Throughout the month of May in some cities in Venezuela can see crosses adorned with flowers, fruit or colorful papers. It's how the locals are grateful to the Cross for favors received or is the way to make requests to the Cross, which originally were related to agricultural work.
The Cross: Christian symbol and indigenous representation
Among Christians the symbol of the Cross is something that identifies their religion from the crucifixion of Jesus. This icon, coincides with some of the indigenous beliefs in which the tree represents the tree of life. Therefore, on this holiday you can experience the combination of both cultures, which together form part of the cultural heritage is now the Venezuelans.
requests to the Cross
A Cross you can pray or sing in gratitude for a favor, which can range from the cure of a disease or prosperity in business. Across the board, in the field, Cross sings to welcome the season of good harvest, so they are required the onset of good rains to the field after a long drought.
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