood, sitting on a
simple stool, backless Child sits on his lap. The image was
crown severed its original carved wood and place a cap
received a crown of precious metal.
In 1738, the General Assemblies of the Lordship of Vizcaya, meeting in Guernica, a
proposal Begoña Cure, Don Pedro de Norzagaray, agreed to receive the
Virgen de Begoña as patron and advocate of Lordship. In
the eighteenth century, Begoña reached the peak of its glory.
few years more and
wars (Napoleonic invasion Carlist wars) all reduced to a pile of rubble.
to the Virgin of Begoña it went through the tough times. Decreases in the
Virgin Bilbao at the time of the flooding of the valley in the years 1651, 1737,
1762 and 1775. Of all the extraordinary manifestations of this title has
to excel la rogativa del 8 de septiembre de 1855, cuando el cólera morbo 
asolaba Bilbao. De acuerdo los cabildos y ayuntamientos de Begoña y Bilbao, 
bajaron a la Virgen en solemne rogativa. En los días siguientes no hubo un solo 
caso nuevo y la epidemia desapareció rápidamente.
         En 1876 comenzaron las obras de la nueva restauración de Begoña. En junio 
de 1881 quedó terminada la torre
    In September 1900 he made the solemn canonical coronation, the bishop
of Vitoria, Ramon Fernandez Piérola, Apostolic Delegate to the coronation,
celebrated the Pontifical Mass and the subsequent coronation.
The Sacred Congregation of Rites declared patron of Biscay to the Virgin of Begoña
at its meeting on April 21, 1903, with Pope Leo XIII. At age 50
it back to be by the Nuncio, with a great mission school in Bilbao and
Radio Message of Pius XII.
March 27, 1908, Pius X granted the temple the title of Basilica Minor
His feast day is 15 August and 11 October.

"The sailors of Biscay, when he saw in the distance Our Lady of Begoña,
responded with a hail. Many of us who live away from God and lost in
waves, sometimes fierce, life, guiding our existence into a beacon that radiates
presence of God.
-La Villa de Bilbao modern coexists one of the cornerstones
has defined their identity and their history: Mary. Why oppose modern religious or
same faith?
-Mary in her title of Begoña reminds us of the triumph of his intercession
on plague and floods. Perhaps science with your help, give the antidote
pneumonia virus that has us all in check
humanity. SHIELD
Priest Javier Leoz

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Testimonials undoubted authenticity have brought to us the echo of the deep veneration in the Middle Ages consecrated the image of the Virgin Lugo kings, magnates and the people, to the point of local history developed several centuries under the sign of a strong polarization towards the Mother of God, who, as mistress of the city, was called with the name of Santa Maria de Lugo, a shield of our kings in their companies against the enemies of religion and the country was called Our Lady of Victories, and for several centuries it was the sweetest distinguished patronage of Our Lady of the Big Eyes.
The cathedral of Lugo, whose head was certainly a mid-third century, had always holder, it may be surmised, the Virgin Mary. It is clear that in such a remote antiquity, apart from the indisputable fact of the existence of the diocese and the names of some of their superiors, the news that have survived the arrival of the barbarians and the Muslim invasion are vague and imprecise.
The light begins to be in the first decades of the Reconquista, from which the Virgin of Lugo is present in the main episodes of local life. She inspires the work of restoration of Bishop Odoario and is attended our monarchs in random moments of his reign.
Odoario restored cathedral, the cathedral city and diocese, the first outbreak devastated by Muslim, in his great undertaking guide his devotion to the Virgen de Lugo, who encouraged and presided over the conquest of these lands, as of Covadonga. chairs and encourages the reconquest country. In the call will lower , who came to us in writing late Odoario describes the repopulation of the lands Lugo with his servants and family, carried out in times of Alfonso II, and, after offering to the Virgen de Lugo rebuilt churches mentioned, the invoked with these words: Oh glorious Virgin Mary, in whose honor the church shines ..., deign to accept these gifts we offer, with everything in front and accretion can win all my life.
Alfonso II attributed to the intercession of the Virgin of the victory of Castro Lugo of Santa Cristina on the traitor Mahmoud, and in thanksgiving fat enriched your church with donations.
Bermudo II, document dated 991, signed by San Pedro de Mezonzo, invoking in fervent prayer as "lord and master, Queen of Virgins, Mother of Light", and offers land and possessions " the Virgin in which honor has been erected on the banks of the Minho, the church of Lugo.
Alfonso V in 1027 confirms the degree of its predecessor and played almost to the letter the same prayer: To You, Lady holy and glorious Mother of light, perpetual Virgin and Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, you have your seat at the UN headquarters cathedral, on the banks of the Miño ...
Bermudo III was widely promoted in their companies for the Virgen de Lugo. Three diplomas are witnesses to the protection of Mary and the gratitude of the king. At last, dated the year 1036, supports a small offering to the church my wife and mistress, Mary, to be my helper in the defense of the city of Lugo and I deserve, through its sponsorship of the Lord rich rewards.
Alfonso VI, to rid the city from the hands of Rodrigo Ovéquez, is forced to tear down the walls and into blood and fire in the cathedral, where the vassal unfair had been strong. Concerned about the king for so many "crimes and offenses," asks the forgiveness of the Virgin Mary, whose church was formerly founded in this city of Lugo and devoutly venerated by my grandparents and enriched them with property and land since he was rescued from the hands of the Saracens.
are emotional Uniquely Urraca diplomas related to the Virgen de Lugo. The Queen of 1107 tells how he came to the cathedral and the altar of the Virgin Mary enshrined as an Oblate of the Infante Don Alfonso, the future emperor, whose life and reign placed under the protection of the Virgin of Lugo. The year 1112 Queen donated to the cathedral abundant possessions: the document was issued in one of the most eventful in the life of Doña Urraca, who, in a fit of pathetic anxiety, breaks into tears and sobs at the sight threatened his throne by the hosts of her second husband, Alfonso the Battler: And now, ladies and Queen, Mother of Jesus, the Virgin Mother of Jesus, please accept this my sacrifice, but modest, and present my tears, my sighs, my complaints to the compliance of the Divine Majesty, that your powerful intercession to help me have a peaceful kingdom that my father left me and be my shield, my protection now and in the time of terrible trial.
Alfonso VII was always honor the glorious title of Oblate of the Virgin of Lugo, constantly encouraging the church of Santa Maria.
Basten these examples, gleaned at random from the actual diplomas Lugo cathedral. Dr. Pallares, in the seventeenth century, 144 states have recognized royal privileges, donations to Our Lady of the Big Eyes. Parallel
Marian devotion flourished monarchs, also copy and vigorous, that of the nobles, who in their deeds of donation and thanksgiving for favors received stiffness frequently interrupted protocol delicate with beautiful prayers and invocations the Virgin, with which it could weave a fascinating anthology worthy of inclusion alongside the juicy pages of Mariology.
 El pueblo rivalizó con los reyes y los magnates en un emocionado plebiscito de veneración y reconocimiento a la Virgen de los Ojos Grandes.
 Muchísimos instrumentos particulares y quinientas escrituras de donación que existían en el siglo XVII son la mejor demostración de la devoción popular.
 Una de sus manifestaciones más espléndidas es el voto de los cornados, al que califica Pallarés y Gayoso de "el voto más señalado y más especial entre los que se han hecho a esta imagen".
 Su origen es antiquísimo. Ya en el siglo XVII los elderly witnesses who could see the first historian of the Virgen de Lugo, testified "that the vote was of immemorial tradition and custom in this diocese."
In the year 1587 an act chapter refers to the possession which is the church of Lugo's vote horns.
The very name seems to show that the voting was instituted when it was in use this kind of money, which was introduced in the second half of the thirteenth century, the reign of Sancho el Bravo, and ran into the following reigns, to disappear in the Catholic Kings.
horns oldest quarter amounted to and a penny, and half of this value the most modern, but memory is not as satisfying amount each family.
consists only in the second half of the seventeenth century every household contributed with five coppers, which is a very considerable recovery in a diocese that had large areas in the provinces of Pontevedra, La Coruña y León.
of private donations, which would occupy several volumes exhaustive list, we note, for their historical interest, Doña Sancha Rodriguez, who in 1202 offered to the Virgin a lamp to be always look with the others that burn before the altar of Santa Maria.
The date of this donation leads effortlessly to document in the twelfth century the continuous illumination of the image of the Virgen de Lugo, and shows us, as in old times, the piety of the Lugo and Striving to retain the greatest decorum and splendor of the heavenly worship Patron.
This vigorous expression of popular piety are linked achieved extraordinary graces through the intercession of Mary.
The degree to which the Vatican City Council granted the coronation of the Virgen de los Ojos Great, in weighing the extraordinary merits of the venerated image, the called celeberrimam non minus vetustate quam prodigiorum Multitudinism: very famous both for its antiquity and by the multitude of its wonders.
from the documents of the cathedral, the first thing mentioned is Alfonso VI, who claims to have seen through their eyes the many miracles that at its altar was working the Mother of God: tunc vero we ibidem seers oculis nostris fieri coelitus miraculously fine.
Urraca said they were numerous and frequent wonders did the Lord in this church through the intercession of his Mother.
almost the same words the Count Don Munio Peláez, in a document dated 1123, shows that in this temple, dedicated to the Mother of God, are frequent and countless miracles.
The wonders wrought by the Virgin of Lugo have their first screening of literature in the Book of Praises et miracles of Our Lady of Alfonso X.
77 The ballad tells the Wise King, with his characteristic simplicity and vividness, a miracle cure, whose translated title reads: "How to Santa Mary healed in the church of Santa Maria de Lugo to a woman paralyzed hands and feet. "
The royal troubadour of Mary has left us in the chorus of the ballad a happy and brief description of the image of Big Eyes, which adopts the attitude of the Virgen de la Leche, iconographic theme quite widespread from the second half of the thirteenth century:
Da that Deus Mamou or leite do seu peito, ; non é wonder saar, contreito.
The miracle takes place within the church on August 15, the feast of the Virgin, "and not August, not day escolleito, festa na sa big," writes the poet.
Bishop were present "and all people", who could not hold back the tears, and shout praises to Mary.
Dr. Pallares stated in Chapter LIX of Argos divine. Our Lady of the Big Eyes a series of extraordinary events, especially healing the sick and homeless, attributed to the intercession of the Virgen de Lugo.
All occurred in his time, and, although it had to be true and timely history of false inventions chronicles, his truthfulness, he could inquire directly and personally, is unquestionable.
Much of this wondrous cures were achieved with the application of oil: the lamps burning before the altar of the Virgin, and his fame had reached the ends of the peninsula.
"In some parts come Pallarés he writes," and there are witnesses that it was an Indian Cádiz, passing through this city, that I witnessed. "
A circle of splendor and grandeur of the cult of the Virgin contributed mightily to the Brotherhood of the Big Eyes.
The memory of his erection But it is undeniable that it is ancient.
Already in 1577 the Bishop Don Juan Suarez de Carbajal gave new statutes to accommodate the needs of the times.
A century Later, in 1659, the Brotherhood took on strong momentum, thanks to the zeal of the council, assisted by Bishop Juan Bravo Lasprilla that renewed again Constitutions, welcomed "with common acceptance of the faithful of this city and throughout the diocese, and even the whole kingdom, which fall within the Brotherhood, to take the title and special character of his children" (Pallares).
In these times it became popular to recite the Hail to the Virgen de los Ojos Grandes at the stroke of noon, and grew the cult of the venerable image by increasing the lights burned before the altar, particularly in Marian festivities, and feast of the Assumption, vespers, mass and procession of white candles were distributed to all attendees. The
generous devotion of the brothers deserved the sanctity of Alexander VII briefly dated in 1663, which states that tend to make many acts of piety, charity and mercy, and enriches the Brotherhood with several plenary indulgences and partial.
The Cathedral City Council did vote in the seventeenth century will never give the Board of the chapel, and to the grandeur and solemnity of their worship channeled all his energies, rising in the first half of the eighteenth century the magnificent work today it is revered as the patron saint of the city.
took the head of the cathedral apse, and is one of the most magnificent Baroque monuments Galician, the work of Fernando de Casas, the great architect of the facade of the Cathedral of Santiago Obradoiro. The altarpiece of the Virgin, built as a canopy, was designed by the same houses, and corresponds with its delicate ornamental richness to the sumptuousness and grandeur of the chapel.
Its inauguration in 1736, was solemnized with cults and special celebrations: eight days of sermons, preached by prelates procession, six thousand pieces of fireworks, twelve bulls "with bullfighters of Castile, six plays, four in swashbuckling and two arena, two days of a ring, a serious and a burlesque, a day of piggy banks and a masquerade with chariot and serenade music, and perennial source of wine on the day of Our Lady. "
Such is the throne occupied by the venerable image and only left the December 8, 1904 for travel between the delirious enthusiasm of the crowd The streets of Lugo and stop at the front of the town hall, where, in solemn ceremony, was crowned canonically.
Thousands of Lugo visit every day the Lord Blessed Sacrament, exposed continually at the Cathedral Basilica and then inevitably come at the feet of the Virgen de Lugo to thank benefits received and request remedy for their troubles and needs. Many devout people daily illuminate its image, many travel daily on his knees, one or more times, the area around the altar, many pray there daily, privately or collectively, the holy rosary. Title
the Great Eye of captivating beauty, whose deep Mariological content has its most authoritative commentary on the words that the sanctity of Pius XI in May 1928 led the congregants Marian English:
, "Among the beautiful devotions to Mary is invoked, the most devout of the devout sons of Spain conferred the LADY OF THE BIG EYES. Thought magnificent presents her as the heart God has given to love and help, great as his maternal omnipotence, the closest resemblance to the eye of God ...


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The image of Our Lady of the Majesty is in Byzantine style.
chaired the previous Romanesque cathedral of Santa Maria.
currently chairs the altar of the Chapel of the same name,
which is also the Blessed Sacrament,
in the left aisle of the cathedral.
was restored in a workshop arranged by the Board
The Ages of Man, before his first exhibition in Valladolid, which was part of the sample.
is polychrome wood carving,
for centuries covered with silver plates on several of its parts.
Courtesy of Jose Anta Jares
Director of the Diocesan publication Day 7

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Monologues Alice In Wonderland


The carving of Our Lady of Remedies is an image of clothing, blessed on August 15 1735 along the Santo Nino del Rosario, replacing a graven image brought by the Catholic Monarchs who was assigned to the BCIS.
The November 27, 1755 after a famous tsunami that remained in suspense to the city was named the Virgin Patron and Protector of the parish of the Holy Martyrs. The image received worship in the ancient church of the Assumption, current units of the Brotherhood of the Gypsies.
About 1928 he sank the ship the Chapel of Our Sacred Head waitress taking the image to your hacienda Poplar Street thus saving the events of 1931 and 1936. La Virgen de los Remedios with the Lord praying in the Garden and St. Charles are the only sizes that are held in the Parish of the Holy Martyrs of before the war.
After the Civil War, the image was placed in a side altar to the Brotherhood cediéndose Passion Nazarene although the corporation decided not to accept the image. Between 1947-48 it was ceded (not given) to the Brotherhood of That the integrated students with the title of Grace and Hope. Once the Guild of Students undertake a painful image of the Virgen de los Remedios Parish returned to the Martyrs being established in a side chapel of the Sacred Heart of Mary before the statue of San Carlos Borromeo.
In the eighties was Don Antonio Ruiz Perez, who decided to restore a worthy ritual to the beautiful picture and left by John Rosen. At this time when Perez Hidalgo was restored to the Virgin and made him new hands. Over the years, the image was given by Jose Soler, who still remains his executor.
Once the Risen Lord was moved from the Church of St. Julian the Virgin acquired the chapel where is now the Lady of Sorrows, where he remained until 1990, which was established in its present chapel. In 1991 he performed the first hand kissing in his honor on the third Sunday of October until today.
The image of Our Lady of Remedies was extraordinarily procession on the eighth of October 2000 the Jubilee of the glory with a start to the BCIS.
The image of the Patron of the Martyrs underwent a restoration process in the studio of Francisco Romero Zafra imaginero Cordoba in 2002

Friday, May 20, 2011

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Ceuta, settlement of Phoenicians, Greeks, Romans, Carthaginians, Visigoths, Muslims and Christians, has since the fifteenth century a dominant story

Portuguese and English mainly from the seventeenth century. Especially in the city waving the banner of Portugal and Spain. Although the African continent, its population (70,000 inhabitants), its activity and its development are a function of its relationship Catholic Iberian Peninsula. From the time of Henry the Navigator was the Episcopal (1420) (now united with the bishopric of Cadiz), and home of Santa Beatriz de Silva and met an old Marian devotion with the title "Lady Conqueror "

Legend has it that the Emperor Justinian sent the picture to the governor Procopius. He was worshiping in the city, until the Muslim invasion occurs. Then, in order not were desecrated, Christians buried Ceuta. Time passed and the Portuguese reconquered the city. One day, he saw a blaze on a hill on the outskirts of the city, discovering there the image of the Virgin Mary to be called African. He moved in procession to the square of the square, where he later became the shrine built. The tradition marks the site of the alleged appearance of the image with the name "Otero of Our Lady," denominating and so continues today.
however, is precisely an image of the Blessed Virgin which remember to one and all that that territory is Africa and that she is also the Mother and Queen of Africa and that his name not be other than that of Santa Maria in Africa. This was established by the will and decision of Prince Henry the Navigator when Ceuta in 1421 sent a picture of the Virgin with this message: "I send a picture of the Virgin, very devoted to me." The telegram added that that image had previously worshiped and forward the venerable and named with the name of Santa Maria in Africa. Infante completed the gesture with a feature of his personal devotion to Our Lady of handing his baton Africa or "Aleo." Symbolic ceremony is then repeated as the commanding generals of the Plaza de Ceuta.
was canonically crowned on November 10, 1946. And though he was always regarded as patron, it was not until November 24, 1949, when His Holiness Pope Pius XII granted the papal brief officially declaring patronage.
The City Council proclaimed Mayor Perpetua on 5 March 1654.
The sculpture is a Gothic carving of the second half of XIV.Se has enthroned, seated, and the dead body of Christ in her arms, in the style of the passage of the Sorrows or Pieta. The image is Carved from a single block of wood, except the head of Christ and the Virgin's left hand, cupping in the rear, as usual of images designed to be placed in shrines or retablos. This gap now appears covered by a wooden lid made of several planks.
In the figure of Christ was preserved, albeit in offsetting, a polychrome high quality in the Virgin, the restoration process has been able to recover its original appearance, preserved in full. In the garments, different have suffered unrecoverable repainting the original polychrome.
From the historical data shows that the image and existed in 1421. This data and stylistic study suggest a timeline around 1,400. As to its authorship is anonymous. It was probably a foreign artist in the country luso, it was common to see European artists in Portugal and elsewhere does not seem possible to link this with any Virgin Portuguese works known at that time. The closest parallels are found in the Germanic imagery XIV and XV.
Ceuta, focal point of many vicissitudes and dangers of military conflict precarious situations as well as resources, has required many times the support and care from above. The Ceuta have no other remedies their troubles to go to the powerful patronage of the African Queen and she has been more than a mother Queen and a true protector of her children.
So already in 1651, in recognition of the favor reached an epidemic, the singular plesbicitariamente proclaimed protector and patron doing "Vote" to celebrate his feast. Ceuta vote ratified in 1743 by naming Governor with all the formalities of the time. Later Pope Pius XII confirmed that patronage for the 1949 papal document declaring Santa Maria in Africa, Patroness of Ceuta. Santa Maria in Africa was canonically crowned on November 10th 1946 with gold crown topped with a cross of diamonds and the arms of Spain and Ceuta. It was an act of deifying fervor and boundless joy. Not content with that, Ceuta named it in 1954 Mayor of the City Perpetua. Even more, Our Lady of Africa is also Captain General of Land, Sea and Air, and as such he surrendered at the time official honors. Moreover, the devotion of different times in their honor mantles accumulated precious, precious jewels, many ex-votos, pictures and paintings.


Al was originally a small chapel built in 1421 to hold the image that Henry of Portugal sent to Ceuta. The building became the Knights of the Order of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the same people who then gave birth to what would be the Brotherhood of Knights of Our Lady of Africa. Since 1714, it improved the appearance of the ancient temple and added a new body. In 1745 a new reform began with painting the temple and its consecration. The Temple had times its enterramientos.La Chapel crypt of the temple corresponds to what was the original chapel and it highlights the great eighteenth-century Baroque altarpiece, gilded carved wood and gold fino.En the central part is the dressing room of Our Lady of Africa, flanked by gilded carvings and stuffed in San Augustine and San Francisco de Sales.Es of great merit pulpit pink jasper ceutí.La old quarry from church has three naves, sustained and divided by six columnas.Digno temple, in order for this unique sanctuary, taking into account that the gem is more valuable than the neat case. The undisputed jewel is St. Mary of Africa, Patrona de Ceuta, comfort, love and hope of Ceuta all, Christians and Muslims. He sings the chorus in his hymn
his patron
Ceuta going wild
Mother calls you
our cry ....
patron and mother

blessed names that are written
in our love.
that are written
in our love.
For in the soul of your people live, Ceuta
going wild for
Patroness and Mother and burning bravely singing
thousand gifts ofrendarte want a voice.
Partly this land fire burning
strength and breath of English blood
fierce sun burning sands
moonlight and flowers lame. Patron
Ceuta going wild
Mother calls you
our cry ....
patron and mother

blessed names that are written
in our love.
that are written
in our love.

The Brotherhood is the oldest in the city, as its origins date back to 1421.
Foundation: There is documentation that in 1604 he reformed the statutes. See Canon
Sanctuary of Our Lady of Africa.
Picture Holder: author is anonymous, Central European Gothic style.
Iconography: A Mercy: Mary with the body of Jesus on her lap.
Procession: Late-night of August 5, the day his feast is celebrated.
Step: Worked in sterling silver by silversmith Antonio Pérez del Barrio Seville. In the four chapels that open vents are magnificent images of silver depicting the Virgin in various representations (Rosario, Valle, Remedios and Immaculate).
Courtship: The Blessed Virgin of Africa is accompanied by clergy, civil and military authorities and board meetings of all brotherhoods Ceuta. Although we could say that all the people came to his beloved patron, since there are many faithful who participate in the procession.
Costaleros 50.
Guild House: Provisionally in González de la Vega (former conservatory).
brothers Number: 759.
annual Worship:
Thanksgiving Mass in January.
Birth Mass the first Sunday in February.
Renewal of Voting on 9 February. Main Function
Institute the first Sunday of May. Ninth
26 July to 3 August.
Pontifical Mass on 5 August.
levees on August 6.

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Imagen Virgen de Montemayor
is a dress size candlestick made of wood and painted by Don Sebastian Santos Rojas, replace the old image was destroyed during the Civil War . His stature is small, but the perfection of the size is such that it appears to be a real person.
carries in his right hand a scepter, a symbol of royalty, while his left arm served as a throne for the image of His Son, the Divine Infant Jesus. Since the late nineteenth century or early twentieth century a flurry surrounds the effigy, and the head of the Virgin, a crown royal proclamation of Mary .

most important festivals celebrated in Moguer are dedicated to his venerable patron saint, Santa María de Montemayor.

procession of the Virgin by the preserve of Montemayor.
  • The Pilgrimage. In May, specifically the second Sunday of the month, we celebrate the populous Pilgrimage de Montemayor, who manages to summon thousands of people every year. Held in the pine forests where there is the chapel , which constitute a public natural area where there are no private homes. Therefore, the pilgrims live for four days in the typical " huts" or huts made from eucalyptus wild. On Friday Procession starts officially with the departure of the Brotherhood Matrix Moguer to Montemayor. On Saturday, he performed the official Subsidiaries of the Brotherhoods, masses of them, and the massive Torch Rosario evening, which runs through the campus rosemary. On Sunday morning he held a Mass attended in honor of the Virgen de Montemayor, and by the afternoon, the procession of the Virgin, which runs the site rosemary and visit the various fraternities. On Monday afternoon, the Brotherhood Matrix starts back Moguer.
  • The June 15 is commemorated with a Mass at the shrine and the offering of flowers after the Canonical Coronation of the Virgin de Montemayor, which took place June 15 1991 of being the sponsor of the event the Duchess of Alba .
  • transfer of the Virgin. The last Sunday of August was the transfer of the Virgin from his hermitage to Moguer, in joyful procession that begins at half past seven o'clock.
  • Day of the Virgin. The September 8 Moguer is known as Day Virgin , held since ancient times by the feast of Our Lady of Montemayor. At noon we celebrate the Main Function of the Brotherhood Matrix Moguer Parish, attended by crowds of faithful devotees. In the afternoon, the patron is taken in solemn procession through the streets of the city.
  • Return of the Virgin. the last Sunday of October, there is the transfer back Moguer from Montemayor.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

How To Keep A Stayfree Under My Saree


With a cloudy sky and rain threatening, the Virgen de la Cabeza up early more than ever. 'La Morenita' leaving his dressing room with the first rays of sun a day. One development that has marked the events of the pilgrimage this year that did not have to wait for the celebration of Mass to be reunited with the thousands of pilgrims who flocked to his feet throughout the morning to live the most fervor picture few occur in the Cerro del Cabezo during pilgrimage. Ander tens directed to the Virgin through the streets of the town amidst a sea of \u200b\u200bdevotees waiting to see happen to the Queen of Sierra Morena.
was nervousness in the air and impatience from early morning, the Virgin soon leave the Sanctuary and for a little over two hours wait impatiently at the top of the hill before returning to each of the fraternities. Dressing room packed with devotees who wanted to have a last meeting with the Lady, the court of the temple was turned into a privileged to see the departure of La Morenita.
nerves were bubbling inside the shrine, which minutes later was to become officially minor Basilica, among the tens of anderes that were posted under the litter. There were many hours of waiting, intense overnight, which dragged on their backs to to occupy a space. "The night is hard because the forces gives you the passion and devotion to La Morenita," commented Manuel Marin iliturgitano middle of the night, where along with colleagues, hoped to open the doors of the shrine.
after the close of the dressing room, shortly after nine o'clock, the Andersons was restless with the first stirrings behind bars. At 9:35, the Virgin was down under the watchful gaze of the Trinidadians who made way for the mayor of Andújar and the president of the guild holding the Lady matrix. The Andersons lower their arms, until now stationed on the platforms, to start as soon as possible transfer of the Virgin accompanied by the Trinitarian Antonio Torres (Granada priest) and Francisco Medina Zambrana (iliturgitano who served in Madrid), who soon accommodated in his hands the first child given to La Morenita.

would take little to make an appearance in the court of the sanctuary, under a heavy rain of petals and the ecstatic applause of thousands of devotees gathered there. Shortly lasted this time the output of the Virgin of the temple, perhaps the time shift were prevented as many as in previous years, pilgrims wait La Morenita at the exit of the sanctuary, while others waited and a little below, on the esplanade, where the Mass presided romera adorned with a blue coat embroidered with designs in gold and with the shield of the city of Andújar, other elements of the recoronación occasion, which marks the fiftieth anniversary.
Among the songs the choir of the brotherhood of Mengíbar, Bishop Ramón del Hoyo romera officiated the traditional Mass in the eyes of the Virgen de la Cabeza expected to start meeting with each of the fraternity houses of Mt. A year of joy, the Jubilee year, which would close in a few hours, and that has allowed thousands to enjoy devotees of great moments that recalled the bishop of Jaén.
rain appeared
With the joy of the official appointment of the Shrine Basilica of the Virgin and child at the beginning of the Mass harlot, the Hill was becoming a hotbed of people waiting to see down at La Morenita through the narrow roads and to comply with the traditional visit to the various guilds.
did little that the Virgin was particularly early bird on this occasion. The first drops began shortly after eleven o'clock, with the Virgin still presiding over the church, and later on the 11.28 start to be a rain preocupante. No tardaron en aparecer los paraguas a lo largo del camino hacia el Santuario donde los hermanos de las distintas cofradías no podían parar de mirar hacia un cielo que se terciaba gris.
Atrás quedaba el intenso sol de la jornada del sábado y, tras más de 20 minutos de lluvia, la Virgen comenzaba a ser cubierta por un plástico tras finalizar la misa a la espera de conocer las previsiones meteorológicas. La Morenita bajaría a la plaza para iniciar su procesión, se informaba desde la Cofradía Matriz, mientras el nerviosismo hacía acto de presencia en la plaza.
Con júbilo
La Morenita comenzaba its way in procession at 12.35 preceded by the procession of brotherhoods, opening the same Alzada Cross Shrine with candlesticks and a flag and a Colomera Andújar, besides the brotherhood of the Defenders of the Shrine of the siege suffered Civil War, and many guilds in reverse order of seniority, with the first Almeria Baeza, being his first year as guilds in the pilgrimage.
few minutes after the silhouette of a shrine of the Virgin was drawn on the Hill, and the relief of devotees gathered in the square, the clouds began to fade to light intensely drop by La Morenita Sanctuary driveway.
On arrival at the square broke the joy and the rain began medals, rosaries and all kind of objects to the Virgin to touch his cloak. Trinidadian siblings grabbed all they could, and picking up children who came to them in a twinkling of hundreds of devotees, many staring and confusion of the situation.
More than three-hour procession past Morenita returning at 15:30 pm he returned to his dressing room. Began the return of thousands of pilgrims, the estimates of the Municipality of Andújar speak of more than half a million "by the old road and the road. The Brotherhood Matrix, crowd carts, horses and all who have stayed in the basilica, undertake a return to earlier today after saying goodbye to her employer, making the traditional stop for lunch at the new place and every morning to Andujar will receive the Brotherhood.