Thursday, May 19, 2011

How To Keep A Stayfree Under My Saree


With a cloudy sky and rain threatening, the Virgen de la Cabeza up early more than ever. 'La Morenita' leaving his dressing room with the first rays of sun a day. One development that has marked the events of the pilgrimage this year that did not have to wait for the celebration of Mass to be reunited with the thousands of pilgrims who flocked to his feet throughout the morning to live the most fervor picture few occur in the Cerro del Cabezo during pilgrimage. Ander tens directed to the Virgin through the streets of the town amidst a sea of \u200b\u200bdevotees waiting to see happen to the Queen of Sierra Morena.
was nervousness in the air and impatience from early morning, the Virgin soon leave the Sanctuary and for a little over two hours wait impatiently at the top of the hill before returning to each of the fraternities. Dressing room packed with devotees who wanted to have a last meeting with the Lady, the court of the temple was turned into a privileged to see the departure of La Morenita.
nerves were bubbling inside the shrine, which minutes later was to become officially minor Basilica, among the tens of anderes that were posted under the litter. There were many hours of waiting, intense overnight, which dragged on their backs to to occupy a space. "The night is hard because the forces gives you the passion and devotion to La Morenita," commented Manuel Marin iliturgitano middle of the night, where along with colleagues, hoped to open the doors of the shrine.
after the close of the dressing room, shortly after nine o'clock, the Andersons was restless with the first stirrings behind bars. At 9:35, the Virgin was down under the watchful gaze of the Trinidadians who made way for the mayor of Andújar and the president of the guild holding the Lady matrix. The Andersons lower their arms, until now stationed on the platforms, to start as soon as possible transfer of the Virgin accompanied by the Trinitarian Antonio Torres (Granada priest) and Francisco Medina Zambrana (iliturgitano who served in Madrid), who soon accommodated in his hands the first child given to La Morenita.

would take little to make an appearance in the court of the sanctuary, under a heavy rain of petals and the ecstatic applause of thousands of devotees gathered there. Shortly lasted this time the output of the Virgin of the temple, perhaps the time shift were prevented as many as in previous years, pilgrims wait La Morenita at the exit of the sanctuary, while others waited and a little below, on the esplanade, where the Mass presided romera adorned with a blue coat embroidered with designs in gold and with the shield of the city of Andújar, other elements of the recoronación occasion, which marks the fiftieth anniversary.
Among the songs the choir of the brotherhood of Mengíbar, Bishop Ramón del Hoyo romera officiated the traditional Mass in the eyes of the Virgen de la Cabeza expected to start meeting with each of the fraternity houses of Mt. A year of joy, the Jubilee year, which would close in a few hours, and that has allowed thousands to enjoy devotees of great moments that recalled the bishop of Jaén.
rain appeared
With the joy of the official appointment of the Shrine Basilica of the Virgin and child at the beginning of the Mass harlot, the Hill was becoming a hotbed of people waiting to see down at La Morenita through the narrow roads and to comply with the traditional visit to the various guilds.
did little that the Virgin was particularly early bird on this occasion. The first drops began shortly after eleven o'clock, with the Virgin still presiding over the church, and later on the 11.28 start to be a rain preocupante. No tardaron en aparecer los paraguas a lo largo del camino hacia el Santuario donde los hermanos de las distintas cofradías no podían parar de mirar hacia un cielo que se terciaba gris.
Atrás quedaba el intenso sol de la jornada del sábado y, tras más de 20 minutos de lluvia, la Virgen comenzaba a ser cubierta por un plástico tras finalizar la misa a la espera de conocer las previsiones meteorológicas. La Morenita bajaría a la plaza para iniciar su procesión, se informaba desde la Cofradía Matriz, mientras el nerviosismo hacía acto de presencia en la plaza.
Con júbilo
La Morenita comenzaba its way in procession at 12.35 preceded by the procession of brotherhoods, opening the same Alzada Cross Shrine with candlesticks and a flag and a Colomera Andújar, besides the brotherhood of the Defenders of the Shrine of the siege suffered Civil War, and many guilds in reverse order of seniority, with the first Almeria Baeza, being his first year as guilds in the pilgrimage.
few minutes after the silhouette of a shrine of the Virgin was drawn on the Hill, and the relief of devotees gathered in the square, the clouds began to fade to light intensely drop by La Morenita Sanctuary driveway.
On arrival at the square broke the joy and the rain began medals, rosaries and all kind of objects to the Virgin to touch his cloak. Trinidadian siblings grabbed all they could, and picking up children who came to them in a twinkling of hundreds of devotees, many staring and confusion of the situation.
More than three-hour procession past Morenita returning at 15:30 pm he returned to his dressing room. Began the return of thousands of pilgrims, the estimates of the Municipality of Andújar speak of more than half a million "by the old road and the road. The Brotherhood Matrix, crowd carts, horses and all who have stayed in the basilica, undertake a return to earlier today after saying goodbye to her employer, making the traditional stop for lunch at the new place and every morning to Andujar will receive the Brotherhood.



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