Our Lady of Good Success and its beautiful history
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Sacred Heart of Jesus in Vozconfio Our Lady of Good Success Rosario de la aurora, February 2, 2009
- History On 2 February 1594, at the Royal Monastery of the Immaculate Conception in Quito Ecuador, the Blessed Virgin appeared to Sister Mariana de Jesus Torres and ask him to send a picture of her do exactly as Mother Mariana saw.
Conception Church She wanted that image is placed on the seat of the Prioress in the choir loft, and from there, it is her who effectively rule their convent. She wanted the staff to be placed in his right hand as a sign of his authority as superior, along with the keys of the monastery in order to be she who defend them in the coming centuries. -
AM MARY'S GOOD SUCESOLa queen I have lasVictorias in titodasmiscomplacencias! Prophecies: - Proclamation of the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception. The dogma of the Immaculate Conception of My Mother will proclamadocuando the Iglesiaestécombatida and My Vicario encuentrecautivo. And sutránsito and Assumption of body and soul into heaven when Iglesiaacabe leaving a bloodbath.
On December 8, 1854, Pope Pius IX in the midst of a terrible persecution of the Church proclaimed the dogma of the Immaculate Conception, and August 15, 1950, Pius XII, the segundaguerramundial habiendoterminado proclaim the dogma of the Asunción. The triumph of the Church. Cuandotodoparescaperdido, will be the start of Triumph of the Holy Church. Almasqueguardara - The pequeñõnumero of the treasure of the Faith and cruel and indesiblepadecer lasvirtudessufritraun at queprolongadomartiririo ...
Within the cloister ...
The cuerpoincorrupto of Santa Maria Francisca de Jesus Torres and Berriochoa and other 3 founders of the Royal Monastery Immaculate Conception, is located within the claustro.Este is just one of the powerful miracles that made the Sma.Virgen of Good Success as abbess of the monastery
Miracle of 41: In 1941, Archbishop habiainvadidoPerúterritorioecuatoriano.Ante estaemergencia Quito lasdiversasadvocaciones ordenórezarTriduos in honor of Lasdiferentesiglesias of Quito.implorando Blessed Virgin in the cessation of hostilidades.El July 27, 1941 hastalastres am on day 28 for 20 hours NuestraSeñora image of the ojos.Al BuenSucesomovió disclosed the news, thousands of fielesinvadieron the temploparacontemplar the wonder, leaving the acontecimientosinternacionales of enormemagnitud relegated to segundoplano -
To darleuna greater glory to the Buensuceso NuestraSeñora Propiedadrepartio the grupoTradiciónFamilia and 70,000 flyers in churches and lascalles - Campaign at the Tabernacle Campaign in San Francisco Rosario
- the AuroraFebrero 2, 2009 De diferentespartes City arrived at dawn to the Church of the Concepcion pararezar the dawn rosary in honor of the feast of the Buensuceso and paradejarsusintenciones NuestraSeñora at the foot of the añoqueviene
- SantisimaVirgenMaríahasta
Time 4:10, Iglesia de la Concepción ; Rosary Before - people write their intentions.
The city was awakened with a sweet melody:
"Hail, Hail great Lady ...!" - Around 5000 people
- attended the rosary made of dawn at 5:00 am
- After 12 days where the Good Sucesprecibio Sma.Virgen his devotees returned back to the cloister where his daughters are fervently Sisters of the Conception.
The DIVINE CHILD OF THE CROSS - ... the child of Pichincha was fixed to the cross and wept. Suslágrimasfueronrecojidaspor what tresArcángeles, quelasesparcieron nationwide. Your miradaabarcabatoda country, mientrasllorandodecía:
- "No pudehacermasportíparamostrarte My Love."
- Example of a verdaderoPresidenteCatolico
Don Gabriel García Moreno (1821-1875)
male Catholic strong and feisty, a martyr of the enemies of the Faith because of their consistency in the application of Catholic principles and his courage in defending the Church, the Papacy and of the Ecuadorian
25 March 1874 the heroicopresidenteconvirtio primeranación Ecuador in the world to be consecrated to the Sacred Heart. Al añosiguiente, 6 Febreromurioasesinadopor the enemies of the Faith, in the same plaza dondeestaubicado the Monastery of the Immaculate Conception - His last words before he expired:
God does not die!
Dr. Plinio Correa de Oliveira "The santisimaVirgenes la Patrona de todosaquellosquebuscan un BuenSuceso al servicio de Su Buena Causa;detodosaquellosque, en la oscuridad del neopaganismo de nuestrosdías, se esfuerzanparaquenazca el sol del Reino de Jesús y María. AnuestraSeñora del BuenSucesobien se le puedeconsiderarcomo la felizPatrona de la hora y del momento en que Su Reinofinalmentenazca en la tierra ”. - 400años de la Aparición..
- Es por esta razon que invitamos a todos los devotos de la Santisima Virgen
Que en la celebracion de los 400 AÑOS
(el 2 de Febrero del 2010) de su Aparicion a la Sierva de Dios - Sor Mariana Francisca De Jesús Torres all
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