Our Lady of Trigal
The Kingdom of Heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field, but while all slept his enemy came and sowed weeds the wheat and went away. As he grew wheat and spikes appeared, the weeds also appeared. The laborers went to see then the owner and said, 'Lord, you did not sow good seed in your field? How is that now there are weeds in it? '. He replied: 'This has made an enemy. " Pawns replied: 'Do you want to go and pull them up? ". 'No, they said the owner, because the weeds start, run the risk of root up the wheat. Let both grow together until the harvest, and then tell the harvesters: Start first the tares and bind them in bundles to burn, and then gather the wheat into my barn '. "
(Matthew 13:24-30)
The Lord planted in every heart and land, but the enemy planted mainly in fertile land. Since the Church was born, wheat and tares have grown together.
The second temptation of the laborers, who are also wheat-Christians, is to start by itself to the weeds, or as also said the disciples and the Lord was angry, send down fire from heaven to consume them (Luke 9.51-52) ...
In neither case were aware that the enemy had planted "while everyone was asleep." How is it that after 2000 years of Gospel the world seems ever more distant from God? How did the Christian West is the first to enforce laws against nature and against God? Could it be that the workers sleep too much?
Pawns warned the parable of deception, but how sad to listen to the workers and even trying to clear the field but looking for excuses, arguments and considerations to be considered wheat weed!
The Lord is near. The harvest is coming. The same separate from their harvest the wheat from the chaff. So we must not sleep. Let us not mesmerized by the world and his demons. We live on guard, as did the early Christians that at least one day of the week was devoted to fasting and prayer vigil in perfect guard and await the impending arrival of the Lord. Perhaps 2000 years of redemption we have become accustomed to thinking that the Lord takes and has given us sleep like the foolish virgins (Matthew 25:1-13 San) ...
Neither Lord Country of sleep, or the Lady of House sleeps. Our Mother urges and encourages the wrong time and for your children to keep us awake. Lest we discourage the weeds to grow among the wheat but our hope is nourished by knowing that, even amid the weeds, wheat can give their best ears of holiness.
Santa Maria del Trigal, pray for us
SOURCE: http://www.mariamadrededios.com.ar/reflexiones.asp?page=1&id=104
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