In a city, seven hundred year old, on the right side of the Nervión and
taking their feet a people until not long ago of blast furnaces, and
always high-flying when looking to the Virgin ... Sanctuary is an attractive Gothic
dedicated to the worship of BEGOÑA, wherever they lived smiths, farmers
and sailors in the past.
A city, Bilbao, built in the "botxo" (hole) but, when it raises its
Sanctuary Begoña view, it seems as if you are building your morning
in the same sky. This Villa, when looking at the Madre de Begoña, his face lights
silver with the same face of the Guggenheim Museum when he greets
the sun.
The image of the Virgin of Begoña was from the beginning of the fourteenth century
the small rural church that was to Begoña. Might be the Lord of Biscay, Don
Diego López de Haro, or some of his predecessors, who donated the image
Legend has it that the Virgin appeared in the hollow of an oak tree in the forest
Artagnan. According to another tradition, the pastor found on a thorn.
a tiny chapel erected there, but when later
wanted to find a more suitable place for worship and the site were to transfer the image of
the Virgin was rooted to the ground, while a voice spoke the words: Begooña!, meaning foot Quiet!.
the Town Charter (June 15, 1300) is the first document that mentions
Begoña. A mere geographical reference we find in 1162.
The maximum height is 0.93 meters, linden wood, sitting on a
simple stool, backless Child sits on his lap. The image was
crown severed its original carved wood and place a cap
received a crown of precious metal.
In 1738, the General Assemblies of the Lordship of Vizcaya, meeting in Guernica, a
proposal Begoña Cure, Don Pedro de Norzagaray, agreed to receive the
Virgen de Begoña as patron and advocate of Lordship. In
the eighteenth century, Begoña reached the peak of its glory.
few years more and wars (Napoleonic invasion Carlist wars) all reduced to a pile of rubble.
to the Virgin of Begoña it went through the tough times. Decreases in the
Virgin Bilbao at the time of the flooding of the valley in the years 1651, 1737,
1762 and 1775. Of all the extraordinary manifestations of this title has
to excel la rogativa del 8 de septiembre de 1855, cuando el cólera morbo
asolaba Bilbao. De acuerdo los cabildos y ayuntamientos de Begoña y Bilbao,
bajaron a la Virgen en solemne rogativa. En los días siguientes no hubo un solo
caso nuevo y la epidemia desapareció rápidamente.
En 1876 comenzaron las obras de la nueva restauración de Begoña. En junio
de 1881 quedó terminada la torre
In September 1900 he made the solemn canonical coronation, the bishop
of Vitoria, Ramon Fernandez Piérola, Apostolic Delegate to the coronation,
celebrated the Pontifical Mass and the subsequent coronation.
The Sacred Congregation of Rites declared patron of Biscay to the Virgin of Begoña
at its meeting on April 21, 1903, with Pope Leo XIII. At age 50
it back to be by the Nuncio, with a great mission school in Bilbao and
Radio Message of Pius XII.
March 27, 1908, Pius X granted the temple the title of Basilica Minor
His feast day is 15 August and 11 October.
"The sailors of Biscay, when he saw in the distance Our Lady of Begoña,
responded with a hail. Many of us who live away from God and lost in
waves, sometimes fierce, life, guiding our existence into a beacon that radiates
presence of God.
-La Villa de Bilbao modern coexists one of the cornerstones
has defined their identity and their history: Mary. Why oppose modern religious or
same faith?
-Mary in her title of Begoña reminds us of the triumph of his intercession
on plague and floods. Perhaps science with your help, give the antidote
pneumonia virus that has us all in check
humanity. SHIELD
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