Rosa Venerini, Santa
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Rosa = That which is beautiful and sweet as a rose, is of Latin origin.
Rosa Venerini was born in Viterbo on February 9, 1656.
Her father, Goffredo, originally from Castelleone di Suasa (Ancona), having obtained the degree in medicine in Rome, moved to Viterbo and brilliantly practiced the medical profession in the Grande Hospital.
From his marriage to Marzia Zampichetti, an old family member of Viterbo, had four children: Dominic, Maria Magdalena, Rosa and Horace. Rosa, by nature he was endowed with intelligence and sensitivity out of the common human. The education received in the family allowed him to develop the many talents of mind and heart and form solid Christian principles. At the age of seven years, as his first biographer, Jerome Andreucci SI, vowed to devote his life to God. During the first phase of his youth, he lived the conflict between the seductions of the world and the promise made to God. Surpassed that conflict with prayers and sacrifices. A 20, Rosa wondered about their future. At that time, women could choose only between the two orientations of life: marriage or the convent. Rosa estimated the two options, but felt drawn to do another project for the good of the Church and society of his time. You will have to spend much time dedicated to the sacrifices and the search to be driven internally by prophetic insights that will lead to an innovative solution. In the fall of 1676, according to his father, Rosa entered the Dominican Monastery of Santa Catalina in Viterbo with the prospect of making their vote. With his aunt Ana Cecilia learned to listen to God in silence and meditation. He stayed in the monastery a few months since the untimely death of her father forced her to return to accompany her mother's suffering. In the years following the tragic events Rosa lived in his family: his brother died Sunday with just 27 years old, soon, who also killed her mother could not stand the pain. His sister married Maria Magdalena. They stayed at home Orazio and Rosa only at this point was 24. Driven by the desire to do something great for God, in May 1684, Santa began to gather at home to girls and women of the neighborhood to pray the Rosary. How to pray for girls and their mothers, and most of the discussions that preceded and followed the prayer, opened the minds and hearts of Rosa facing the sad reality: the poor woman was a slave of cultural poverty, moral and spiritual. He understood then that the Lord was calling her to a higher mission which gradually filled her with the urge to engage in education and Christian formation of youth, not regular meetings, but with a school understood the full meaning of word. On the day
August 30, 1685, with the approval of the Bishop of Viterbo, Cardinal Urbano Sacchetti and collaboration of two colleagues, Gerolama Porzia Coluzzelli and Bacci, Rosa left the family home to start his first school, designed as an original design that had matured in prayer and seeking the will of God. The first objective of the Founder's what the girls offer the poor a complete Christian formation and to prepare them for civilian life. Unpretentious, Rosa had opened the first "women's Public School in Italy." The origin was humble, but prophetic grandeur: the human and spiritual elevation of women was a reality that was soon to receive the recognition of religious and civil authorities.
Growth of the Work.
In the beginning was not easy: The first three teachers had to face the resistance of the clergy who felt like his teaching catechism exclusivity, but the strongest resistance came from the intellectuals who were shocked to see the audacity of a woman from Viterbo gentry, taking with seriously and love education of girls of low social class. Rosa faced everything for love of God, and that was the characteristic strength, continued the path he had started, having now more than ever, the certainty of being in a real project of God.
results gave reason: Pastors found themselves the good that these schools Pious They became between girls and their mothers!. The value of this initiative was recognized and fame beyond the confines of the Diocese. Marcos Antônio Barbarigo Cardinal, Bishop of Montefiascone, understood the genius of Viterbo project and invited the Saint to his diocese. The Founder, always ready, answered the invitation of 1692 to 1694 Rosa opened a dozen schools in Montefiascone and CITU Cities around Lake Bolsena. Cardinal supplied the material and Rosa raised awareness of families, teachers prepared and organized the school. When he had to turn to Viterbo, to care for the stability of his first book, trusted Rosa Schools and teachers to address of a young woman, Lucia Filippini, whose qualities of mind, heart and spirit, he had noticed before.
After School and Viterbo Montefiascone were Abertas others in the region of Lazio. Rosa arrived in Rome in 1706, but the first experience in Rome was for her a complete failure. This marked him deeply and forced her to wait a long period of six years before regaining the confidence of the authorities. On the day December 8, 1713, with the help of Abbot Degli Atti, a great friend of the family Venerini, Rosa was able to open his school in the center of Rome, at the foot of the Capitol. On October 24, 1716 received a visit by Pope Clement XI, who accompanied eight Cardinals, wanted to attend classes. Amazed and full of pleasure, at the end of the morning, went to the founder with these words: "Lady Rosa, you do what we can do!. Thank you very much for these schools, hallow Rome! ". Since that time, governors and schools Cardinals asked for their territories. Founder's work became intense, full of pilgrims and fatigue for the formation of new communities. He was also of great joy and sacrifice. Where a school arose, then noticed a radical positive change for youth. Rosa Venerini
holy died at home St. Mark's in Rome, on the night of May 7, 1728. Had opened more than 40 schools. His body was buried in the Church of Jesus (Rome) that she loved. In 1952, on the occasion of the beatification, his remains were transferred in the Chapel of the General House in Rome.
With the eyes fixed on Jesus Crucified, Rose became increasingly strong within him the passion for the salvation of souls. Therefore, the Eucharist every day lived in a mystical way: in his imagination, the Saint saw the world as a great circle, was placed in the center and looked at Jesus, Victim immaculate in every corner of the land was offered to the Father through the Eucharistic Sacrifice. Called this way of rising to God, "the great circle." With constant prayer, spiritually involved all the Masses were held throughout the world: united pains, fatigue, the joys of his life to Jesus Christ's suffering, worrying that the Precious Blood of Jesus was not shed in vain . Charisma We can synthesize the charisma of Rosa Venerini in a nutshell. Lived consumed by two passions: the passion for God and passion for the salvation of souls. When he realized that girls and women of the time they needed to be educated and instructed in the truths of Faith and Morals, spared no time, work, struggles, difficulties of all kinds to answer to God's call. He was aware that the announcement of good news could only be welcomed, if earlier, people were liberated from the darkness of ignorance and error. Furthermore, had sensed that vocational training for women could get a human promotion and recognition in society. This project required an educational community, unpretentious. Rosa, with great historical advance, provided the style Church of Apostolic Religious Community. Rosa did not use its educational mission only at school, but used every opportunity he had to announce the love of God, comforted and healed the sick, revived the hopeless, comforted the distressing, inviting sinners to new life, urged the faithful to consecrated persons, assist the poor, fighting all forms of moral slavery. Educate to save became the motto that drives the Pious Teachers Venerini to continue the work of the Lord according to the wishes of its founder and radiate throughout the world the charisma of the Holy Mother: free the human being from ignorance and bad for the Project of God, that each person has, become visible. | Is this a wonderful legacy that Rosa Venerini left his daughters, wherever they are: in Italy, as in other countries, the Pious Teachers seek to live and transmit the apostolic desire of the Mother, giving priority to the poorest. The Congregation, having made its contribution in favor of the Italians who emigrated to the USA from 1909 and in Switzerland from 1971 to 1985, he expanded his apostolic activity in other countries: India, Brazil, in Cameroon, Romania, Chile, Venezuela, in Albania and Nigeria. |
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